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System Reqs

I have been unable to find the system reqs or any suggestion of system reqs for this game. Does anyone have an idea of what you will need to play?


  • raoulraoul Member Posts: 88

    mid range systems... last released was:

    P4 1.7 Ghz or equivalent

    512 MB RAM

    10 GB free HDD space (this will probably need to increase)

    Pixel Shader 1.1 compatible video card with 128 MB

    Internet connection

    but that was 4 months ago, so a P3 might be able to run it.


    Actually, this question: "What gameplay can we expect with lower end systems or minimum settings? What are the specs of some of the mid or low range systems you've been testing on?" will be answered soon, so that might give you an answer.

  • TwohededboyTwohededboy Member Posts: 200

    Thanx for the information. I have a problem with new games coming out that are attempting to push the envelope with out letting people with competent but some what older systems play. Any word on whether it is being produced towards Vista or is Vista still to buggy to be a concern?

  • raoulraoul Member Posts: 88

    seems like some people in beta have had some vista problems, but i haven't heard anything really on their plans for vista or DX10...

  • epicstruggleepicstruggle Member Posts: 17

    I really hope to put together a high end computer for this game. Ive seen some of the videos and Id really like to enjoy the game with all the bells and whistles on.

  • phorsothphorsoth Member Posts: 37

    Theres a video up now on the community web site about this, check it out.

    Take note that he says their target low end goal is a X800 card. The first time I heard this I was like "What my 9600-pro wont run it! NOOO!" But come to find out that is at the level they say you should be able to have every thing on high-mid. My 9600-pro 128MB card, I am told, should be able to handle the game quite well on almost all mid, maybe some low, graphic settings.




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