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Appraise through comparison and give me some advice !!

sjmiasjmia Member Posts: 41



I’ve see the film of transformers. I’d like to play some robot game. But I don’t know which one is quite good. Someone recommend a new game—age of armor. But I haven’t played it. Who have played this game?  Give me some suggesting.

Today I load on the AOA official website. Hear about this news like that. Look like OK. What do you think about this? 


   Account Give-aways for Age of Armor 2nd Closed Beta Starts!

  Account give-aways for Age of Armor 2nd Closed Beta will start at 12:00 noon (EST), August 6th.

  As Snailgame has set up their servers in America for this beta test, everything is brand new. All players need to get a new account by following the link below:




  • OlsonatorOlsonator Member Posts: 61

    I haven't played it but all i have gathered so far it looks good but the only thing is that we may have to wait till the 15th wich is when i do believe the 2nd beta starts. so if this is as good as i heard it was then it will be well worth the wait. i'm all set on my side soo yeah.


  • EvilScribbleEvilScribble Member Posts: 30

    If you enjoyed the Transformers film then you will definitely enjoy Age of Armor. They have the same concept: Robots being able to change into other forms including cars and aircraft. I haven't played the game myself but I will definitely be trying it out when 2nd beta starts. The game will be using a P2P model for subscribers to pay a monthly fee, this may or may not limit your access to the game. The game is very attractive for Transformers fans as well as Gundam fans that enjoy the robotic kind of genre.

  • gstlagstla Member Posts: 57

    I've liked what i've seen so far (NDA) beta player here, its a fun game and i'm looking forward to see what they do to keep people hooked, how periodic the updates will be and how to break the grind.

    It's a fun game as the others have said, but none the less a beta is a game in development, don't have high standards.

    The devs that contact the community on the forums seem nice, i asked about a political system and i got a PM a day or so later on their forums by an actual DEV, so i was pleased.

    Low-Key games always tend to have a nice community as well, so even if this has a bad rating be sure to try it and get to the End-Game Content, thats my opinion. ^^.

    It's coming up ^^. one week to go!

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