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I was wondering, do you think eq2 is leaning towards good races playing only with other good races and evil races playing only with other evil races. The reason I think this could be the case is in a guild structure, the guild house will be in either Freeport or Qeynos. Obviously evil toons won't be able to have access to the Qeynos guild hall. This could be the reason why any race can be any class. Personally, I think it's an intresting idea.
After around level 15-20, each race will have to choose a city then the final subclass. The evil subclasses (like Assassin) are in Freeport and the good subclasses (like Ranger) are in Qeynos.
A good race can become an evil class by taking a quest to leave the starting city (good starts in Qeynos) and another quest to join Freeport (to become evil and have the option for the evil subclasses, like Assassin).
So good races can become evil subclasses (and evil races can become good subclasses). Its more based on good vs evil subclasses that will be together in guilds. The starting city is based on race (there are neutral races that can start in either city). And whether or not you have to switch cities for a particular subclass.
Some guilds will probably try to have both good and evil subclasses, but you will also be KoS by the other city. So the opposite alignment (of the guildhall's city) will be forced to sneak into the guildhall.
Actually, serious guilds are more likely to have a good and a evil chapter then to actually have a few toons of the opposite alignements working within the ranks.
Will prolly be the same name with 1 word difference, or different order for the same words, and I honestly dont see the GM fighting this...althought GM will prolly delete guilds that have the same name with only 1 letter difference (Legacy of Uberness and Legacies of Uberness would prolly be deleted while Legacy of Uberness and Uberness of the Legacy would prolly work fine)
- "Coercing? No no, I assure you, they are willing to bring my bags and pay public transportation just to help me, it is true!''
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Actually no, Serious guilds will take who ever is good with their class. Any serious guild wont care for the race of the player since it does little in actual gameplay. I was in one of the top guilds in EQ prior to quiting and one of our top warriors was a woodelf...
RP Guilds on the other hand will probably set some kinda of faction restriction but thats because they want to role play... not serious game.
From what I have read, the guild hall ends up being in the city limits. IF this is the case, then guilds can only accept members that aren't KOS in they city. If you can build a guild hall outside the city limits with no guards around then its possible assuming the devs don't make it impossible to join the opposing side.
Work is the curse of the drinking classes.
Oscar Wilde
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts.
- John Wooden
Actually I think your off a bit on this Magus. The guild system is very different in EQ2 then in the original. Many of a guild benefits, prestige, and power come from goals they accomplish for their home city. Having a guild with individuals from both cities would largely weaken their ability to advance within the city social structures.
There will of course be many people who do the betrayer quest and change cities despite their race alignment but from the sound of it its no easy one step task. Even after completing it they will have to work hard to become liked in the new city.
I think the end result will be most guilds having most or all of their players aligned to the same city (whether they started there or did the betrayer quest).
I understand that guilds will have to be aligned with the same city as they will be working towards the same city prestige. But it makes sense to me that SOE could be willing to take it a step further and say good toons can only group with other toons that are aligned with their city. It seems to me that SOE is trying to make EQ2 a realistic game. Is it really realistic that a Barb and a Dwarf are walking thru a forest and say "Hey, there's an ogre...lets see if he wants to kill stuff with us!" Unless of course the ogre has betrayed his own kind and has joined forces with the good races for one reason or another. Just food for thought.
Actually Moogard already stated that a member can be apart of a guild even if hes from the opposite city, they will give them access through hidden tunnels. Kinda like how evil races were able to sneak into Qeynos (Think thats the city) in EQ1.
Will try to find the info later... on my way out currently.
I don't think I would understand how an Evil race/class could belong to a Good guild. If the guild is trying to progress through the social structure I'm sure it will have to do task that will require faction impacts. If an evil character assists in "bringing down" Freeport, he may become Kos to NPCs within.
So if a Shadow Knight belongs to a "good" guild he'd have to do the betrayal quests to prevent complications. If the shadow knight then becomes "good" where will he train? Will there be a shadow knight guild in Qeynos? It seems unlikely.
And in my opinion, pushing people to belong to a good or evil guild will improve game play, add to roleplaying, and just create a flavor for the game. It forces everyone to really PLAY the character as they should be.
Actualyl one hting to clear up.....
you choose city at level 3 or 5.....noto 15-20.....
becasue 1-3 or 5 you are like a peasant....
3-5: basic classes....artisian...fighter....mage....scout I think thats it....
10-15: first sub class.....crusader.....and stuff...
thn 20: you choose last on like illusionist...
Atleast thats that i believe......
but i do know you do not pick a city at level 15-20
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Let me start by saying... Roleplaying is a form of serious gaming. Rather than being serious by leveling. They are serious by roleplaying and taking the game almost as serious as life.
I personally think it would be more interesting to restrict good and evil. I also believe they want to keep options open for PvP in the future.
Being that I played DAoC for almost 3 years I would love to see an all out war between good and evil . But by the website and videos it seems they are partial torwards good for some reason.