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Which race do you belive will be under played in the game?
For me i'm thinking orcs or even tauren. They just don't have anything special about them that you want. Let me know you think about it
Current GM in Tibia.
Current GM in Everquest.
Ex GM of Ragnarok.
Tauren, definitely.
I wouldnt say taurens. every one i see who plays the beta has a tauren the one that i dont see alot of is the orcs. I personly love the orcs becuase there more of a brute they are pretty much tankers.
Current game-City of Heroes
Future-World of Warcraft all the way
Current GM in Tibia.
Current GM in Everquest.
Ex GM of Ragnarok.
based on what ive seen on the other threads is most of the dark races will be underplayed. i dont know why, it used to be the cool thing to be the bad guy in a video game.
when this happens, the maker of the game really won't do anything about it, because it really doesnt bother them all too much. this game however is a little differant in that a lot of the game will be around battles against the light and the dark.
something that SOE did because there were underplayed races, was nerf the races that had special abilities. they did it because those chericters were being played way to much because they had things the rest of them didnt. when they did this, things took care of themselvs after that and things eventualy balanced out.
I've been a gamemaster to two games. One on Everquest and another on a low graphics highly addictive game called Tibia.
On everquest I never saw an over abudant amout of one specific race/class pretty even. Now when it came to tibia where you could only chose from one of four classes it didn't get quit annoying to see all your paladin's (ranged don't even know why they were called paladins) levels 100+ while yours knights and sorcerers were 50 - 80. But like Perm said it is more of a balance thing then any other.
Current GM in Tibia.
Current GM in Everquest.
Ex GM of Ragnarok.
Spider sense... tingling.
When life hands you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
Current GM in Tibia.
Current GM in Everquest.
Ex GM of Ragnarok.
i agree, us darkies are going to have to go out some season and hunt some gnomes... and yeah, they are like rabits, small, furry... and well... maybe not so cute.
tauren - 'gnom season'
gnome - 'tauren season'
tauren - 'gnome season'
gnome - 'tauren season'
tauren - 'tauren season'
gnome - 'gnome season'
....Bang.... 'your dispicable'
Zafar Blightwing
Zafar Blightwing