It's easier to make cake, especially now that pre-mixes are available. A few eggs, some oil, water, bake and presto! Make sure it's completely cool before trying to take out of the pan and ice, otherwise it'll tear apart. Slap on some icing and chill for about an hour. That there is some goooood cake. The nice think about cake is how customizable it can be. You can have chocolate icing on yellow cake or strawberry icing on chocolate cake. Your choice really. On TV I see them cooking cake with fruit, but whenever I try to put fruit it in, it always turns out bitter or too moist. That's probably why they are on TV and I'm not. Store-made pies are rarely good. Icecream cakes I'm not crazy about, but Coldstone Creamery has a cakebatter icecream cake which is infreekingcredible.
I like to eat pie, but if you've ever tried to make them, they're a beast. My Betty Crocker cookbook is so ancient it says to roll out the dough on a cheesecloth. Does anyone know what the heck a cheesecloth is? Let alone, have you tried to find it in a store? Impossible. Flour on wax paper is probably the next best thing. The pie fillings you find at the store are either killed with sugar or no sugar which makes it very bitter. Get the pre-made crusts, rolling your own sucks. Get sweet filling instead of trying to add sugar to make it right. Bake that thing up and it's close enough to bakery fresh. Better still, skip the fruit altogether and whip up some Jello Instant Pudding and fill. You can make Banana Cream Pie, French Silk, or whatever puddings you have. Delicious!
You can also use Instand Pudding as a mid-layer filling for cakes like they do for Boston Creme Pie
Given the choice between pie and cake at a restaurant, I'll go for the pie because it's harder to make at home. Apple Pie A La Mode pwns ftw! Drizzle that caramel and "yes" to the whipped cream. In some places though, they have specialty cakes like Molten Fudge. Yeah, hit that up while you have the chance because trying to make that at home is not easy. Overall though, my choice for going out is pie.
pie > cake.
?played: Nearly everything.
?waiting: *Darkfall*, Hero''s Journey
mmm pieee. i like pieeeee. mmmmmm cheese.. mm pie+cheese=cheesepie.mmmmm
This is a post.
you like pie? ?
then you like me
Apple pie
coco puffs
bye bye pie
It's easier to make cake, especially now that pre-mixes are available. A few eggs, some oil, water, bake and presto! Make sure it's completely cool before trying to take out of the pan and ice, otherwise it'll tear apart. Slap on some icing and chill for about an hour. That there is some goooood cake. The nice think about cake is how customizable it can be. You can have chocolate icing on yellow cake or strawberry icing on chocolate cake. Your choice really. On TV I see them cooking cake with fruit, but whenever I try to put fruit it in, it always turns out bitter or too moist. That's probably why they are on TV and I'm not. Store-made pies are rarely good. Icecream cakes I'm not crazy about, but Coldstone Creamery has a cakebatter icecream cake which is infreekingcredible.
I like to eat pie, but if you've ever tried to make them, they're a beast. My Betty Crocker cookbook is so ancient it says to roll out the dough on a cheesecloth. Does anyone know what the heck a cheesecloth is? Let alone, have you tried to find it in a store? Impossible. Flour on wax paper is probably the next best thing. The pie fillings you find at the store are either killed with sugar or no sugar which makes it very bitter. Get the pre-made crusts, rolling your own sucks. Get sweet filling instead of trying to add sugar to make it right. Bake that thing up and it's close enough to bakery fresh. Better still, skip the fruit altogether and whip up some Jello Instant Pudding and fill. You can make Banana Cream Pie, French Silk, or whatever puddings you have. Delicious!
You can also use Instand Pudding as a mid-layer filling for cakes like they do for Boston Creme Pie
Given the choice between pie and cake at a restaurant, I'll go for the pie because it's harder to make at home. Apple Pie A La Mode pwns ftw! Drizzle that caramel and "yes" to the whipped cream. In some places though, they have specialty cakes like Molten Fudge. Yeah, hit that up while you have the chance because trying to make that at home is not easy. Overall though, my choice for going out is pie.