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They need to make them a bit more balanced
my idea was that they should be able to move while they cast
but....then everyone else would die.
Only people who can play a mage REALLY good can beat a warlock that REALLY sucks
and mages are vending machines all i hear in VC or SFK runs is "Got any water?" "Got any Food?"
Undead Mages > Human Mages
i see NO good human mages
and the best mage is folthair(something like that)
hes a skilled mage that can 8k crit and instant fireblast thats 7k crit >>>.<<<<
blood elf mages > undead mages lol
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Final Fantasy 7
this is sarcasm I take it? how much he crits is all about gear surely lol
the girl Blood elfs look kinda cool
Undead mages look cooler and there better for some reason cause of a 10% immunity to fear so u cant get pwned by a lock as bad
Sorry, the last thing ANY game needs is more over powered casters.
I'm still waiting for a game where casters aren't the end all be all of everything.
Casters should be squishy, they should die fast. Its the balance to the WTF nukers they end up being in every game I've ever played.
Range/spell slingers >anything without ranged attacks.
I'm not typically a caster type of guy but I really do like my frost mage in WOW, it's just fun to play.
this is sarcasm I take it? how much he crits is all about gear surely lol
And mages perhaps do need balance, but not upwards. The WoW concept of mage is the glass cannon. Obscene ranged damage, but if a melee class gets close enough to poke 'em, they drop like a hooker's underwear. No one class should be able to do everything.
The other night I sat right next to a gnome mage that took out a mob 4 levels higher in two fireballs. Took my poor shammy a couple minutes and a lot of resource expenditure. And they have the nerve to ask me for help.. After the initial, 'WTF nerf' feelings, I remembered that that is all mages are supposed to do.
Anyways, I reckon mages are about right.
the girl Blood elfs look kinda cool
Undead mages look cooler and there better for some reason cause of a 10% immunity to fear so u cant get pwned by a lock as bad
You saying there's something wrong with homosexuals, boy?
Think this is a simple L2P issue.
May I ask the OP a few simple questions:
As for fighting warlocks:
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Mages can beat just about anyone if you crank out damage and make no mistakes. Just about anyone is at there mercy if they play right untill they run out of mana and then there dead.
Mages are very powerfull classes with not only the ability to do major damage but the ability to polymorph, ward from magic, blink, damage shield, root/snare and counterspell/silence there enemies. All at the cost of mana and once there mana is gone they cant do much of anything except run.
There is also no room for mistakes for a mage because of there frail exsistance they cant risk getting hit much.
But if you play a mage right you can fight and fight and never get hit much at all if any.
Sucs suck.
And locks are supposed to be the bane of mages.
It's not impossible, just not that possible for a mage to beat a lock. At even odds (gear, and class knowlege) mage loses, but thier supposed to lose. That's just the way it is in a paper, rocks, scissors pvp system.
Like you said it's not a one on one enviroment. It's group based.
Complaining about one on one fights is silly, and complaining about PvP balance is even sillier. Balance in PvP is a myth when you have classes or multiple skill sets. Only way to balance pvp would be to give every class the same skills.
The OP isn't kidding about the food and water thing though. One of the reasons I won't play the mage anymore. So sick of being asked for food and water. And the polymorphing is annoying as hell. Trying to dps and watch a sheep is just a pain in the ass.
Wish Darkfall would release.
If the lock can beat you with just instant casts, then your gear sucks.
You can however counter spells such as fear, shadow bolt etc.
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