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metin 2

endzoendzo Member Posts: 68

hey people i am playing metin2.

its a great game for free it came out on 27 07 2007 see the sevens 

this game is free forever better then runescape and it doesnt take much memory so must try iam only lvl 21 and started 2 days ago lvling isnt hard and the loots are good for your player u get things u can use

quest system is diffrent to other mmo i played tehre is a skill quest which gives yhou reward for each time u slay the monster it wants you too you start it at lvl 2 and keep getting for every lvl and reward for it get better higger you are but the npc quest are really boring talk to her talk to him kill this kill that for this boring . and weapon upgrade is really intresting i only lost 2 weapon after 5 upgrades on each so 8/10 ull get good upgrade.

assasin..... bow or duel wield dagger and u get poision arrows at lvl 5 if you chose bow assisination force

sura........sword with demon arm and and nice buff also this is for people like warlock characters or dark warrior look this is the one i chose but people have diffrent likes and dislikes try all its free

warrior....havent tried it but its really strong when taking down multi enemy.....slow

mage......have to kill thing with your fist till lvl 5 when you get magics they use fans and magic bells look really but not so good in multi enemy zone but havent tried that long on it....

iam a newbie in this game but still learning one mistake was starting quests u keep getting reminders really anoying

my advise would be dont start any quest go outside town and kill wild dogs or hungry dogs then moce up too wolf you can do skill quest that will tell u chose to kill one of 2 things and u get more xp and reward

takes around 1-2 hours to download the game but it varies in diffrent connections

thanks for reading if u read it any questions about game pm me in game my name is endzo




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