Lets explain what meen customers to kids. A wow customer is a person who have purchased the game and creatd 1 account (acording the Blizzard site also, read down) History: 19 Decemer 2005 Blizzard anounced 5 Milions CUSTOMERS
28 February 2006 Blizzard anounce 6 milions CUSTOMERS
Customer base reaches 6 million players worldwide as Blizzard Entertainment® prepares its award-winning MMORPG for continued growth in Europe http://www.blizzard.com/press/060228.shtml
In prezent we know the numbers of CUSTUMERS is betwin 8.5 -9 milions. They have over 8.5 milions of accounts = subscribers. But not all accounts ar active. Servers look more empty evryday. There is a new land where Blizzard to farm more money - Asia. Like other peoples sayd Asia is The Outland, a land that must be explored and exploitd by Blizzard, maibe they will find oil there and change the title in World of Oilcraft. Comercial games ar money based and not art and quality. The tragedy is that that World Of Kindergarten will be always suportd by Kids money. If Wow will never fall is because was constructd in these aspect, to be loved by kids and idiots forever.
Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. announced today that World of Warcraft®: The Burning Crusade™ sold through approximately 3.5 million copies within one month following its mid-January launch in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia.* This includes more than 1.9 million sold in regions that play on North American realms, including more than 100,000 copies in Australasia, and nearly 1.6 million in Europe. World of Warcraft's worldwide subscriber base now numbers more than 8.5 million and is continuing to grow as new and returning players join existing players in the game.
World of Warcraft®'s Subscriber Definition
World of Warcraft subscribers include individuals who have paid a subscription fee or have an active prepaid card to play World of Warcraft, as well as those who have purchased the game and are within their free month of access. Internet Game Room players who have accessed the game over the last thirty days are also counted as subscribers. The above definition excludes all players under free promotional subscriptions, expired or cancelled subscriptions, and expired prepaid cards. Subscribers in licensees' territories are defined along the same rules.
Blizzard subscriber definition clearly shows this 8.5 million number does NOT include in-active accounts, they are all active accounts that have game time left on them.. and they dont include trial accounts either
Hey Jerry, how about you read your own link before you post it. This is comming from the link YOU posted.
"World of Warcraft's Customer Definition
World of Warcraft customers include individuals who have paid a subscription fee or purchased a prepaid card to play World of Warcraft, as well as those who have purchased the installation box bundled with one free month access. Internet Game Room players that have accessed the game over the last seven days are also counted as customers. The above definition excludes all players under free promotional subscriptions, expired or cancelled subscriptions, and expired pre-paid cards. Customers in licensees' territories are defined along the same rules."
Here I'll point it out.
" World of Warcraft customers include individuals who have paid a subscription fee or purchased a prepaid card to play World of Warcraft, as well as those who have purchased the installation box bundled with one free month access"
So what does this mean? It means that everyone who is currently:
- paid a subscribtion fee or has an active prepaid time card. In other words, an active account that is being paid for
- Who bought the game and is currently on their first free month trials.
- Internet cafe users who played (Internet cafe users pay per hour) in the last seven days.
is considered a customer/subscriber.
Everyone who is NOT considered a customer/subscriber:
- Free promotional subsctibtion, IE, the 7 day free trial
- expired or cancelled subscribtion. In other words, accounts that are inactive
- expired pre - paid cards. See above.
Now stop making yourself look stupid and just accept the fact WoW has 8,5 million active subscribers, just read the press releases.
"Complexity is not a substitute for depth." ~gamasutra article
A game with depth is fun, but a game with high complexity is not. Yet, it is often hard to distinguish between the two in a game.
You should try to play some non-computer games. Things like Magic: The Gathering are much more fun than World of Warcraft. Or you can go out and buy (or download =.=) some old but good SINGLE PLAYER games. I bet you'll have much more fun.
You should just STOP playing MMORPGs. I'm completely over with it now. All of them looks the same. Only single player games give you a fresh feeling everytime you get a new game. I'm totally looking forward to Assassin's Creed
Since the games release on November 23, 2004, WOW has won numerous awards and as of March 2007 there were a reported 8.5 million worldwide subscribers making it the most popular MMORPG game in the world. About 3.5 million subscribers are located in China, over 2 million in North America, and 1.5 million are located in Europe. The game’s first expansion pack, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade was released in January 2007.
Those ar locations where peoples bought wow. There is no comment how many packets they sold.
If you want to make more publicity yu report the bigest number, same like they done with TBC reporting over 3,5 milions packets sold.
Jerry is right, the 8,5 milions ar the total of customers who bought wow or wow + tbc.
do you really think, just because a song is number 1 on a chart, it's the best song out there?
Because that is exactly what the industry want you to belive.. people are so primitive, its almost funny..
its all about marketing.if you can find the game in every store you look in its more likely that you are going to try it out..
few people try games they havent ever heard about..
but wow also made mmorpg extremly commerse, now the gengre kind of reminds me of trance music in the late 90's (europe) and maby the whole gengre will experiance the same fate, "have you tried one, than you have tried them all". only difference is the graphics and avatar.. i really hope they comes something new and original, because now it looks like everyone useing the same standard template on how to make a mmo..
it also looks like people are waiting for game after game, and what is the first thing people do when they got the new game.. wait for another one? than why wait for the first game in the first place?
and when people ask on this forums, what is the best game? one persons favorit game, is another persons nightmare..
i understand your points, but the facts are alot of people are attached to the blizzard name, blizzard has always made games people really want to play...now that does mean alot of new mmo players came about because basically it was a blizzard game and alot have stated they have no intention to play any other mmo's after wow is gone, unless its starcraft mmo hehe, so basically these other mmo's would have never seen these players anyways.
Blizzard has a huge following that helped them, they do what most other companies won't, they make their game able to play on just about anything, which brings in more players, like macs and ppl with old systems, and that's why they won't be going away anytime soon.
"The great thing about human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand." - Lewis Thomas
All i can say is give Vanguard another year and it will blow wow out of the water (MUCH MUCH MUCH ) better features than any other game in the market today (allmost as good as swg!!!) pre cu
I think the only game in the next couple of years to get close to WoW would be WAR. WoW is just unstoppable but WAR does look very promising and will most likely take a chunk of the subscription numbers out of WoW
I think the only game in the next couple of years to get close to WoW would be WAR. WoW is just unstoppable but WAR does look very promising and will most likely take a chunk of the subscription numbers out of WoW
Agree...I think only WAR will be WoW's only real competition (at least right now), similar graphic style (Warcraft was inspired by Warhammer after all) and they have probably studied WoW inside out and tried to create a better MMORPG....and the fact they have pushed back the release date shows how serious they are of releasing a quality MMO. (Huge tick for me) Not a fan of warhammer stuff or the fact its apparently pvp oriented, but it does look like a great MMO and will most likely take a big slice of WoW's audience. Still, WoW's gonna be around forever lol.
It's amazing to me that people hate WoW so much because of it's success. It's no surprise that any game has it's fanboi's like WoW does, but the sheer amount of hate that WoW engenders is amazing and appears completely irrational.
I played WoW for about a year before I got bored with it. The only reason I ever played the game at all is because a friend of mine bought the game for me so I felt obligated to play it. Once I played it I did enjoy it, but the very idea of pay-to-play annoys me, tho I have to admit that in recent times MMO's seem to be the best pc rpg games going now. I played NWN for 3 years and that's the type of game I would prefer to play. That being said it's clear to me that WoW is the most successful MMO on the market, even 2 years after it's release. Those are just the facts and that shouldn't be something that raises such ire. The only reason I can see that people have such reactions is that they are angry that 'thier' pet game isn't as successful. Frankly the reaction I'm seeing here from some people is just silly.
Being a fan of Bioware I'm interested to see what they come up with for an MMO, tho honestly I'm looking forward to Dragon Age more...assuming it ever actually gets published. I had high hopes for DDO, but Turbine failed to produce a decent game for that franchise. It's too bad, DnD is a great franchise and I would have liked to have seen a decent MMO based on it. There are no other MMO's being talked about these days that interests me with the possible exception of LotR.
Originally posted by heyyon The 8.5 is the number of active accounts. I'd put gold farmers (professional gamers, logging on in 8-12 hour shifts and keeping an account constantly churning) are 1.0 million of those accounts. I'd also say that botters (alternate accounts paid for with a second credit card to not get the main account baned) are another 1.0 accounts currently and I'd wager a large potion (greater than half) of the new subscribers not related to the expansion. Another .5 million of those accounts are likely alternate accounts of real players. Taking away a conservative 2.5 million of those 8.5 active accounts, you get a mere 6.0 million players. It's not that impressive, considering that WoW brought in a large fanboi population. In terms of true MMO players, this game has very few. WoW will not withstand the next Blizzard release.
I think 6 mill is rather impressive regardless, considering EQ reached something just above half a million. I won't try to dispute your guess at the number of farmers and bots, as it'd be pure speculation from my end.
However, I really doubt WoW will lose tons of players to Starcraft II, which I believe is their next release. The next Diablo or Warcraft title though... maybe.
I think the only game in the next couple of years to get close to WoW would be WAR. WoW is just unstoppable but WAR does look very promising and will most likely take a chunk of the subscription numbers out of WoW
Agree...I think only WAR will be WoW's only real competition (at least right now), similar graphic style (Warcraft was inspired by Warhammer after all) and they have probably studied WoW inside out and tried to create a better MMORPG....and the fact they have pushed back the release date shows how serious they are of releasing a quality MMO. (Huge tick for me) Not a fan of warhammer stuff or the fact its apparently pvp oriented, but it does look like a great MMO and will most likely take a big slice of WoW's audience. Still, WoW's gonna be around forever lol.
I agree that WAR is the most likely competition. But, I think (and hope) WAR will also help (like WoW did) to increase the total MMOG player number, so we might not see such a huge hit on WoW or any other game. Hopefully a lot of MMOGs will see an increase in population after new players flood to WAR and some find out it wasn't 100% what they wanted but "hey, what's that other MMOG there?!"
Another point: considering the biggest bulk of WoW accounts is in China maybe some big title in China is more likely to hit WoW's global numbers than any western MMOG? I'd personally be more interested in seeing how the US (including Canada and Australia) and Europe numbers develop.
Wow near 3 years old. Look what hapnd with Archlord and Lotr. The fact is that peoples ar sick with theses type of game, dont worth anymore to full p2p. More then that Wow cartoonish graphic is already old, top graphic engines like Cryogen and Unreal3 take game market in the next age. Aion, Fury, Lineage3, Guild wars 2, etc will be the games of late 2007 -late 2008. Wow already startd, since 1 year ago, to show alot of negatives aspects in players comunity, it will continue to go down.
2Moons will go OB these summer, will be f2p with item shop, i am realy curios how many 2moons players played wow, because Acclaim site registred over 1 milion accounts since few months ago. Personaly i know more then 30 peples that playd wow and will start 2moons. I bet i will find more frends there after OB start.
WoW will take out the plug sometime, but not for a veeery long time, all that talk about ''Oooh, WoW is going down now!'' not gonna happen before alootaaa time.
Will anything ever beat wow as far as quality? Yes...but thats a personal opinion. The game will stay around for a long long time. It's simple, addictive, has low system requirements, Its a winning combo. Games have a way of staying around for a very long time, hell...people are still playing Quake 1!
A lot of people are just the most comfortable with the game, they don't want to switch over to a new game and have to start all over again. Not while they have 5 level 60's and a billion gold on WoW.
"A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer" -Bruce Lee
Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. announced today that World of Warcraft®: The Burning Crusade™ sold through approximately 3.5 million copies within one month following its mid-January launch in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia.* This includes more than 1.9 million sold in regions that play on North American realms, including more than 100,000 copies in Australasia, and nearly 1.6 million in Europe. World of Warcraft's worldwide subscriber base now numbers more than 8.5 million and is continuing to grow as new and returning players join existing players in the game.
World of Warcraft®'s Subscriber Definition
World of Warcraft subscribers include individuals who have paid a subscription fee or have an active prepaid card to play World of Warcraft, as well as those who have purchased the game and are within their free month of access. Internet Game Room players who have accessed the game over the last thirty days are also counted as subscribers. The above definition excludes all players under free promotional subscriptions, expired or cancelled subscriptions, and expired prepaid cards. Subscribers in licensees' territories are defined along the same rules.
Blizzard subscriber definition clearly shows this 8.5 million number does NOT include in-active accounts, they are all active accounts that have game time left on them.. and they dont include trial accounts either
Hey Jerry, how about you read your own link before you post it. This is comming from the link YOU posted.
"World of Warcraft's Customer Definition
World of Warcraft customers include individuals who have paid a subscription fee or purchased a prepaid card to play World of Warcraft, as well as those who have purchased the installation box bundled with one free month access. Internet Game Room players that have accessed the game over the last seven days are also counted as customers. The above definition excludes all players under free promotional subscriptions, expired or cancelled subscriptions, and expired pre-paid cards. Customers in licensees' territories are defined along the same rules."
Here I'll point it out.
" World of Warcraft customers include individuals who have paid a subscription fee or purchased a prepaid card to play World of Warcraft, as well as those who have purchased the installation box bundled with one free month access"
So what does this mean? It means that everyone who is currently:
- paid a subscribtion fee or has an active prepaid time card. In other words, an active account that is being paid for
- Who bought the game and is currently on their first free month trials.
- Internet cafe users who played (Internet cafe users pay per hour) in the last seven days.
is considered a customer/subscriber.
Everyone who is NOT considered a customer/subscriber:
- Free promotional subsctibtion, IE, the 7 day free trial
- expired or cancelled subscribtion. In other words, accounts that are inactive
- expired pre - paid cards. See above.
Now stop making yourself look stupid and just accept the fact WoW has 8,5 million active subscribers, just read the press releases.
Why would any company need to beat Wow?
The Old Timers Guild
Laid back, not so serious, no drama.
All about the fun!
An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it. - Jef Mallett
"Complexity is not a substitute for depth." ~gamasutra article
A game with depth is fun, but a game with high complexity is not. Yet, it is often hard to distinguish between the two in a game.
You should try to play some non-computer games. Things like Magic: The Gathering are much more fun than World of Warcraft. Or you can go out and buy (or download =.=) some old but good SINGLE PLAYER games. I bet you'll have much more fun.
You should just STOP playing MMORPGs. I'm completely over with it now. All of them looks the same. Only single player games give you a fresh feeling everytime you get a new game. I'm totally looking forward to Assassin's Creed
Hot thread here!
Found somthg on google and i think these is the answer http://www.worldofwarcraftempire.com/
Since the games release on November 23, 2004, WOW has won numerous awards and as of March 2007 there were a reported 8.5 million worldwide subscribers making it the most popular MMORPG game in the world. About 3.5 million subscribers are located in China, over 2 million in North America, and 1.5 million are located in Europe. The game’s first expansion pack, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade was released in January 2007.
Those ar locations where peoples bought wow. There is no comment how many packets they sold.
If you want to make more publicity yu report the bigest number, same like they done with TBC reporting over 3,5 milions packets sold.
Jerry is right, the 8,5 milions ar the total of customers who bought wow or wow + tbc.
do you really think, just because a song is number 1 on a chart, it's the best song out there?
Because that is exactly what the industry want you to belive.. people are so primitive, its almost funny..
its all about marketing.if you can find the game in every store you look in its more likely that you are going to try it out..
few people try games they havent ever heard about..
but wow also made mmorpg extremly commerse, now the gengre kind of reminds me of trance music in the late 90's (europe) and maby the whole gengre will experiance the same fate, "have you tried one, than you have tried them all". only difference is the graphics and avatar.. i really hope they comes something new and original, because now it looks like everyone useing the same standard template on how to make a mmo..
it also looks like people are waiting for game after game, and what is the first thing people do when they got the new game.. wait for another one? than why wait for the first game in the first place?
and when people ask on this forums, what is the best game? one persons favorit game, is another persons nightmare..
so.. dont belive the hype.. try before buy.
the 8,5 milions ar the total of customers who bought wow or wow + tbc.
Exactly, you cant have doubts about these.
wow will beat itself, in the part.. how big is the number in canceled accounts.. "try beat that number"
i understand your points, but the facts are alot of people are attached to the blizzard name, blizzard has always made games people really want to play...now that does mean alot of new mmo players came about because basically it was a blizzard game and alot have stated they have no intention to play any other mmo's after wow is gone, unless its starcraft mmo hehe, so basically these other mmo's would have never seen these players anyways.
Blizzard has a huge following that helped them, they do what most other companies won't, they make their game able to play on just about anything, which brings in more players, like macs and ppl with old systems, and that's why they won't be going away anytime soon.
"The great thing about human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand."
- Lewis Thomas
All i can say is give Vanguard another year and it will blow wow out of the water (MUCH MUCH MUCH ) better features than any other game in the market today (allmost as good as swg!!!) pre cu
I think the only game in the next couple of years to get close to WoW would be WAR. WoW is just unstoppable but WAR does look very promising and will most likely take a chunk of the subscription numbers out of WoW
Agree...I think only WAR will be WoW's only real competition (at least right now), similar graphic style (Warcraft was inspired by Warhammer after all) and they have probably studied WoW inside out and tried to create a better MMORPG....and the fact they have pushed back the release date shows how serious they are of releasing a quality MMO. (Huge tick for me) Not a fan of warhammer stuff or the fact its apparently pvp oriented, but it does look like a great MMO and will most likely take a big slice of WoW's audience. Still, WoW's gonna be around forever lol.
It's amazing to me that people hate WoW so much because of it's success. It's no surprise that any game has it's fanboi's like WoW does, but the sheer amount of hate that WoW engenders is amazing and appears completely irrational.
I played WoW for about a year before I got bored with it. The only reason I ever played the game at all is because a friend of mine bought the game for me so I felt obligated to play it. Once I played it I did enjoy it, but the very idea of pay-to-play annoys me, tho I have to admit that in recent times MMO's seem to be the best pc rpg games going now. I played NWN for 3 years and that's the type of game I would prefer to play. That being said it's clear to me that WoW is the most successful MMO on the market, even 2 years after it's release. Those are just the facts and that shouldn't be something that raises such ire. The only reason I can see that people have such reactions is that they are angry that 'thier' pet game isn't as successful. Frankly the reaction I'm seeing here from some people is just silly.
Being a fan of Bioware I'm interested to see what they come up with for an MMO, tho honestly I'm looking forward to Dragon Age more...assuming it ever actually gets published. I had high hopes for DDO, but Turbine failed to produce a decent game for that franchise. It's too bad, DnD is a great franchise and I would have liked to have seen a decent MMO based on it. There are no other MMO's being talked about these days that interests me with the possible exception of LotR.
However, I really doubt WoW will lose tons of players to Starcraft II, which I believe is their next release. The next Diablo or Warcraft title though... maybe.
Agree...I think only WAR will be WoW's only real competition (at least right now), similar graphic style (Warcraft was inspired by Warhammer after all) and they have probably studied WoW inside out and tried to create a better MMORPG....and the fact they have pushed back the release date shows how serious they are of releasing a quality MMO. (Huge tick for me) Not a fan of warhammer stuff or the fact its apparently pvp oriented, but it does look like a great MMO and will most likely take a big slice of WoW's audience. Still, WoW's gonna be around forever lol.
I agree that WAR is the most likely competition. But, I think (and hope) WAR will also help (like WoW did) to increase the total MMOG player number, so we might not see such a huge hit on WoW or any other game. Hopefully a lot of MMOGs will see an increase in population after new players flood to WAR and some find out it wasn't 100% what they wanted but "hey, what's that other MMOG there?!"
Another point: considering the biggest bulk of WoW accounts is in China maybe some big title in China is more likely to hit WoW's global numbers than any western MMOG? I'd personally be more interested in seeing how the US (including Canada and Australia) and Europe numbers develop.
Wow near 3 years old. Look what hapnd with Archlord and Lotr. The fact is that peoples ar sick with theses type of game, dont worth anymore to full p2p. More then that Wow cartoonish graphic is already old, top graphic engines like Cryogen and Unreal3 take game market in the next age. Aion, Fury, Lineage3, Guild wars 2, etc will be the games of late 2007 -late 2008. Wow already startd, since 1 year ago, to show alot of negatives aspects in players comunity, it will continue to go down.
2Moons will go OB these summer, will be f2p with item shop, i am realy curios how many 2moons players played wow, because Acclaim site registred over 1 milion accounts since few months ago. Personaly i know more then 30 peples that playd wow and will start 2moons. I bet i will find more frends there after OB start.
WoW will take out the plug sometime, but not for a veeery long time, all that talk about ''Oooh, WoW is going down now!'' not gonna happen before alootaaa time.
Any mmos there will beat WoW?, proborally.
Warhammer Online perhaps?
Will anything ever beat wow as far as quality? Yes...but thats a personal opinion. The game will stay around for a long long time. It's simple, addictive, has low system requirements, Its a winning combo. Games have a way of staying around for a very long time, hell...people are still playing Quake 1!
A lot of people are just the most comfortable with the game, they don't want to switch over to a new game and have to start all over again. Not while they have 5 level 60's and a billion gold on WoW.
"A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer" -Bruce Lee