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Looking for experienced guild

metalman85metalman85 Member Posts: 23

I am looking for a guild that is helpful, friendly, and prefferably have a ventrilo server, i also would like a guild that has more then one person on besides me. I haven't been on in a couple weeks but I am getting in it again. I have been playing Guild Wars for roughly two months, but am still kind of noobish.


  • Adogg1337Adogg1337 Member Posts: 14

    hey there metalman.......


    hmmmmm. thats weird, we took you into OUR GUILD, spent NUMEROUS hours helping you, and donated over 15K to help get armor and weapons. So u just leave us and think that it never happened??????????????????????????



    i mean really, you expect another guild to read how nubbish u are, and just say  "shure, come on in, so u can scam them too...?


    GG man, good game.

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