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Hello, I was just wondering what if any servers had good communities. I played a trial key and so have one or two low characters but can always switch. Thanks for any help, I'm hoping to pick this up on Monday!
Brandywine has a good community. Also seems to be plenty of players at each stage of the game.
If I discover within myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world
C.S. Lewis
Cool thanks for the help I look forward to seeing any people from here online
i play on Firefoot and im liking it, everyones helpfull and friendly.
Landroval's got a good community and is the unofficial RP server if you're into that sort of thing.
I am biased, of course, but Gladden has one of the better communities. It is also the home of "The Old Timers" kinship which has an age limit that keeps the sniveling 12 year olds with their mommies credit card out so we can enjoy the game without all the drama.
Landroval is a good community. But to be honest, I hear mainly good things about most of the servers. LotRO seems to have an older, more mature player base, and that shows, both on the forums and in the game. Go look at the LotRO forums, and then go look at the wow forums, and you will instantly see what I mean.
Elladan - ESO (AD)
Camring - SWTOR (Ebon Hawk)
Eol & Justinian - Rift (Faeblight)
Ceol and Duri - LotRO (Landroval)
Kili - WoW
Eol - Lineage 2
Camring - SWG
Justinian (Nimue), Camring - DAoC
I have to disagree.
I recently transfered off of Landroval because of how lacking it is in comparison to other servers, in particular Elendilmir where I transfered too.
The crafting scene is horrible, its rare to be able to find any nice crit items on the local AH because very few players on the server develop there crafting to a high level.
Not sure why its even considered to be the "Unofficial RP Server", I've seen more RP come from Elendilmir then I ever saw on Landroval (I play a 50 LM btw, so I've been to all areas of the available map).
Population is easily down compared to other servers as well, walk through MD and you might see 5-6 people online, when you would normally see 20-30 on most other servers. I decided to ask around, and many players had friends that transfered off due to the slow decline of the server, apparently some of the servers top crafters were among those that have left, which explains the lack of quality crafted gear that is available.
I could go on for awhile, but I strongly recommend against rolling there, come to Elendilmir and you won't be dissapointed!
If you play on Elendilmir, or are considering it, then shoot me a PM and I'll toss you my character names, so you can contact me ingame.
Landroval has tons of RP, you just aren't going to find it in the middle of the North Bree Fields. Additionally, there are more server (rp and non rp) events than any other server in the game... just read the official forums yourself.
There are plenty of GM crafters... not sure where he's getting this notion from. I know several within my kinship alone.
The community is as strong as its ever been... if the previous poster would've stepped foot out of Michel Delving, he probably wouldn't have posted this.
I currently play on Landroval. While I have met some helpful people I have yet to find a kinship to join. I have taken two toons up to level 20 and am having a really hard time finding anyone to group with. Yes if you are willing to spam the LFF channel eventually you can find help but it takes time.
I dont know what its like on other servers but im getting a bit desperate on Landroval.
Elendilmir is were the majority of the kinships from closed beta went to play the game. We have a very helpful community. We are also the non official oceanic server so you will find alot of aussies on the server too. I would basically say all the servers have a good community. It is just up to you and were the kinship that you decide to join plays. But i would say you can't loose with any server.