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Can't wait for AoC!
Arr! my eyes!
I think this is the first time I have read something that not only made me speechless, but actually made me think how much I would love getting back the thirty seconds of my life that I wasted reading this post.
I've heard the term "wall of text" before, but not "wall of stupid".
Although the OP certainly needs to work on getting his message across, he is quite correct.
Before the announcement of the recent delay, the discussions on these boards were quite positive for the most part, with the exception of a few ongoing arguments. Now, the people on this forum are wading through posts on how the game has got to suck just because of a perfectly normal and not unexpected delay.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Given that Funcom hasn't been as forthcoming with details about the game as those of us not under an NDA would like, I suppose the only thing people have to whine about IS the delay. And what are these boards for, it not to gripe?
They cheated you? Why because they wanted to polish up the game before releasing it ? It is also somewhat scary and disturbing that people got depressed over a delayed release of a game.... I think they have far deeper issues.
When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.
As far back as I can remember writing in all capital letters has been considered rude. Writing in all capital letters on the Internet is the same as shouting at people, it's also harder to read. Most people consider it to be just plain rude.
If you write in all caps people will think you are angry may not want to read what you're writing. If your intention is to shout because you're angry then you can use select sentences to write in all caps, but not the whole message.
Sometimes I see titles written in all caps. Titles should not be written in all caps either. The right way to do titles on the Internet is to use bold letters or to capitalize the first letter in each word of the title. There are exceptions to the capitalization of words in titles. Unless they are the first word in a sentence these words should not be capitalized; a, an, the, and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet, to.
When you are writing your profile or your blog entries keep this in mind. You don't want to alienate your friends and potential friends by shouting at them. When you send them messages or leave comments for them, don't shout. They'll get the message even if you don't write in all capital letters.
-Linda Roeder.
It's a code... with a clue. Every 11th prime number of the letters (with wraparound ignoring the exclamation points) spells out "AOC KICKS MY NUTS".... amazing!
Yay! and return me 30 secs of my life too....
RIP Orc Choppa
b/c ppl are afraid its going to be Vanguard 2? We want facts not visions again.
If you spent time on the official forums and read dev quotes you wouldn't be so confused. But then again, you are the same guy telling people to buy WAR instead of AoC because AoC is a PVE game with PvP thrown in as an afterthought.
I don't get why people would be depressed. It seemed to me like most people didn't think much of the most recent AoC clips. It's a good move for Funcom to push the game back. IMO they need to put in some more work.
I love when people talk out of something other than their mouth. I am 20 years old and know fully well all about Conan and its lore. I would be willing to wager that most people who play this game will be under 40.
YES! a personal opinion that is baseless that is passed of as fact. Man I wish I was able to think for myself and disagree with you, but what you say must be factual.. it must be.
All kidding aside, its not based on Conan the barbarian, tis based on Hyboria during the AGE of Conan. I do not know much about the universe, nor have I read any books, but personally to ME the universe seems appealing and is well thought out in my opinion. See I added "in my opinion" and "to me". If you refrain from using generalizations that you try to pass as facts like "nobody", and stated "Personally I think that nobody .... or I don't care about playing a game (yadayadayada)... and I dont think other people do either. People wouldn't think your dumb.
Played (In order of favorite first to least): DAOC, EQ2, EVE, WOW, Vanguard, AC2, City of __, Guild Wars, LOTRO, EQ, Sword of New World, FFXI, Lineage 2, Second Life, DDO, Anarchy Online, RF Online, Archlord, Uru, Ragnarok Online, Shadowbane, Planetside, Auto Assault, Ryzom, Matrix Online, Horizons, Entropia, Sims, Runescape, Lineage 1, AC1, Dungeon Runners
Oh noes not again. I couldnt' take it. I think I would just pop if I found myself playing another badly optimised released beta with little or no polished content AND ardent fanboys telling me to defrag my hard disk and do ini file tweaks because Im a noob.
Arrrrgh !
Seriously though I have not seen any evidence that AOC is gonna go that way. But i guess its a fear after VG stinky foul smelling flop.
Oh noes not again. I couldnt' take it. I think I would just pop if I found myself playing another badly optimised released beta with little or no polished content AND ardent fanboys telling me to defrag my hard disk and do ini file tweaks because Im a noob.
Arrrrgh !
Seriously though I have not seen any evidence that AOC is gonna go that way. But i guess its a fear after VG stinky foul smelling flop.
I don't know why everyone gets so up-in-arms about release delays. I for one had zero interest in this title though I've been a fan of the property (mostly through the Howard novels and the Marvel comics of the eighties) since middle school. But the more I read from Funcom, and the more it seems they're really putting care and effort into this game, the more I feel like I'm gonna give it a shot upon release. If you read Funcom's press release about WHY the game is delayed, they make no bones about anything. And if anything, give their fans a bit of confidence that this title will be released in a playable, user-friendly, polished form.And to the previous poster who said most people under 40 don't even know who Conan is, that's absurd. Those movies were HUGE in the mid-eighties and despite their questionable quality, they did drive a lot of teens to do their homework and discover the great Robert E. Howard pulp novels. And at the end of the day, as I believe someone has stated already, as long as the game and the gameworld itself is appealing, it doesn't really matter if people are familiar with it or not.
Thats funny to me... because you see in my circle of friends, ranging from ages 17-23, I myself being 21, pretty much we all know exactly who Conan is and the world he lives in, and some of us even refer to him as Conan the Cimmerian vs the Barbarian. Out of that group, you ask them what, say, warhammer is? and a few of them can tell you, even fewer can tell you good details about it. But most of them know exactly what the Hyborian age is.
As for the game being pushed back, I think its good that funcom is being extra careful and making sure their game is polished, it shows they have learned from their hurried release of AO, which was a great game that released with too many flaws and that bad release ultimately made what could of been a top of the list game an almost failure. Whatever they have to do to bring us a nice and smooth running game, I am all for it.
That was extremely displeasing to my eyes when I opened the post.
Currently Waiting For: Nothing, found my addiction for awhile
Currently Playing: Warhammer Online - Oblivion, Warrior Priest, Averheim; Team Fortress 2