which game do u think has the best in game community. like freindly players, not alot of cheaters, and easyness to find people to adventure with. im gonna say FF11. i never met one rude person in that game and we had huge parties while adventuring. one time we had two partys of about 9 people each and were just hunting. best time ive had in a game like this.
I say Legend of Mir because everyone knows everyone. Its not the most friendly but if u do something good or bad. Everyone knows.
They also have a gathering over in the UK i think every year. Its call MirStock where a ton of players go and meet each others in real life.
I have to agree with crazytn here, i have made some genuine friends from playing the game, who i have met and been to mirstock with (crazy days in Blackpool), i couldn't go last year and i doubt i will be able to this year due to work commitments.
MIRstock is becoming an annual event with people comin from all over the planet, USA, Japan, Germany, Australia etc, and the only reason they come is has to be to meet each other (believe me it ain't for the bands that play) lolz.