I just really started paying attention to this game so Im not sure on this. Can characters get capes? Cant member a sceen Ive seen with them but maybe you can be nice and save me the time in looking.
thinking about it, I can't remember seeing any either. So far from what I've seen, they're using the general mold of the historical armor and other clothes and gear but giving them a stylized twist. So, maybe they'll have some armor sets that might historically have had capes. Not sure how to explain this part but try and stay with me here. It might be difficult to code that in, because it looks like most of the character models movement will call for armor and clothing to be more form fitting. Funny as that might sound I could be totally off, they will have to code in the cape model to flow with the movement and to sort of hug the character model.
It's late with no coffee so sorry for rambling over much.
If you see how the characters move and especially fight a cape would look nice but is not very handy when fighting(bad example because it's a game, I know. But I think you know what I mean)
Coding I do not think would be that big a problem. Think city of heroes as far as the animations work. I think they did a pretty good job. Its not a big deal Just think it would be nice. Also now that I think about it I dont think cape is the right word. Think more robe or sash over armor kind of thing.
Yeah, it would be nice with capes but with all that animation during fights it's not so doable. Also i find that with "conventional" mmo's where there isn't that much movement during fights, relatively to G&H I mean, that is where you do appreciate a cape that sways around a bit, but in this game I won't miss it a bit. According to the last screenshot I saw of the inventory/equipment window of G&H (which will surely get an overhaul by launch) there were plenty of item slots to compensate for the missing cape slot.
Id love to see capes in this game. I dont think it is very high on the priority list of things needed/wanted in the game, but it would be nice to have it.
It's late with no coffee so sorry for rambling over much.
Never give up and never surrender!
If you see how the characters move and especially fight a cape would look nice but is not very handy when fighting(bad example because it's a game, I know. But I think you know what I mean)
Never give up and never surrender!
Id love to see capes in this game. I dont think it is very high on the priority list of things needed/wanted in the game, but it would be nice to have it.