Technically every game is a different game than every other game. Of course they're too different games, which is why it's more interesting to compare them. Would be sort of boring comparing if they are, indeed, the same thing. Not much to compare then
As they are, they are very different games which deserves every right for comparison. That's how you determine they're different in the first place.
Now let's go ahead and compare an 18 wheeler truck to a windows background wallpaper.
its just a fight over the game community basically, if ppl think your MMO is better than the other, they will proly play yours, which means more companions, and better overall success for the game
I do think that WAR will be the more polished game and far more balanced; but that is just a feeling. I think AOC will have technically better graphics, though stylistically which is better remains to be seen and may be more about taste. I do think Conan has a more interesting and immersive combat system though. I really am getting sick of targeting. At least WAR has collision detection. These games need more things like both of these games have. PvP on a large scale....real combat-- physics based effects in combat(ragdoll not just prerendered animations) imagine that! Of course collision detection IN area based attacks as well. You swing at a leg- it hits the leg or misses the leg. Fireball hits an area and the effect isn't just an animation but causes the characters to be affected by the blast like you see in more physics based games. Example: You launch a fireball in a narrow corridor and the effect is squeezed in the corridor elongating the effect- like in real life rather than just overlaya 10 x10 grid on the fireball. Isn't that cool? Or if a player is behind a rock -he gets less damage since he is less exposed to the fire-- but is limited in movement and swinging HIS attacks as well. These types of gameplay and physics are already being incorporating in shooters/action games, so the technology is already there. PRGs still are living on a pen and paper-turn based legacy paradigm.
I think the PvP RvR will be more developed and far more balanced and varied in WAR based on the fact that they are having multiple "Types" of PvP. Not just world generica PvP or zone v. Zone. But also Quests where PvP is involved and of course the epic battles for the cities. Not to mention the 4 tiered system.
These differenct types allow different experiences. It also allows for one or two of them to be tweaked if balance or fun is out of wack for some reason.
AOC will have big battles, but it seems all jumbled together and balance could be a big problem. Just a feeling, I hope I'm wrong and it's the greatest thing ever, really. Becuase that will raise the bar for other games. But ask yourself how many times you have been dissappointed. Or how many games actually totally delivered on the hype? Not too many.
It could also be problem because it isn't dvided into four tiers. So weaker players can't do anything or everyone is all the same power. But again this is just a feeling. I think it's possilbe that WAR will run into problems with one of it's PvP models but they can either fix it or stress one of the other ones that turns out better. I think WAR will usher in a new "level" of MMORPG PvP and will set the standard for years. It will be what WoW PvP oly hints at and what the WoW PvP fans always "Wished" they could do!
"I do think that WAR will be the more polished game and far more balanced;" This is Mythic we are talking here. They doesn't even know the definition of balance. DAoC was and is a lot of great things, but it has never been balanced, not ever.
I will definitly give you that, after the last change of the range bow classes to basicly casting (which we all think was to test something for war) it really turned south. My scout was fine as is, but they changed it then they became uber scouts. The game was so un-balanced at that point I quit. Still thou, to this day it was the best rvr out, well ok ... I am a huge fan of the seiging we had, so that had a big part of why I liked it so much
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
Originally posted by Fion "I do think that WAR will be the more polished game and far more balanced;" This is Mythic we are talking here. They doesn't even know the definition of balance. DAoC was and is a lot of great things, but it has never been balanced, not ever.
45 classes + hard to balance stealthers. Of course it is easier to balance a 3-class-system or a FPS.
Just when finally got past the WoW vs EQ2 thing...
Im sorry if this comes across the wrong way Kishe, but its threads like these that carry XXXXX VS XXXXX on and on. If only it could be deleted...
True that, If your tired of these sort of comparisons just don't make these sort of threads. By making this thread you instigated an argument on which is better thus fueling the problem.
If you really want to stop the argument, don't start it.
-Snowman <- this name was taken.....but I like it more
My oppinion: AOC will be the better overall game, with reality limbs chopped. Epic battles with clan involvement and territory control. Most Lineage 2 players will go AOC. Warhammer is an awesome game still but just not as good as AOC. Warhammer will pull more subs from wow then AOC since its so similiar. Once the gaming scene figures which is better, they will bandwagon the best of the two.
Can you describe the similarities between WOW and WAR please.Other than the typical mmorpg set up they are nothing like each other.Dont take my word for it though.
I see no reason why ppl cant like both tbh? maybe its a cash issue, ppl cant afford 2 subs maybe and feel they need to bash whatever game they choose to not afford. I'm gonna buy both, and from what I've seen I'll prolly enjoy them both aswell. When WAR comes I'll prolly phase over to that game more coz everyone I know is going for it
My personal view is AOC will rule the console market and FC know this.If you look at how they have set up this game you will see its very appealing to console gamers.Microsoft are not idiots and they know AOC will be a smash on their 360 console.Before anyone starts shouting " mature rating got to be 18) well that does not mean jack to a lot of parents who will buy AOC for their kids.
Until APB(All Points Bullieten) hits the xbox and pc, AOC will rule in that market.For those that don't no about APB its GTA online.
If one game can take more subs than WOW this will be it...PVP at its most extreme..Guns- Bitches -drugs and all that stuff.....hell yeah
Unfortunately, it seems as you have 2 different games that will release roughly about the same time and run through 2008 as their initial year, it appears you will have this boring and trite comparison. Much like you would have between the MLB's Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees.
Well, eventually they will have to release and then..only then..will anyone really be able to make a fair assessment of either MMO.
Sigh..until that time in 2008...this will continue at a maddening suggestion is simply refuse to post on comparison topics.
All I want is the truth Just gimme some truth John Lennon
I have realized that a lot of people in this forum are posting misleading or false info on games. I was reading another post where someone was posting that AOC could only be played in vista. Which is not true, it also comes in DX9. And now on this topic, you state that you need a 2k-3k "super beast" computer to run the game. When the developers have been saying for the longest time the AOC is completely scalable to what ever your computer performance is. Like someone said here, if you can run oblivion you can run AOC. Seriously people don't post things your friend from school told you or some brief comment you may have over heard. Here's an idea before you post a comment, do your own research (and not from forums) and get the facts straight. And don't make yourself look like a rumor spreading air head.
Funny, the thread is titled.. Stop with the WAR vs AoC and 90% of the comments are WAR vs AoC. This stuff makes me laugh.
Thats because players want to delude themselves that their grind is better then someone else's grind. When in fact its still the same grind by a different name. "OH MY GAWD! YOU'RE KILLING PYTHONS? PFFT NOOB I'M KILLING BOAS!" That basically is what every MMO grinds down too.
Siehst du mich Erkennst du mich Ganz tief in meinem Herz ist noch ein Platz f?r dich Ich suche dich Ich sehne mich nach dem was ich geliebt hab doch ich find es nicht
Just when finally got past the WoW vs EQ2 thing...
2 different games, 2 different lores.... cant be compared !!! i think people who start this comparison threads cant stand it that the other game succeeded as well !!
give me a break you like this game play it ... you dont like it quit it for another one !! simple as A B C !!
but just ilke in real life you have to compare your self with others .. i think same goes to MMOs !!
ok now im confused !! am i with or against comparing games to another !!??
Just when finally got past the WoW vs EQ2 thing...
2 different games, 2 different lores.... cant be compared !!! i think people who start this comparison threads cant stand it that the other game succeeded as well !!
give me a break you like this game play it ... you dont like it quit it for another one !! simple as A B C !!
but just ilke in real life you have to compare your self with others .. i think same goes to MMOs !!
ok now im confused !! am i with or against comparing games to another !!??
Of course you can and should compare them...I'm a consumer and if I want to buy either AOC or WAR (as mmorpgs coming out at the same time) then I want to know which I'm going to enjoy more....I won't realistically play both, so I'm going to compare them.
Personally I'm enjoying this postition. I plugged orginally for Vangaurd which obvisouly didn't work out. Playing LOTRO casually at the moment, and looking forward towards either AOC or WAR. I haven't really researched both games other than the basics and I haven't brought into any hype at all. As long as one is good, I don't care, and I'm actually enjoying that.
My oppinion: AOC will be the better overall game, with reality limbs chopped. Epic battles with clan involvement and territory control. Most Lineage 2 players will go AOC. Warhammer is an awesome game still but just not as good as AOC. Warhammer will pull more subs from wow then AOC since its so similiar. Once the gaming scene figures which is better, they will bandwagon the best of the two.
Yeh because the majority of gamers are gonna go out and splash 2-3k on a new comp just for AoC
One of the reasons WoW has so many subscribers is because of the low system require,ents meaning it can be played on almost any set-up. WAR has not gone for AoC style graphics because the game is about RvR (PvP fused with PvE but more emphasis on the PvP) you can't have 250 v 250 city sieges with AoC graphics without an absolute beast of a computer. AoC's PvP is so draining on your system it has to be seperate from the game world like LoTRO. Most PvP'ers will go to WAR because it is designed from the ground up for RvR and looks really fun. AoC is a PvE centric game with added PvP, there are 20 levels for PvP and 80 for PvE and their will be the mass dungeon raiding aswell. AoC's PvP has no consequences on the majority of the game world, only in the one area. In WAR the PvP affects everything as you can lose zones and eventually you city can be sacked. WAR from what we've seen so far just offers so much more AoC and yes WAR looks more polished at the moment even though it will be released later. Don't mistake me for a rampant fanboi, i will be playing AoC on release and same with Warhammer.
All i can do like the rest of you is give my opinion, once both games are out we will see which is better.
Someone that clearly hasn't looked into the game that much if they think AoC is a PvE game with PvP thrown in. That or that you need a 3k computer to play the game.
Little hint, if you can play Oblivion, you can play AoC. Oh and read the FAQ on PvP, you'll find it blows away the instanced, auto-balanced, carebear PvP the 'other' guys are doing.
I have looked into the game alot and in my opinion if you want to play AoC with nice graphics you will need a beast. Saying if you can play Oblivion you can play AoC is extremely vague, i mean play it at low medium or high. Don't fool yourself by thinking AoC is gonna be the PvP grand daddy. AoC's PvP takes place inside one instanced area called the Border Kingdoms, even your player fortresses in this place are instanced. Anything that happens in the Border Kingdoms has no effect on the rest of the game world.
AoC is PvE centric, it has 80 levels and most of the game world dedicated to PvE with groups instances and high end raiding for loot. For PvP however there are 20 levels and only that one area. Now that tells me that far more time and work has gone into the PvE side of things. AoC's PvP will not blow away the "other" guys PvP and here is why AoC is built mostly around PvE whereas the "other" guys MMO is built from the ground up for PvP/RvR. These "other" guys that you dislike so much are aiming for city sieges of around 250v250, 150 PvP scenarios on release and zone capture which effects the whole game world. In this "other" MMO when you kill a player you can loot him (although you can't take his gear) and gain levels and skills whereas AoC give you blood-money tokens so who's more carebear there?....
I suggest you do some reserach before letting you rabid fanboism be blurted out. Oh and if you try paying AoC with a mid range comp i hope you like playing with PS1 style graphics. Neither of the games have been released and you have already staed that AoC's PvP blows the competition away, you haven't played it and i haven't played it so lets wait till both games are out before saying which is better.
maybe you can quit spreading speculations an lies, AoC will run fine with a medium range comp, and there may be world PvP on the FFA servers, so quit speculating please
My oppinion: AOC will be the better overall game, with reality limbs chopped. Epic battles with clan involvement and territory control. Most Lineage 2 players will go AOC. Warhammer is an awesome game still but just not as good as AOC. Warhammer will pull more subs from wow then AOC since its so similiar. Once the gaming scene figures which is better, they will bandwagon the best of the two.
Yeh because the majority of gamers are gonna go out and splash 2-3k on a new comp just for AoC
One of the reasons WoW has so many subscribers is because of the low system require,ents meaning it can be played on almost any set-up. WAR has not gone for AoC style graphics because the game is about RvR (PvP fused with PvE but more emphasis on the PvP) you can't have 250 v 250 city sieges with AoC graphics without an absolute beast of a computer. AoC's PvP is so draining on your system it has to be seperate from the game world like LoTRO. Most PvP'ers will go to WAR because it is designed from the ground up for RvR and looks really fun. AoC is a PvE centric game with added PvP, there are 20 levels for PvP and 80 for PvE and their will be the mass dungeon raiding aswell. AoC's PvP has no consequences on the majority of the game world, only in the one area. In WAR the PvP affects everything as you can lose zones and eventually you city can be sacked. WAR from what we've seen so far just offers so much more AoC and yes WAR looks more polished at the moment even though it will be released later. Don't mistake me for a rampant fanboi, i will be playing AoC on release and same with Warhammer.
All i can do like the rest of you is give my opinion, once both games are out we will see which is better.
Someone that clearly hasn't looked into the game that much if they think AoC is a PvE game with PvP thrown in. That or that you need a 3k computer to play the game.
Little hint, if you can play Oblivion, you can play AoC. Oh and read the FAQ on PvP, you'll find it blows away the instanced, auto-balanced, carebear PvP the 'other' guys are doing.
I have looked into the game alot and in my opinion if you want to play AoC with nice graphics you will need a beast. Saying if you can play Oblivion you can play AoC is extremely vague, i mean play it at low medium or high. Don't fool yourself by thinking AoC is gonna be the PvP grand daddy. AoC's PvP takes place inside one instanced area called the Border Kingdoms, even your player fortresses in this place are instanced. Anything that happens in the Border Kingdoms has no effect on the rest of the game world.
AoC is PvE centric, it has 80 levels and most of the game world dedicated to PvE with groups instances and high end raiding for loot. For PvP however there are 20 levels and only that one area. Now that tells me that far more time and work has gone into the PvE side of things. AoC's PvP will not blow away the "other" guys PvP and here is why AoC is built mostly around PvE whereas the "other" guys MMO is built from the ground up for PvP/RvR. These "other" guys that you dislike so much are aiming for city sieges of around 250v250, 150 PvP scenarios on release and zone capture which effects the whole game world. In this "other" MMO when you kill a player you can loot him (although you can't take his gear) and gain levels and skills whereas AoC give you blood-money tokens so who's more carebear there?....
I suggest you do some reserach before letting you rabid fanboism be blurted out. Oh and if you try paying AoC with a mid range comp i hope you like playing with PS1 style graphics. Neither of the games have been released and you have already staed that AoC's PvP blows the competition away, you haven't played it and i haven't played it so lets wait till both games are out before saying which is better.
maybe you can quit spreading speculations an lies, AoC will run fine with a medium range comp, and there may be world PvP on the FFA servers, so quit speculating please
To be fair, how do you really know how AOC will run on a medium computer...Vanguard said it would and look what happened (yeah i know AOC isn't Vanguard, but you don't expect Funcom to be saying 'Yeah you're going to be needing a supercomputer or it'll run like crap')
From what Funcom Dev has said though, you'll be able to turn down the graphics a lot, so that you'll be able to play it on a pretty "cheap" computer.. I don't see the problem with having the possibility of great graphics...................
Spoils of War - The quickest way of ending a war is to lose it.
I agree. They're both different games, with different environments and such. Both have alot to offer and many will love both
Now, lets continue the epic question...
Paper v Plastic!
RIP: Masamunex - 75PLD/37WAR Ramuh
We will rise again from the ashes. To take over Vana'Diel.
Im sorry if this comes across the wrong way Kishe, but its threads like these that carry XXXXX VS XXXXX on and on. If only it could be deleted...
WAR is coming, are you prepared?
My oppinion:
AOC will be the better overall game, with reality limbs chopped. Epic battles with clan involvement and territory control.
Most Lineage 2 players will go AOC.
Warhammer is an awesome game still but just not as good as AOC. Warhammer will pull more subs from wow then AOC since its so similiar.
Once the gaming scene figures which is better, they will bandwagon the best of the two.
my pic:
Technically every game is a different game than every other game. Of course they're too different games, which is why it's more interesting to compare them. Would be sort of boring comparing if they are, indeed, the same thing. Not much to compare then
As they are, they are very different games which deserves every right for comparison. That's how you determine they're different in the first place.
Now let's go ahead and compare an 18 wheeler truck to a windows background wallpaper.
its just a fight over the game community basically, if ppl think your MMO is better than the other, they will proly play yours, which means more companions, and better overall success for the game
I do think that WAR will be the more polished game and far more balanced; but that is just a feeling. I think AOC will have technically better graphics, though stylistically which is better remains to be seen and may be more about taste. I do think Conan has a more interesting and immersive combat system though. I really am getting sick of targeting. At least WAR has collision detection. These games need more things like both of these games have. PvP on a large scale....real combat-- physics based effects in combat(ragdoll not just prerendered animations) imagine that! Of course collision detection IN area based attacks as well. You swing at a leg- it hits the leg or misses the leg. Fireball hits an area and the effect isn't just an animation but causes the characters to be affected by the blast like you see in more physics based games. Example: You launch a fireball in a narrow corridor and the effect is squeezed in the corridor elongating the effect- like in real life rather than just overlaya 10 x10 grid on the fireball. Isn't that cool? Or if a player is behind a rock -he gets less damage since he is less exposed to the fire-- but is limited in movement and swinging HIS attacks as well. These types of gameplay and physics are already being incorporating in shooters/action games, so the technology is already there. PRGs still are living on a pen and paper-turn based legacy paradigm.
I think the PvP RvR will be more developed and far more balanced and varied in WAR based on the fact that they are having multiple "Types" of PvP. Not just world generica PvP or zone v. Zone. But also Quests where PvP is involved and of course the epic battles for the cities. Not to mention the 4 tiered system.
These differenct types allow different experiences. It also allows for one or two of them to be tweaked if balance or fun is out of wack for some reason.
AOC will have big battles, but it seems all jumbled together and balance could be a big problem. Just a feeling, I hope I'm wrong and it's the greatest thing ever, really. Becuase that will raise the bar for other games. But ask yourself how many times you have been dissappointed. Or how many games actually totally delivered on the hype? Not too many.
It could also be problem because it isn't dvided into four tiers. So weaker players can't do anything or everyone is all the same power. But again this is just a feeling. I think it's possilbe that WAR will run into problems with one of it's PvP models but they can either fix it or stress one of the other ones that turns out better. I think WAR will usher in a new "level" of MMORPG PvP and will set the standard for years. It will be what WoW PvP oly hints at and what the WoW PvP fans always "Wished" they could do!
I will definitly give you that, after the last change of the range bow classes to basicly casting (which we all think was to test something for war) it really turned south. My scout was fine as is, but they changed it then they became uber scouts. The game was so un-balanced at that point I quit. Still thou, to this day it was the best rvr out, well ok ... I am a huge fan of the seiging we had, so that had a big part of why I liked it so much
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
Im sorry if this comes across the wrong way Kishe, but its threads like these that carry XXXXX VS XXXXX on and on. If only it could be deleted...
True that, If your tired of these sort of comparisons just don't make these sort of threads. By making this thread you instigated an argument on which is better thus fueling the problem.If you really want to stop the argument, don't start it.
-Snowman <- this name was taken.....but I like it more
Can you describe the similarities between WOW and WAR please.Other than the typical mmorpg set up they are nothing like each other.Dont take my word for it though.
I see no reason why ppl cant like both tbh? maybe its a cash issue, ppl cant afford 2 subs maybe and feel they need to bash whatever game they choose to not afford. I'm gonna buy both, and from what I've seen I'll prolly enjoy them both aswell. When WAR comes I'll prolly phase over to that game more coz everyone I know is going for it
My personal view is AOC will rule the console market and FC know this.If you look at how they have set up this game you will see its very appealing to console gamers.Microsoft are not idiots and they know AOC will be a smash on their 360 console.Before anyone starts shouting " mature rating got to be 18) well that does not mean jack to a lot of parents who will buy AOC for their kids.
Until APB(All Points Bullieten) hits the xbox and pc, AOC will rule in that market.For those that don't no about APB its GTA online.
If one game can take more subs than WOW this will be it...PVP at its most extreme..Guns- Bitches -drugs and all that stuff.....hell yeah
Unfortunately, it seems as you have 2 different games that will release roughly about the same time and run through 2008 as their initial year, it appears you will have this boring and trite comparison. Much like you would have between the MLB's Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees.
Well, eventually they will have to release and then..only then..will anyone really be able to make a fair assessment of either MMO.
Sigh..until that time in 2008...this will continue at a maddening suggestion is simply refuse to post on comparison topics.
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
John Lennon
I have realized that a lot of people in this forum are posting misleading or false info on games. I was reading another post where someone was posting that AOC could only be played in vista. Which is not true, it also comes in DX9. And now on this topic, you state that you need a 2k-3k "super beast" computer to run the game. When the developers have been saying for the longest time the AOC is completely scalable to what ever your computer performance is. Like someone said here, if you can run oblivion you can run AOC. Seriously people don't post things your friend from school told you or some brief comment you may have over heard. Here's an idea before you post a comment, do your own research (and not from forums) and get the facts straight. And don't make yourself look like a rumor spreading air head.
You know? I don't even know why I still read these threads, all it is, is just pure venom in most post against a different game.
but AoC is still gona pwn WAR!!!
Thats because players want to delude themselves that their grind is better then someone else's grind. When in fact its still the same grind by a different name. "OH MY GAWD! YOU'RE KILLING PYTHONS? PFFT NOOB I'M KILLING BOAS!" That basically is what every MMO grinds down too.
Siehst du mich
Erkennst du mich
Ganz tief in meinem Herz
ist noch ein Platz f?r dich
Ich suche dich
Ich sehne mich
nach dem was ich geliebt hab
doch ich find es nicht
2 different games, 2 different lores.... cant be compared !!! i think people who start this comparison threads cant stand it that the other game succeeded as well !!
give me a break you like this game play it ... you dont like it quit it for another one !! simple as A B C !!
but just ilke in real life you have to compare your self with others .. i think same goes to MMOs !!
ok now im confused !! am i with or against comparing games to another !!??
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
2 different games, 2 different lores.... cant be compared !!! i think people who start this comparison threads cant stand it that the other game succeeded as well !!
give me a break you like this game play it ... you dont like it quit it for another one !! simple as A B C !!
but just ilke in real life you have to compare your self with others .. i think same goes to MMOs !!
ok now im confused !! am i with or against comparing games to another !!??
Of course you can and should compare them...I'm a consumer and if I want to buy either AOC or WAR (as mmorpgs coming out at the same time) then I want to know which I'm going to enjoy more....I won't realistically play both, so I'm going to compare them.
Personally I'm enjoying this postition. I plugged orginally for Vangaurd which obvisouly didn't work out. Playing LOTRO casually at the moment, and looking forward towards either AOC or WAR. I haven't really researched both games other than the basics and I haven't brought into any hype at all. As long as one is good, I don't care, and I'm actually enjoying that.
One of the reasons WoW has so many subscribers is because of the low system require,ents meaning it can be played on almost any set-up. WAR has not gone for AoC style graphics because the game is about RvR (PvP fused with PvE but more emphasis on the PvP) you can't have 250 v 250 city sieges with AoC graphics without an absolute beast of a computer. AoC's PvP is so draining on your system it has to be seperate from the game world like LoTRO. Most PvP'ers will go to WAR because it is designed from the ground up for RvR and looks really fun. AoC is a PvE centric game with added PvP, there are 20 levels for PvP and 80 for PvE and their will be the mass dungeon raiding aswell. AoC's PvP has no consequences on the majority of the game world, only in the one area. In WAR the PvP affects everything as you can lose zones and eventually you city can be sacked. WAR from what we've seen so far just offers so much more AoC and yes WAR looks more polished at the moment even though it will be released later. Don't mistake me for a rampant fanboi, i will be playing AoC on release and same with Warhammer.
All i can do like the rest of you is give my opinion, once both games are out we will see which is better.
Someone that clearly hasn't looked into the game that much if they think AoC is a PvE game with PvP thrown in. That or that you need a 3k computer to play the game.
Little hint, if you can play Oblivion, you can play AoC. Oh and read the FAQ on PvP, you'll find it blows away the instanced, auto-balanced, carebear PvP the 'other' guys are doing.
I have looked into the game alot and in my opinion if you want to play AoC with nice graphics you will need a beast. Saying if you can play Oblivion you can play AoC is extremely vague, i mean play it at low medium or high. Don't fool yourself by thinking AoC is gonna be the PvP grand daddy. AoC's PvP takes place inside one instanced area called the Border Kingdoms, even your player fortresses in this place are instanced. Anything that happens in the Border Kingdoms has no effect on the rest of the game world.
AoC is PvE centric, it has 80 levels and most of the game world dedicated to PvE with groups instances and high end raiding for loot. For PvP however there are 20 levels and only that one area. Now that tells me that far more time and work has gone into the PvE side of things. AoC's PvP will not blow away the "other" guys PvP and here is why AoC is built mostly around PvE whereas the "other" guys MMO is built from the ground up for PvP/RvR. These "other" guys that you dislike so much are aiming for city sieges of around 250v250, 150 PvP scenarios on release and zone capture which effects the whole game world. In this "other" MMO when you kill a player you can loot him (although you can't take his gear) and gain levels and skills whereas AoC give you blood-money tokens so who's more carebear there?....
I suggest you do some reserach before letting you rabid fanboism be blurted out. Oh and if you try paying AoC with a mid range comp i hope you like playing with PS1 style graphics. Neither of the games have been released and you have already staed that AoC's PvP blows the competition away, you haven't played it and i haven't played it so lets wait till both games are out before saying which is better.
maybe you can quit spreading speculations an lies, AoC will run fine with a medium range comp, and there may be world PvP on the FFA servers, so quit speculating please
One of the reasons WoW has so many subscribers is because of the low system require,ents meaning it can be played on almost any set-up. WAR has not gone for AoC style graphics because the game is about RvR (PvP fused with PvE but more emphasis on the PvP) you can't have 250 v 250 city sieges with AoC graphics without an absolute beast of a computer. AoC's PvP is so draining on your system it has to be seperate from the game world like LoTRO. Most PvP'ers will go to WAR because it is designed from the ground up for RvR and looks really fun. AoC is a PvE centric game with added PvP, there are 20 levels for PvP and 80 for PvE and their will be the mass dungeon raiding aswell. AoC's PvP has no consequences on the majority of the game world, only in the one area. In WAR the PvP affects everything as you can lose zones and eventually you city can be sacked. WAR from what we've seen so far just offers so much more AoC and yes WAR looks more polished at the moment even though it will be released later. Don't mistake me for a rampant fanboi, i will be playing AoC on release and same with Warhammer.
All i can do like the rest of you is give my opinion, once both games are out we will see which is better.
Someone that clearly hasn't looked into the game that much if they think AoC is a PvE game with PvP thrown in. That or that you need a 3k computer to play the game.
Little hint, if you can play Oblivion, you can play AoC. Oh and read the FAQ on PvP, you'll find it blows away the instanced, auto-balanced, carebear PvP the 'other' guys are doing.
I have looked into the game alot and in my opinion if you want to play AoC with nice graphics you will need a beast. Saying if you can play Oblivion you can play AoC is extremely vague, i mean play it at low medium or high. Don't fool yourself by thinking AoC is gonna be the PvP grand daddy. AoC's PvP takes place inside one instanced area called the Border Kingdoms, even your player fortresses in this place are instanced. Anything that happens in the Border Kingdoms has no effect on the rest of the game world.
AoC is PvE centric, it has 80 levels and most of the game world dedicated to PvE with groups instances and high end raiding for loot. For PvP however there are 20 levels and only that one area. Now that tells me that far more time and work has gone into the PvE side of things. AoC's PvP will not blow away the "other" guys PvP and here is why AoC is built mostly around PvE whereas the "other" guys MMO is built from the ground up for PvP/RvR. These "other" guys that you dislike so much are aiming for city sieges of around 250v250, 150 PvP scenarios on release and zone capture which effects the whole game world. In this "other" MMO when you kill a player you can loot him (although you can't take his gear) and gain levels and skills whereas AoC give you blood-money tokens so who's more carebear there?....
I suggest you do some reserach before letting you rabid fanboism be blurted out. Oh and if you try paying AoC with a mid range comp i hope you like playing with PS1 style graphics. Neither of the games have been released and you have already staed that AoC's PvP blows the competition away, you haven't played it and i haven't played it so lets wait till both games are out before saying which is better.
maybe you can quit spreading speculations an lies, AoC will run fine with a medium range comp, and there may be world PvP on the FFA servers, so quit speculating please
To be fair, how do you really know how AOC will run on a medium computer...Vanguard said it would and look what happened (yeah i know AOC isn't Vanguard, but you don't expect Funcom to be saying 'Yeah you're going to be needing a supercomputer or it'll run like crap')
From what Funcom Dev has said though, you'll be able to turn down the graphics a lot, so that you'll be able to play it on a pretty "cheap" computer.. I don't see the problem with having the possibility of great graphics...................
Spoils of War - The quickest way of ending a war is to lose it.