I'd include a couple others in that. Hammerer and Orc Choppa seem roguish to a degree. High damage, lower (relative) defense. Although a better comparison for them might be fury/arms warriors.
I'd include a couple others in that. Hammerer and Orc Choppa seem roguish to a degree. High damage, lower (relative) defense. Although a better comparison for them might be fury/arms warriors.
Don't think he meant rogue-ish in the sense that they deal a ton of damage, more that they were shadowy light tanks (light tanks as defined in DAoC). I wouldn't consider all of the melee DPS classes to be rogue-ish.
I wonder if Dark Elves are getting beastmasters.
all of dark elven society is based on pets, but sadly no they wont have any.
I would have liked to see a melee hybrid with a minor pet. As opposed to the ever so standard caster with a major pet theme.
I just want there to be a rogueish type class (Yes I know there is no stealth) that does alot of dps damage
Marauder and Witch Hunter are probably your best bet when it comes to DPS I'd say. They seem the most roguish to me.
I'd include a couple others in that. Hammerer and Orc Choppa seem roguish to a degree. High damage, lower (relative) defense. Although a better comparison for them might be fury/arms warriors.
Im personaly psyched about engineer. It sounds like another dps character.
I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad, The dreams in which I'm dieing are the best I've ever had.
Don't think he meant rogue-ish in the sense that they deal a ton of damage, more that they were shadowy light tanks (light tanks as defined in DAoC). I wouldn't consider all of the melee DPS classes to be rogue-ish.
I would have to say that the Maurarder and the Choppers are the most rougish DPS classes taht will be in the game so far.