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Again, title says it all.
Mine was my second PvP experience (I was such a noob during my first that I didn't even fully know what had happened for about a month). SWG was my first MMO and I wasn't very interested in PvP combat, but I was very interested in getting a complete suit of stormtrooper armor to display in my alt's shop. Usually I went out grinding NPC reb camps via Imp missions on Lok. Nice, secluded, rarely a Reb ganker to be found. The main reason I went there anyways was my fav armorsmith ran a shop in a player city there, I used to pick up some armor and food/drink on my way to the Imp Base I'd get missions from. No better way to break in a new suit of composite than bathing it in Reb blood, after all. One day I instead ran a buff's worth of missions in Tat instead - I was lazy and didn't want to go to Lok, and I still had a decent suit of armor. As the buff were about to run down, I decided to return to Eisely and shuttle over to Bestine while my flag wore off, taking care of some minor stuff I hadn't gotten around to yet. So there I was, waiting at the Mos Eisley shuttleport. Some dude spawned next to me, a wookiee TK named Rohrisharr. No prob, he wasn't an overt Reb. Or at least that's what I thought - as you recall, when shuttling you had a few seconds of neutrality when you shuttled to a new location. And after a few seconds, he was quite suddenly overt Reb. Me being new to PvP and all, I thought he was intentionally attacking me and I instantly decided to go down fighting, and Mr. Damn Well Crafted Scythe came out to play. I was Master Swordsman/Master Rifleman. He was around 4343 TK, but not master (had several of the tier titles), and was also a doc but again not a master. I had a few scout skills to boot, the ones that permitted slightly faster travel, which he apparently lacked. Further, I was buffed and he wasn't, and this was still back before wookiees had decent armor. In short, I had every reason to win, and he had every reason to run. I didn't realize any of this in the moment, though, and thought he was trying to jump me. I killed him of course, at first he tried to run, then he tried to heal, at last he stood and fought with honor and diginity. Afterwards, even I realized instantly that it hadn't been much of a fight and started to analyze what had just happened. But I was also oh so amazingly juiced from all the newfound adrenaline coursing through my veins. I had my first Reb PvP victory, I was jazzed like I've rarely been jazzed before, and I knew immediately that I liked PvP .
What was yours? Rare loot? Tough kill? Social success? Crafting mastery? Something unimportant in the big scheme but essential to you and your SWG identity?
mine was capping the credit limit and then getting my mandalorian armor set
Hmm... Only "one" ?
Ok, on the test center, when the Aurillia village was still in testing, I was the first person to "figure" the healing quest on the night it went online...
On Chimera, right after a down, I was the sole entertainer in Coronet Cantina. This was pre-CU, and after JTL... For 2 hours, I managed to mind buff *everyone* who came to the cantina, just on my own. Not only that, but I also managed to actually entertain the large majority of them a bit, even combat types. So much for people complaining that there weren't enough entertainers around... when a single one could buff all coronet for 2 hours.
Of course, all of that came to a halt the minute those rotten sons of a cheap ***** buffbots logged in... But that was fun while it lasted.
"Peace through superior firepower"
I had many fun and exciting moments in-game. Purchasing my first full set of armor, getting buffed up, and then holding my own deep in the Squill Cave on Tat. was one. Mastering TK and Swordsman were other memorable moments.
There were several moments of accomplishment that ultimately led to my proudest though: My long awaited visit from the Old Man, finally being able to drive my speeder through the mist surrounding the Village of Aurilia...
My proudest moment though, is becoming a Jedi after playing for about 1 year. I believe that through exploring the galaxy and completing the required theme parks, with considerable patience and effort completing the required village quests, going through the Jedi Padawan trials, and with the help of my guild-mates killing Mellichae...I earned the right to wear my robes and call my toon a Jedi.
[click here for screen-shot of me unlocking Jedi]
Of course the day that I was finally able to craft my first saber and then ignight the blade filled me with great pride and excitement. I thought I would never quit playing SWG on that most happy of days... Little could I imagine that such destructive changes would take it all away.
[screenie of my lightsaber without power crystals loaded]
**Returned SWG player**
IGN: Gindacca, RACE: Wookiee
OLD GUILD: [cCc] (aka: BOC)
PROF: Light Jedi (elder)
(pre-NGE PROF: TKM/Master Swordsman)
SERVER: Chimaera (Euro)
it was my crafter MWS when he finally got his 12pnts woth with hard to get CA/AA shortly before NGE
Two for me, first was hologrinding/finishing in village and unlocking.
Second, and best, was player/dev events like the attack on the palace in Theed and the dev run attack on Mos Eis. We had a team in both cases and the individuality made our team have purpose. IN the battle of Bestine, I know this is going to sound wierd, being slaughtered by a Jedi. He came over the hill and wiped the desert with 14 of us. We regrouped, as a rifleman, I stunned then guildies attacked and we got him down to about 1/4 health he came back and killed half of us. It was FUN, we got pwned by a real JEDI. A guildie BH showed up and well the Jedi fell, but fell with a great amount of work and fun.
I miss it, Gak
When I made Master Architect.
Long before Gungan Head statues.
The earliest moment I guess would have been when I spent a afternoon trying to tame a grual mauler on dath. Kept being chased into the imperial prison and everytime I saw the warning as I entered I was afrid a large group of STs was goiong to attack me so I was weaving in and out of it while trying to lose agro from yet another failed tame attempt. Finally tamed one and even got a second one . For some reasons the guals were always my toughest tames. I got my Bull rancor on one try but that memory is taited for me since it was a couple weeks before CU went live.
I know compared to most people my moment may not be as good but it sure felt nice.
I did a bit of creature taming myself. I was very sad when I gave up my pets (not including mounts) as I dropped CH. I forgot what kind of cat I had...but he always obeyed my commands VERY well. He looked cool too... Too bad I didn't know about taking screenies back then. /sigh
I had some stripped dog-like creature that was strong....but didn't listen worth a damn! In his said that he was some kind of avian creature . He had the same body that all dog creatures had...but he had a sharp bird-like beak. I think I got him from Yavin.
A mantis-type pet was probably the one that I used most. Again, I forgot what it was called...but it was a very cool looking praying mantis-looking beast. Not the one with a monkey-like face.'s been so long that I forget the names of places and things a lot now-a-days. I may have gotten him from Yavin as well. I believe there's a temple (POI) that is surrounded with them...quite vicious critters that can spit at you in addition to using their razor-sharp claws. Hopefully, I'll remember what it was called and edit this.
The day I dropped CH to go full Master Swordsman as well as TKM (stupid CU made that necessary) was sad. I found a dedicated CH that agreed to take my pets. It may seem silly....but even though I'm not into RP, we chatted for awhile about CH and our experiences and then he promised me to take good care of my pets. I felt like someone giving up real pets in the real world. I was very comforted by his promise, regardless of his true intentions. I just couldn't stand to release them into the wild.
**Returned SWG player**
IGN: Gindacca, RACE: Wookiee
OLD GUILD: [cCc] (aka: BOC)
PROF: Light Jedi (elder)
(pre-NGE PROF: TKM/Master Swordsman)
SERVER: Chimaera (Euro)
I had the first jedi on Starsider server, unlocking on November 6 2003. I still have the screenshot and waiver form that Lucas Arts sent me so they could use my toon in their promotions, memorabilias of a great time in my MMO life.
I also sold the server's best Krayt weapons when I played in 2003, Meilawerks brand.
Last week before NGE on Gorath we had a large multi guild war. Among all the many battles it brought, my favorite moment was when My fellow Jedi friend and I took on and defeated over 10 rebels who attempted to jump us in Theed. We cut them down until their reinforcements arrived (making it closer to 30 on 2) then had a fun chase that lasted across miles of the planet.
Lucky for me I ran into a Imperial base setup in a city.
The good ole days.
Catching all the species of fish from all the worlds.
"Its sad when people use religion to feel superior, its even worse to see people using a video game to do it."
"...when it comes to pimping EVE I have little restraints."
--Hellmar, CEO of CCP.
"It's like they took a gun, put it to their nugget sack and pulled the trigger over and over again, each time telling us how great it was that they were shooting themselves in the balls."
--Exar_Kun on SWG's NGE
That was after CH nerfs so I never experienced CH at its prime, went Commando and TKM first. Was on the receiving end though a few times with folks with two Grauls out attacking and killing me.
Yep good times.
I have 4:
1.) Getting the broken light saber on dathomir and thinking I was going to become a jedi
2.) Becoming force sensitive.
3.) Making Master Droid Engineer with no macros.
4.) Discovering the ruined Jedi temple on Dantooine.
Since NGE
1.) Seeing Jules Torres reassigned away from SWG
2.) Installing the pre NGE UI Mod
3.) Posting that we won and pre NGE gameplay was better than seeing chapter 6 reinstate CH as Beast Master.
Well I have a lot, but I think the most memorable ones would be these:
1.) Just joining the game for the first time on Tatooine as a bothan scout, and my friend made me a custom cdef rifle. Ahh I miss that rifle.
2.) Also as that bothan (who later turned in to Master CH/Master Ranger), as I was training CH (before all the nerfs), I FINALLY found my first greater sludge panther ... then found another one, and eventually had both out at the same time! I remember the names too, Kirasa, and Kirara. They were good kitties. My friends and I counted on those 2 to be tanks, and with 80% resists to a lot of their 'stats', they worked perfectly! (Terminal missions on Lok when we were just starting the elite professions).
3.) Starting a new character on Starsider, wanted to craft more. Master Architect/Master Swordsman. I could fight well, and make millions, which I did! Ahh the excitement I had when I finally reached Master Architect was so good (even more so than CH, and Ranger).
4.) Roleplaying with friends, and random people alike ... was always SO much fun to do that in cantinas.
1) first time i walked into Mos Eyesly, you could not tell me i want there for real. Then saw a Jedi padwan take out 2 Bhs and force run off before the Bh's boys could help with the fight.
2) i one my first fight
3) when the old man came to visit me,
3b) intering the village for the first time
Yah, bit too many for just one.
1) I was one of the first Master Smugglers on Bloodfin, and I remember the rush I felt when I hit that trainer and shelled out 10k for master status. I earned Master Pistoleer only about a week later.
2) The occasional 30% damage and 40% speed slices. They were extremely rare but quite exceptional when they occured.
3) Pimping out my first (and only) YT1300. I loved that thing.
4) Assisting the formation of Bloodfin's vaunted Imperial Alliance was also a high point. It took a lot of work getting folks who were at each others throats most of the time to chill out and focus on mutual defense against a much more organized and cooperative rebellion.
5) Of all the PvP moments (and that's another thread in of itself), I'd say the imperial raid of the rebel blockade at Nym's Stronghold during the first Server War was perhaps my highest point. I was one of the first on the scene (and promptly one of the first in the cloner) of a battle where the odds were quite literally 2:1 against us. I'm still not entirely sure how we won the fight, but I will never forget the chaos that was the cloner that night.
-- xpaladin
AC1/2, AO, DAoC, EQ1/2, SoR, SWG, UO, WAR, WoW
I didn't realize my greatest feat in Galaxies until long after it happened, which was rescue another noob player from a bunch of bandits in Mos Eisley (back when Mos E was dangerous to noobs). I was cruising around the Cantina when I noticed this wookie getting pasted, so I decided to help him out. 2+ years later we are friends in real life. Needless to say, whenever I logged in and he was around, I had a real wookie first mate on all my adventures, and always had a big SW fan to watch my back as I watched his. That's for me is what MMOs are all about, which I've yet to find in any other game since. I know many of us had friends like this in-game, and it's sad that those types of players just don't seem to be around anymore (I've logged in every few months since the NGE). It's certainly not for lack of me trying.
Master Smuggler
Starwars Galaxies, An Empier Diveded, That's what it says on my box anyway.
Without a doubt, mine would have to be getting "Master Politician", back when it actually meant something. This was back when you had to use Apprenticeship Points to even get into the Politician skill trees, and the grind was slow as hell, if I remember right it took me about 7 months of winning city elections to grind up to master. And I managed to advance the city from the founding 10 all the way to 85 citizen metropolis with shuttle, without spamming for a single citizen or guildie, and remaining off-map and fully zoned the entire time.
I actually thought of Politician as my main profession, spending hours in house-drop-screens trying to learn every ripple and bump in the city's land square by square, mapping out future developments, personally overseeing every single drop in city, spending every credit I could muster on city decor and maintenance, using all my lots protecting the borders and future city expansion land to keep squatters away, lol, seriously I cant even begin to convey the sense of honor and pride I felt being the Master Politician for our guild/city, it was truly my proudest pre-knifeintheback SWG moment.
Saddest thing about all this (least for me) is that with the NGE downgrades the "Master Politician" badge/titles, that I spent all that time and effort to achieve, all of a sudden became a straight freebie prof/badge that any day-1 nub with a house could get just by declaring residence, thats it, a few seconds to radial yer house terminal and presto, your Master Politician, no need to even be mayor of a city at all, no winning any elections, no learning your skills 1 at a time etc, nah, thats for us "too complex, too much reading" type vets that were deemed expendable by SOE. Now every noob ingame seems to be running around with "Warmaster" or some other Poli title above his head, hell, not even the "Elder Politician" badge/title is sacred, as anybody who learned just the novice poli box for free during the CU after it was nerfed (when Apprenticeship Pts were deemed too complex I guess), also ended up getting the "Elder" badge/title when the NGE hit, again without a single election/mayorship under their belt...
"Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now.
We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?"
Sitting in a Cantina for the first time listening to entertainers and watching dancers and just thinking "WOW this game is something special" and would just be in the Cantina chatting to loads of people making friends alot of my days lol.
However SOE/LA Ruint that when they fooked up Jedi and JTLS and i quit.
Mine was the last night before the NGE, I came back to the game a week before to finally finish my jedi, only to find out it was all changing for good, so it was the first and last time i ever took part in a battle as a real CU jedi lol.
There was a big battle in bestine (on bria) and i had made myself into a master powers jedi (dark) which was alot of fun, the fight went on for hours everyone joined in, BH's galorie lol.
It was probably the coolest pvp i ever did and was gutted i havent joined the game sooner to pvp but it all ended (NGE was the end of the game to me).
Crafting my first lightsaber I think.
After all the effort to get there it was pretty cool to start the path - finally.
I always like to know what kind of hilts other people chose to use. Have any screen-shots or can you describe which one(s) you crafted?
**Returned SWG player**
IGN: Gindacca, RACE: Wookiee
OLD GUILD: [cCc] (aka: BOC)
PROF: Light Jedi (elder)
(pre-NGE PROF: TKM/Master Swordsman)
SERVER: Chimaera (Euro)
So many fond memories of SWG but the one that is my proudest would have to be when I recieved an accolade badge from a CSR called Fascinating background. This badge is given to those who's bio's were read by CSR's and found to be well fascinating. For a new role player it really made me proud.
My 2nd would be getting my beloved Nightsister arm bracer which is now gone after a so called friend used my account after I left due to the NGE and the person took my bracer and sold it on ebay! I of course can't prove it but since he had sold his own jedi on ebay I'm sure he did the same with my bracer.
I just recently returned to SWG after being gone for close to 2 yrs because of the NGE. While the game is different I still have to admit that there is nothing out there like it. I spend hours decorating my homes and shops and other building in the city that our small guild created. I left SWG and wandered from mmo to mmo only to realize that I would never find the same player base as the one in SWG. Upon my return I was pleased to find old friends still there and now as each day I log on and play I watch as slowly other old friends/players return as well. No the game is nothing like it was but I still enjoy it, I am hoping that as time goes by they will just keep reverting back to the old swg. I can dream can't I?
I remembered what two of my creatures were called! The avian-dog thing was a "Choku." The mantis-type beast was a "Kliknik." I did some research and found very detailed info at I don't remember what specific type of each beast I had...(ie: defender, hunter, male, female, etc....)
Click this link for Choku info and pics.
Click this link for Kliknik info and pics.
I believe my cat was a "Swamp Gurrcat" from Corellia. I got him while I was a lower level so he wasn't very strong...but he looked cool and was a great companion. CLICKY for GURRCAT info.
I had a Cu pa, Bantha, and Dewback mounts before RotW brought Bolotaurs and Varactyls.
Now that I'm on a roll ......I also tried using a Bocatt for a little while. It was strong for the level, but hard to control. He was very aggressive (like the Choku) and would attack random creatures without being commanded to do so.
A Mountain Worrt (large toad) was fun to play with. One of his tricks was to jump really high into the air and flip. Always good for a few laughs!
Some other things that I just remembered are the fact that Wookiees used to have taming and trapping bonuses. It was logical to make them excel in being CH. Guess they thought that was too damn complicated though... Oh...I also remember that I had taming skill tapes put into a "taming" suit. lol.
*sigh* The more that I remember about CH....the more I miss it. It WAS great fun!
**Returned SWG player**
IGN: Gindacca, RACE: Wookiee
OLD GUILD: [cCc] (aka: BOC)
PROF: Light Jedi (elder)
(pre-NGE PROF: TKM/Master Swordsman)
SERVER: Chimaera (Euro)