Until basically now I wasn't even aware that Pirates of the Caribean Online was in the makeing.....
So I wonder, is there any info/comparison to PotBS? Is it just the theme that is similar (copyright aside), or is there a chance of being confronted with 2 clones?
take a look at PoTC, their is no competition between the two. Watch the trailer/ gameplay video of PoTC and you can see that no one is ever going to play it. Its made by the makers of Toon Town Online, the only people who will buy PoTC are parents who are buying it for their kids whom don't know that its a awful game.
The overall quality of PoTBS completly blows PoTC out of the water, the gfx of PoTC are dated and the gameplay looks verty stale. PoTBS will deliver a fresh and innovative gameplay system and one hell of a pvp experience.
Couldn't agree more. The only thing the two games have in common is a *very* general theme. One good way of looking at it, at least in my opinion, is choices. PotC allows you to be a pirate, that's it. PotBS has English, French, Spanish and Pirate factions, with different career choices among them.
PotCO is NOT a horrible game. It's not a triple A MMO that's all.
It is geared towards "Everyone" (I.E. kids and preteens) so it's mostly simplistic. PotBS is by far the better Pirate/Naval game however.
Disney's game Pirates of the Caribbean Online is aimed at the same market that their "Toontown" game is aimed at, kids. Just know that they'll likely monitor their servers very closely for inappropriate behavior to safeguard the large population of children that will play the game.
Now here is PotBS
"Don't corpse-camp that idea. Its never gonna rez"
Bladezz (The Guild)
And the supernatural stuff in Pirates of the Buring Sea is done more mildly than PotC. So it makes it so you dont have to ruin ur realistic fun
ok, thanks all.
I admit I didn't watch the videos. I was more like "doooh??? suddenly another pirate mmo?"
Disney > Sony anyday.
so why dont you edit that and say Disney > Flying Labs... if thats the way you really feel.
Ignorant kids trolling the forums again.
What about Voyage Century? How does that compare?
There is an ad for "Tales of Pirates" it's the most anticipated game, free forever, and has 5 million registered users!
That blows away PotBS doesn't it?
Lol 5 million
I think you might be overestimating a little bit there
It's not quite the look we're going for. I'm sure it will be fun for a lot of people who are after the cartoon look and feel, but that's not us.
Rick Saada - FLS Dev & EFPBM
Rick Saada - FLS Dev & EPFBM
PotBS has nothing to worry about.
Here is a vid of PotC beta.
LOL... Anarchy Online .. with a pirate theme.. how nice ....
Where does a developer get it in their head to make the EXACT same game as one that has already bombed?... I think that's even the same beginners map that AO had...
Because: the movies made millions, and money drives the market. That''s exactly why they dumbed it down for kids... no hardcore MMO players are going to be interested in a PotC MMO for very long and it would go the way of MxO. It probably will anyway. However, several thousand kiddies will snap up the retail box and play for at least a couple of months.
What I look for in MMOs:
PotBS has more of all of that than PotCO or Voyage
The only reason you wouldn't want to go PotBS besides the others, would be because your graphics card couldn't support
Its not much of a competition tbh, its just another rubbish game based off a populer film franchise. It will probably do well for just having POC and disney on the front, but it wont make a dent in the potential subscribers for this game.
I am pretty sure that its a completly different market as well. I mean people who like just pirates, and monsters, basically a treasure island like game will be the types to potentially play pirates of the carribian. people who like a more realistic game, with very little fantasy. will be looking at pirates of the burning sea.
Either case this is hardly a competition. Both games are geared towards different audiences, but if were going to stricktly speak of content then id go for PoTBS. Why? because even before launch they already have 1k missions for each faction. A ton of ships models and the ability for the community to provide content as well.
Either case this is hardly a competition. Both games are geared towards different audiences, but if were going to stricktly speak of content then id go for PoTBS. Why? because even before launch they already have 1k missions for each faction. A ton of ships models and the ability for the community to provide content as well.
We know that SOE is a failure in development department but is'nt Disney a publisher too?.
Kettle win this round..
PotBS is definitely what I'm waiting for this year, and I have great expectations.
I couldn't possibly stomach PotC.
Cant wait for PoTbS when is the open Beta starting .
yeah PotBS with lose customers to PotC because of SOE, but i don't think PotBS cares as they will still gain more customers and still make more $ with SOE then by publishing the game solo
Besides what ever makes more $ is best for the game right
Probably a week or two before release, which has been estimated by the developers to be fall 2007.