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The Star Wars Galaxies official site has been updated with the announcement of the names of the newly chose Galactic Senate.
Congratulations to the newly appointed Galactic Senate! Over 800 nominations were sent in, and all positions are now filled. Here the community leaders who will serve in the Galactic Senate as a voice for all players..
- Legacy Senator: Martokk
- Legacy Senator: BadgerSmaker
- Legacy Senator: Elyssa
- Beast Master Senator: KrackenOne
- Bounty Hunter Senator: TuCheck
- Commando Senator: MasterCosmo
- Entertainer Senator: Boscohark
- Jedi Senator: ArkonPhoenix
- Medic Senator: PhiberOptic
Thank you to everyone who sent in a nomination! The Senate will begin its business in short order.
View the full list of Senators here.
Take 3, pifft...
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
With Senators named 'SmokingFrog' and 'IronChickenPro' it's no wonder the Emperor decided to disband it lol
Its there forum handle name, who gives a fuck if its smokingfrog. Its not their in game player name.
Its there forum handle name, who gives a fuck if its smokingfrog. Its not their in game player name.
Trouble is it might be thier names in game also. You know this crowd by now, I'm sure.
Now that's Star Warsy!
....just not the Star Wars I remember.
"Soloists and those who prefer small groups should never have to feel like they''re the ones getting the proverbial table scraps, as it were." - Scott Hartsman, Senior Producer, Everquest II
"People love groups. Its a fallacy that people want to play solo all the time." - Scott Hartsman, Executive Producer, Rift
they had to elect them. nobody else plays!
You guys are so frakking funny- Republic credits will do.
Well Ironchickenpro is clearly professional. Why else would he have "pro" in his name?
So basically this is like the correspondent program. These guys will let the devs know what the playerbase wants, and the devs will ignore them.
SWG - Killed by $OE
WOW - Retired
Playing WAR
To all the gods I hope those arn't their in-game names. Honostly, I wouldn't trust someone who doesn't even bother to have a name that could somehow fit into the Star Wars universe to be an accurate sourse for representing the player base. Odds are they're just another player that doesn't really care about it's relation to Star Wars, so long as they get what they want they could care less about everyone else. I'm NOT saying that these people ARE that way, I'm just saying that this is what I've come to expect from people who use tagline names for their ingame characters like "TehDeathChikken" or whatever
Top Ten Most Misused Words/Phrases in MMO Industry...
Its there forum handle name, who gives a fuck if its smokingfrog. Its not their in game player name.
Trouble is it might be thier names in game also. You know this crowd by now, I'm sure.
Is this council just a fancy name for an out of game thing or is it like in game content?
When you mix forum activity with in game content you sort of confuse things...
You also confuse things when you report about game specific admin stuff to the general public for whom its of no interest... I get these news feeds through RSS... I don't play SWG... I care when there's new screenshots about a new game or... well interesting stuff like a new expansion... maybe a really cool contest thats a little out of the ordinary can fit in...
This type of news however is really blah to me. I don't care about forum popularity contest for games I don't play. Like Alienovrlord, I just assumed this was some sort of in game advancement where people gain status and power through elections... ...this would have been mildly interesting...
If this is in game then ... WOW... for me the news headline should be "SWG PLAYERS DONT GIVE A FOK ABOUT THE RPG IN MMORPGs LOOK AT THEIR STUPID NAMES!!!!OMG"
Martokk, Elyssa are ok... TuCheck, Boscohark too maybe... KrackenOne? MasterCosmo? ArkonPhoenix? PhiberOptic? tell me thats not in game!
Naw they won't ignore them, they'll point at the post and laugh hysterically I'm sure. Then do nothing.
No that is not my name in game. Although, a forum handle doesn't say much about what anyone really is. what they do is more important.
As Rodney Dangerfield once said, "What's in a name?"
Dooku. Jar Jar. Ephont Mon. 'nuff said.
And no, those are not their in-game names. Not that the Senate is an in-character entity, anywho.
I'm not sure why I took the time to register just to reply. I guess I wanted to clear up some misconceptions, even if it was only from 12 people.
This is Tubeck Idos from SWG (Shadowfire). My forum name is there is a slight difference there.
Well, things just got kicked off for the SWG Senate. The final Senators were appointed by the Dev team. None of us were "voted in", so it wasn't a popularity contest. We are looking forward to getting down to business and getting most of the "bugs" out of our representative professions.
I completely understand the less than postive comments about SWG that were made here. Things were very different when some of you may have played. The most notable difference would be the Dev team itself. Although it is quite smaller now, it is also more active and more aware then all previous Dev teams combined. Torres is gone, and so is Thunderheart.
I won't take up extra room, but if you are even slightly is a link to a list of "fixes" these Devs have been working on lately. Bug Bash Trust me, it won't hurt to look.
Recently the Devs introduced the Beast Master profession, and yes we made fun of the name as well. Marc Singer was never so popular as was when the name for the new system was announced. This brought the most complex "crafting system" ever seen in any MMO I've ever played. Of course some of the older player just wanted to mock the attempt to bring back "creature handler", but once in place, it was obvious that the Devs were not trying to bring back anything. It's a whole new system, and it works very well.
Up next for SWG is the new content "Heroic Encounters"...and once again, the WoW jokes go flying, but it IS hard to avoid the, sometimes, obvious.
"Heroic Encounters -
We have chosen to advance the story of our good friends from the former Village of Aurilia. Apparently all the materials and effort the players contributed helped grow the Village into a Township. This Township will be our "nexus" or gathering spot for linking up with others to go on the Heroic encounters with, obtain buffs, or just hang out. Dropships to quickly transport groups from the Township to areas near the entrances to the encounter areas should be available here. There will also be a variety of new quests and rewards will be available for helping out the people of Aurilia.
As for the encounters these should all be tuned to 8 people and yield some fun surprises. I'm not going to reveal what goes on inside the encounters until we get closer to Testing."
It should be noted that the decision to implement "Heroic Encounters" was based off an "in game poll". Just like the previous poll, where players stated they wanted a tougher PvE world, that's exactly what they got.
Here are the results from the poll.... Heroic Encounters Wins!
Believe it or not...these Devs DO listen. We vote, they respond.
Although some players are beyond anything SWG, in any state other then pre-CU, has to offer, some players are willing to "give it another chance", and most are staying.
Another option the Devs are giving us is the new Orgins feature.
Also on deck with the Chapter 8 is added content for JtL and Space.
I guess I could have said what I came to say using fewer words:
SWG is no longer Pre-CU, and it never will be again. I am a "Launch Day vet" myself, and I too remember the days of "salad and glory". I remember the feeling the Community gave me and how I was actually proud to be a part of it. Even now, I find it hard to put into words....but I moved on. And to those out there, who still miss hanging out in the MO, or base raids on soon as you can stop comparing what you "lost" to what is being presented, you too might actually be surprised.
It's not Pre-CU, it's not CU...hell, it's not even NGE anymore, but if your willing, it is fun again.
SWG now offers a "free trial", what would it hurt?
Thanks for your time.
I can confirm that SmokingFrog goes by a different ingame name, he's a member of my guild
TBH, I think the whole name thing is just people here running out of things to cry about...
LOOL! Thanks you saved my day! LOL
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
This is all off topic now but personally I feel like other players are kinda part of the content... that's we there's teaming and guilds and such... I like to stay immersed... perhaps not role play but I really hate it when I meet people who do not care enough about the setting to try and create a plausible character that fits in.
In any case... I don't know why we get these news alert about totally uninteresting news bits. I think they should diversify their RSS feeds and create game specific interest feeds only... where this would be more appropriate.
The point is not the devs wasnt active as it is today, actually its EXACTY the contrary.. I would prefer a quiet dev team on contrary of an active dev team who is SO ACTIVE that gives us NGE, for instance... NGE is the resutl of hyper-active dev team, I rather prefer a more quiet team...
Oh yes, I forgot, the NGE was the result of the Devs 'listening' to a hand-picked group of players... I wonder what the 'senators' think of the CU, NGE and so, and if any of those 'senators' was one of the 'brilliant' players who 'advised' the DEVs to introduce us the wonders of NGE (which is, step by step being revoked)
Since you asked:
As a Senator, I really enjoyed the CU, and felt the NGE was a mistake, so it's a good thing the NGE is gone.
I'm not here to advertise for anyone. I'm sharing my opinion of the SWG we play today.
As for how active the Devs takes a lot of work to move past the NGE, and it's working.
Who was responsible for the NGE? Who cares? I know who wasn't was NOT the players or the current Dev team, and that's good enough for me.
"We aren't mandating any big changes to the game (Vanguard). We've learned a thing or two with our experiences with the NGE and don't plan on repeating mistakes from the past." - John Smedley
I may still miss a lot of my old friends...but I've made new friends as well, and every now and then, in the mix of it all, new memories are made. I'll tell you what I don't miss....getting a buff in Cnet, I did it about an hour ago before heading off to PvP in Restuss.
Good to know Tucheck, and thanks for answering, I also enjoyed the CU and, as EVERYONE ELSE, hated NGE...
The point is that no one trust SOE anymore, if they were in my country they would have problems with the law, since we have a strict consumer code in here who forbids this kind of behavior against the consumers... Anyway, Star Wars Galaxies is dead...Smedley itself killed it.
Forgive me if all this 'senator' thing sounds to me like an excuse of SOE of their mistake instead of REALLY trying to do something to improve the game (and this would be REALLY listening their player base, which means returning ALL professions, ending the NGE once for all). Its like "You know people, we want to hear you! We made a mistake but now we have learned". If thats so, bring back the Old SWG... nah... I will not trust them until they REALLY assume their mistake, public AND do something to REALLY FIX it... They are working over a wrong base (NGE).. The flair of SWG was the way in which you could play, the skills, the enormous number of possibilities on playing, the customization (now, with this WOW-like loot thing, everyone looks alike). Everyday they try to make the game more WoW-like, but poorly developed (I would say that the SWG today has a smell of free-MMO), paying less devs then making the game simpler... they DONT want to make the game better, they just want to make it simple, but in this way they made it EVEN SIMPLER than WoW.... And I dont see it changing, at least not to the core...
The "Senate" is nothing more than SOE wanting the players who are still, after a year and a half, unhappy with the current state of the game, and who still play the POS for some unfathomable reason, to have someone else than the dev team to blame. It is nothing more than a buffer for the dev team. Think of the Simpsons episode where Homer is the Mardi Gras King and tells the drunks to jump in front of his out of control float. That is the purpose of the SWG 'Senate'.
pretty cool idea, though i think it would mesh much better with a "world" style game like UO or runescape
well or original SWG
John Smedley is sodding Palpatine, the players are the senate.... Now I think I'll leave it to your Star Wars knowledge on what happens next just like with the NGE.... They're just trying to seem like the good guys but the moment the senators start seeing that somethings gone wrong and try to do something about it, they'll be dissolved again.
Quoting people doesn't make you clever, in fact, it makes you all the more stupid for not bothering to read the quotes you post in the first place.