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Turbine has released new details about the next major content update for Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar. Book 10: The City of the Kings will feature numerous improvements to the monster play system including the ability to login directly as your monster play character, over 40 new quests, Monster Tribes (the equivalent of Kinships), monster consumables, some class stat improvements, and much more.
Book 10: The City of the Kings, the second major update to The Lord of the RingsTM: Shadows of AngmarTM, features a massive overhaul to the Ettenmoors keep system. The update boasts over forty new quests, all with major impact on the forces defending or assailing the different keeps available
When planning for Book 10, we took a look at the feedback we've received from the community since launch and compared this with our data. Through this process we discovered that some pretty aggressive changes were needed to make monster play an even more compelling system. I'll explain the different and new dynamics introduced to the area, along with several other enhancements.
Login and Logout
Monster players can now log directly into their monster player character from the character selection screen! Upon reaching level 10, the "Monster Play" button will become active and players can click it to enter monster play. Logging out of monster play in the Ettenmoors will leave the monster player at that location; no longer will monster characters return to Gramsfoot after logging out.
Monster Tribes
Monster Tribes are the analog for player kinships. You can forge tribes to stalk the Ettenmoors and gain the rudimentary benefits available to player kinships, including tribal chat and the ability to have up to one thousand members in your tribe. Just like a player-created kinship, monster tribes require a charter (available for purchase in Gramsfoot) and must have a minimum of six members to maintain the tribe. They are completely independent of your player's kinship, and you can belong to only one tribe at a time.
Get all the details on Book 10 here.
I'm glad to see any new content... but I am surprised to see so much focus on monster play. With all the people complaining about running out of content, it seems odd that that so much work is going in to the part of the game that about 10% of the population even bothers with. I guess it shouldn't be so surprising, since a vast majority of all Dev posts on the forums deal with monster play.
This is a PvE game... it is never going to appeal to the the PvP crowd. Seems like their time could be better spent working on high level PvE content, itemization, fleshing out the skills post lvl 38, addressing high level travel cost and times,making mounts useful and interesting... I could probably list a thousand things I would rather see them spend their time on than monster play.
-----Zero Punctuation Eve Online Review-----
I agree with Sal. I was hoping on more areas like the last update. The game was never marketed towards PVP types, and they complained loud about it during the open beta. I can't see getting a lot of these types back now with WAR and AOC coming online soon.
Let's see more content
I'll judge the changes for what they are. They are nice changes and were needed. With that aside, I agree with Salv on this one.
MMORPG's w/ Max level characters: DAoC, SWG, & WoW
Currently Playing: WAR
Preferred Playstyle: Roleplay/adventurous, in a sandbox game.
I think Turbine has taken a very balanced approach to there development so far. Neither alienating there new or there old players. I personally have been testing some of the changes to the Loremasters and wow, what a difference. Hehe though we have has a few.... ok ALOT of issues with the Pet AI. All and all though I think if Turbine makes all of there updates as rich as the few we've seen then were set for a long and fun time playing this game
This is only a small portion of the update coming with Book 10: The City of the Kings, focusing on the changes made to the Ettenmoors. In truth, this is a much smaller aspect of the overall additions to the game coming with Book 10, which also include three new 6-man instances for higher level players and access to Annúminas, the City of the Kings. So, don't let the fact that we are talking about one small portion of the game fool you into thinking that this is all we have coming in Book 10.
Sounds like they are throwing the kitchen sink into the monster play genre. The lack of in world PvP is a real prob for LOTRO, however, many people appreciate the chance to not be looking over their sholders all of the time.
Monster play IS PvP no ?
Everything but the ganking and griefing. Still needs some work, but its a lot of fun now and is only going to get better
There is tons of new high end content...
Book 10 for starters.
3 new lv cap instances.
The entire city of Annuminas.
Two new public dungeons. 45+
Rep. 35+
Tons of new stuff for those that ran out of stuff to do.