Lol, jk...but yes from what I hear it is a completely different game from launch, totally polished and fun and everything. I plan on purchasing it soon, probably with the newest expansion due out this November. Also, if you really wanna know, definitely check out the free 10 day trial they have on their site.
Thanks for the response. I was asking more about the state of the game at level 70 though. I had a 70 coercer on nagafen that I used to raid with some before the Echoes of Fadyr (sp?) expansion. I hate WoW style dkp raiding, and when I played on nagafen before, the pvp was sparse at best. Arenas were empty, and I was already tired of the outdoor boss thing from playing FFXI (a lot). I really enjoyed the game leveling up (once as freeport and once as qeynos), but it just got really boring after hitting 70. The samurai expansion was sorta cool, but I finished everything there minus killing the dragon turtle thing. Mostly, I just couldn't take another raid gear grind like I experienced in WoW.
Ah, my bad. I assumed you were one of the many people who tried the game at launch then quit like at the teens or something. Since I've never actually bought the game before, I wouldn't be able to answer that hehe.
The samurai expansion was sorta cool, but I finished everything there minus killing the dragon turtle thing.
As someone that has played casually since beta (minus a year vacation cause it was boring 3 months after launch) I just have to ask, "We got a Samurai expansion??" Am I missing some big chunk of land? I am pretty sure I have all the expansions/packs. Is this the vampire area? (I've never found anyone interested in going there with so haven't tried it).
Thanks for the response. I was asking more about the state of the game at level 70 though. I had a 70 coercer on nagafen that I used to raid with some before the Echoes of Fadyr (sp?) expansion. I hate WoW style dkp raiding, and when I played on nagafen before, the pvp was sparse at best. Arenas were empty, and I was already tired of the outdoor boss thing from playing FFXI (a lot). I really enjoyed the game leveling up (once as freeport and once as qeynos), but it just got really boring after hitting 70. The samurai expansion was sorta cool, but I finished everything there minus killing the dragon turtle thing. Mostly, I just couldn't take another raid gear grind like I experienced in WoW.
Hey what was your name? Coercer was one of those less common classes for max level, I'm sure I saw you around. My character was Tiifa on the Freeport side if you care to know. I've also been considering going back to EQ2, atleast until one of these newer games gets release. I'm somewhat curious on the state of the game myself.
Lol, jk...but yes from what I hear it is a completely different game from launch, totally polished and fun and everything. I plan on purchasing it soon, probably with the newest expansion due out this November. Also, if you really wanna know, definitely check out the free 10 day trial they have on their site.
Thanks for the response. I was asking more about the state of the game at level 70 though. I had a 70 coercer on nagafen that I used to raid with some before the Echoes of Fadyr (sp?) expansion. I hate WoW style dkp raiding, and when I played on nagafen before, the pvp was sparse at best. Arenas were empty, and I was already tired of the outdoor boss thing from playing FFXI (a lot). I really enjoyed the game leveling up (once as freeport and once as qeynos), but it just got really boring after hitting 70. The samurai expansion was sorta cool, but I finished everything there minus killing the dragon turtle thing. Mostly, I just couldn't take another raid gear grind like I experienced in WoW.
Ah, my bad. I assumed you were one of the many people who tried the game at launch then quit like at the teens or something. Since I've never actually bought the game before, I wouldn't be able to answer that hehe.
As someone that has played casually since beta (minus a year vacation cause it was boring 3 months after launch) I just have to ask, "We got a Samurai expansion??" Am I missing some big chunk of land? I am pretty sure I have all the expansions/packs. Is this the vampire area? (I've never found anyone interested in going there with so haven't tried it).
Fallen Dynasty:
I haven't played it either. (But I did know it existed, hehe)
Hey what was your name? Coercer was one of those less common classes for max level, I'm sure I saw you around. My character was Tiifa on the Freeport side if you care to know. I've also been considering going back to EQ2, atleast until one of these newer games gets release. I'm somewhat curious on the state of the game myself.