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That's right! The new game list has arrived. It's been a long time coming with other projects pushing it around but we've finally put the finishing touches on it. Here's a run down on the biggest changes and additions:
Once you create and save a custom game list you'll be able to post links to it from anywhere! For example here's a list of the free MMOs listed on
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
FYI, On the underdevelopment listing of games you have a ? for pvp in Pirates of the Burning Sea. It is most assuredly a game with a substantial pvp element.
You need to put Darkfall Online has having PvP... Its open PvP with full loot, you cant get more PvP than that.
Creating a custom list doesn't seem to work at all with Firefox -- "gameFilters is not defined," says the JavaScript Error Console when I click one of the > or >> buttons. And the old list, when sorted by rating, also sorted by hype -- this one just sorts the released ones, and then all of the rest are randomly below.
Can I suggest you maybe go through the list next time you update it, and remove games that have been dead for quite some time? I'll throw ya one for free: Faction Earth. You go to their website and then their development forums and the forums are completely filled with porn ads. There are quite a few games on the list which are dead, no longer in production, fini; yet have never been removed years later.
Other than that, nice update.
Thanks for the heads up! The FF issue has been resolved. I'll look into combining the rank and hype values for the sort routine.
*UPDATE* I have normalized the rating and hype values so the sort is now accurate.
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
We know alot of our data is out of date. This was just step one, the next step is to get the list updated and keep it that way.
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
Before you move on to step 2, take a look at this.
When i chose to see all Beta games and sort the list by hype, i get Planeshift as no.1. It has a hype lvl of 6.8. 2nd place is Supreme destiny with 6.2. 3rd is gods and heroes with 7.0 And on 4th place i have Chronicles of spellborn, which has a hype lvl of 7.0.
Thanks for pointing that out. The hype average calculation was being rounded down. Should be fixed up now.
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
Thanks for pointing that out. The hype average calculation was being rounded down. Should be fixed up now.
Hehe no problem at all. Nice quick fix!
This list is way better. Good Job Another reason why this place is the best for info (after "step 2" that is).
=The best quote ever=
Curt teh Juggler: our graduation ceremony was today, and right when some gamer nerd got his diploma, someone in the audience played the zelda "get item" music and he did the zelda spin-hold-out-item stance
Curt teh Juggler: it was quite possibly the most amazing thing ever.
What is micro payment.
Awesome job, I really like the new look and filtering options. Nice work and thanks.
All the item shop games are micro payment revenue driven, yet some are correctly marked as micropayments while others are falsely listed as free. Metin2 for example has an item shop so it would be micropayments.
It would be really helpful if the games showed an average subscription number.
While that's a great idea, unfortunately, such information is not available.
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
Nice work MMORPG! Some nice tweaks to the system which will make it even more helpful.
Glad to see it still remains pretty simply in terms of format. The "one big list" format is a major plus of your site over others. I can always find the links I want quickly.
Awsome new list format. All the info you want right up front. Now if you can start predicting which MMOs a user will like best based on brain wave patterns and palm print we'll be all set.
The new list is looking sharp, I'd love if there was like a drop down scroll that allowed for different currency formats, coming for the UK myself, sterling would be handy (£). But it's not too hard to convert the prices to what I need. Good job
and how does one get to the games list?
firefox issue?
my header ends at "comics" though there is plenty of space for another heading
That's really strange about your browser not showing all of the links on the top bar. What version of FF and OS are you running and would it be possible for you to post a screen capture so Skywisenight and I can troubleshoot?
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
The custom list thing is still a bit buggy:
Perhaps the custom list would be better off renamed "filters".
I think saving the filters/lists under a user's account is not the best solution, yet the current state more seems to depend on them being saved before linked. At the moment everyone has to save a list just to give a "free MMORPGs" link to a friend. Implementing live filtering will sure make the URI will look disgusting, but who types them in manually nowadays anyway. Also multi-column filtering would be decent for any sort of catalog -- by genre, then by free-ness, then by rating.
Have a nice (even|cod)ing!
Very nice. Well done.
I like it but for one thing : Before, you could seperate the list between Rating (for the games already released) and Hype( for games yet to be released). I liked this feature very much because I like to check at the hype for upcoming games every now and then, but now, I can't seem to be able to view only upcoming games, for exemple.
Or maybe it's just me?