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I am looking for a guild on WAR mostly a RvR guild also looking forward to do missions together.Can anyone help me out and point me towards something good? Or at least a person to post to. If you have a guild on Empire i wouldnt mind if it was any other Races as well. FOR ORDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
POST BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you're from the EU, come visit Semper Dius!
Guild Bios
Guild name: Semper Dius
Guild Location: European
Guild Type: Semi-Hardcore PvP/(RvR)/PvE
Allegiance: Order
Member Cap: 50-60
"It's no good coming to our game if you are trying to grow weed, It's no good coming to our game if you want to make pants. It's only worth coming to our game if you want to burn things to the ground."
-Paul Barnett, WAR is coming
I dont have a guild eitehr!!! POST ME!!!
NVM my previous post i found my place at the side of The Hand of Sigmar.