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I have had computer problems lately.
I have a AMD AthlonXP 2400+ runing at 2ghz
512 megs of ram
128meg GeForce Ti4200 128meg graphics card
Windows XP
I have gone to people, I have gone to tech forums, and I have talked ot many paople I know.
Nobody can figure it out.
Currently when playing games like Planetside, Starwars Galaxies, Jedi Knight, well pretty much any game.
My computer is slow, horribly slow.
Here is an example of compairing to my brothers gaming rig.
He has a 800mhz Processor, 318ish(dont ask)megs of ram, and a 32 meg gfx card...
He is playing SWG on low-mid graphics settings, and only lags in very busy areas
I run it on MINIMUM graphics settings, and I lag in... well, everywhere.
I have goten all the newest drivers, Direct X, I have scan disked, Defragged till my computer was at <1% fragmented.
I have no ideas left, I have reset my bios to default.
Im hoping maybe somebody here has an idea.
after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...
Do you have a virus? Or an antivirus? If you don't have one, you can get a kick ass one for free here.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help, but this is a way to stop a problem in it's tracks if thats what it is.
Good luck!
サ ー ス ベ ン
Ive used AVG and Norton, but ill check with this one.. might have missed somthing.
after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...
Maybe one of your computers components are messed up???maybe one or multiple fans are messed up causeing you system to run slow.....
or maybe one of the other parts.....
Waiting for
Everquest 2
World of warcraft
Half-life 2
Guild wars
Currently playing
Everquest...45 wood elf Ranger
DAoC.....26 Paladin *albion*
-Rhalon 85 B.E. rogue
-Rhalon 81 UD Mage
-Doneski 85 Orc death knight
"Everyones life has a beginning and an end, No one can change that."-Hiko
"If you wish to taste the ground, then feel free to attack."-Kenshin Himura
anybody know of a good way I can find out if its one of my componenets that is malfunctioning?
after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...
Can you bring it to your local CompUSA? hehe, if you have one. Anyways, I had Norton AntiVirus. It freaken sucks compared to this. I just got this (Avast!) and it works great, I ran a Norton scan and it detected 5 possible at risk viruses and the delete failed like it always does. I tried the Avast! and it found 9 possible at risk viruses and it deleted them all completely and easily. After I did this, my computer ran a lot faster. Other than that, you may have a bad graphics card... bad as in old or breaking. If that's the case, which I have rarely heard of, then you should either test your graphics card (with PC doctor, which came with my IBM system), or you can get a new one or something. I really can't help you unless I see your comp for myself.
Use the programs on your computer to your advantage, if you have any of those programs.
サ ー ス ベ ン
If you have alot of programs running on the taskbar, your system will run slow. Go to start -> Run -> type msconfig -> click startup tab -> uncheck all of them and restart. My moms comp is always like this everytime I go over there, she installs every program to the taskbar and her PC runs like poo.
Laying in bed, looking up at the stars, a single thought passed through my head. Where the fuck is my roof?
I did the scan, no viruses , havent had one in quite a while actually.
As for bad graphics card.... im starting to worry, cause I had a similar problem with my old comp, and the gfx card is the only thing I carried over.
Im gona go look for a program to check this out, or read up on it.. or somthing lol.
Anywho Id drop it off a CompUSA, but that would be quite a drive south across the border.
Thanks for the help, Ill keep you posted if I get a breakthrough.
sombody also told me it might be my hard drive.
oh and about backgorund apps, I went on a rampage a few days ago and got rid of those, didnt really notcie much more speed tho.
UPDATE: PC-Doctor found nothing wrong with my computer...
the mystery continues.
after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...
Have you updated your sound driver as well? And all of the windows patches, including ones that don't auto update?
Also, find a registry defragger/cleaner also. It will tell you if there's anything wrong with your system registry and that MIGHT be part of the problem. I don't have a direct link, but head to and search for one, it might or might not help.
AHH! Run away from the monster! He's going to eat us!
Socializer 80% Explorer 73% Achiever 33% Killer 13%
Killer 100% Socializer 40% Explorer 33% Achiever 27%
~I am going to rule the world someday, I promiseness ~
~I am going to rule the world someday, I promiseness ~
Talon, I dont really know if its slow out of games, as I dont really have anything similar to my computer to compair it to.
But Im thinking it does as I install programs as fast if not slower than my bros comp (the one mentioned in my first post)
(note, That my HD is on DMA)
after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...
Do you have a Win XP disk? If so, your problem can be easily solved...
Backup your important files, and format your hard drive. If that DOESN'T work, look into getting a new hard drive.
Other than that, I can't really think of anything else right now.
AHH! Run away from the monster! He's going to eat us!
Socializer 80% Explorer 73% Achiever 33% Killer 13%
Killer 100% Socializer 40% Explorer 33% Achiever 27%
~I am going to rule the world someday, I promiseness ~
~I am going to rule the world someday, I promiseness ~
I belive I am slow pretty much all the time, although I only really notice the slowdown in games.
after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...
the problem could be he has a slow cpu but if his graphics are slow theres a fix.Change direct x 9 to open Gl.
INtel sucks
Imperium Acranum rapped me
You should hit Ctrl+alt+del and look at what your CPU usage is. See if its running at a high percentage with no games running, and then run up a game and check cpu usage again.
Laying in bed, looking up at the stars, a single thought passed through my head. Where the fuck is my roof?
Might be HD or gfx card
I was thinking the same thing, I was gona turn off my gfx card and then test to see if that was it.
Speaking of testing my gfx card, how do you change Direct X to OpenGL?
as for high percentage, I already looked at that
and its at 7% and thats with media player on.
after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...
It could be spyware or it could be how your BIOS is configured.
Ultima X Guild-
Guardians of Scotland
"Those who sacrifice liberty in the name of security deserve neither"- Ben Franklin
"Unlike me, many of you have accepted the situation of your imprisonment and will die here like rotten cabbages."- Number Six's speech from "Free for All"
yes Im looking into my Bios right now.
and I know for a fact its not any kind of Virus.
UPDATE: using 3dmark01 I have crossed GFX card of the list (big sigh of relief)
Im left with..
Network card
Anybody know a good way of testing these short of buying new ones?
after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...
Your HD's manufactyurers website will have a tool for testing your HD. You should also chect out what brand motherboard you have. If your operating with a via chipset you'll want to get the latest 4 in 1 driver to help performance and prevent crashing. Also click start > run and type "dxdiag" confirm the tests and verify you're Direct X isn't messed up, I know plenty of people who installed older games and without know it, the game installs Dx5 and botches up there Dx9 real nice. Check free disk space, as well make sure you have min 500megs free but recommended more then a gig. When windows runs out of ram it'll hit into your swap and if you run out of disk space for the swap your system will lag to hell. CHeck system temps of course. If your systems over heating the CPU & video card will slow down to try and normalize heat (assuming you have your board drivers installed that is). Also feel free to check your startup items. Clear anything not nessasry, don't waste ram for extra nav bars and junk.
Is your installation of windows and upgrade or a fresh install? Also if your using XP and don't like System restore (great for newbs, wasted ram for power users) then turn it off by right clicking my computer and choosing "properties", goto system restore and turn it off. Saves a bit of drive space and a minute amount of lag
If your hardware all tests good, and system teps are normal, then it's most likley a driver issue and/or conflicting app or hardware setting.
Also for best performance, verify wether or not your mb has an on board raid card, if it does they are normally linked to a pci slot and it's advised you make sure another card is not in that slot otherwise it could create an irq conflict.
Umm.. Hope thats enough for now. If you get some more symptoms or time based nfo let me know
recently one of my computers would start running slow after 1 or 2 days use.And i had to defrag it like every other day to be able to play anything useful.
So i recently reformatted my HD and did a fresh load of windows XP and it runs like a dream now.