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1. WAR is not WoW.
2. WAR is not AoC.
3. WAR is not DAoC.
4. WAR is not UO.
5. Most importantly...WAR is WAR.
I see way too much comparison and confusion there...not just the obvious and irritating "OMG it's got Orcs and humans, it stole from WoWlolol" garbage, but people trying to think of the content unique to WAR as though it were another game. Just because it has levels and orcs, it's not WoW. Just because it's part of a new generation of MMOs coming out rougly together, don't write it off as another AoC. Just because Mythic's making it, don't think it's gonna be like DAoC with Elves and Dwarves and what have you. Just because there's going to be open worl PvP, it's not going to be UO.
Try to look at the game from a fresh perspective gang, not by making it out to be another game that it isn't. While WAR has content similar to other games, it's gonna be unique in its own way, just like all those other games are.
As much as I agree with you, it will take alot more then just one post to get through to all those ignorant people.
As much as you want do deny it War is in part, DAoC2. A LOT of what they did in daoc is going to be in Warhammer and it's one reason I'm excited about it. I loved DAoC and look forward to them using a new setting and improving on what they had in DAoC.
Not sure why comparing a games to another bother folks...
As for why comparisons bother's not comparing, so much as equating. "OMG, WAR is just WoW with more PvP!" "WAR is just gonna be DAoC all over again with orcs!" etic. Instead of judging the game on its own merit, people see it as similar to a completely different game, and then bash/defend it on the merits/downfalls of that OTHER game, not on WAR itself. If that makes sense.
Hey either way, this is gonna be a game of a need breed. Sounds really different from the way most MMO's have been made. In my book that at least deserves a test run. Once ya try it then u can base your own opinion on it. It looks and sounds like a great game, just like AoC does. Why not give it a shot....
Taught no quitting, and no Retreat
It's easier to say the PVP system will be more like DAoC than it will be like WoW's. Some folks have no idea what "RVR" is and if you say it's like DAoC it's much faster than trying to explain the whole realm versus realm concept to someone that has only ever played WoW's rather lacking PVP system.
People compare games all the time. Saying WoW's end game is just like EQ1 (raiding) only worse and people know what it's like if they ever played EQ1.
In 7 months we can see for ourselves
I would actually love a daoc2 and flock to it and never leave.
let mythic learn from the minor mistakes from daoc, then add the new money and resources they have from working with EA and come out with a new 3 sided RvR based was game based on mythology?
I would sooo be there. I just wish war was 3 sided, it would have made more sense because it makes more for an atmosphere of random violence if you can get run down by almost everyone.
How great was it in daoc to have that 3rd faction throw a monkey wrench in things? nice little keep siege going on, battle goes down to the last man and then WHAMO the third faction comes and ambushes both sides and takes the keep for themselves.
Notice you have no scouts in wow. DAoC we had people scouting at all times and reporting enemy movements. because the game was all about war and rvr. I just hope that same feel is carried over into warhammer online.
I agree, Dark Age of Camelot 2 is number 1 on my MMO wishing list (right beside Fallout MMO), as well. it was the perfect balance of PvE and PvP, a total war with 3 sides insteadof the usual 2 (heck make it 4 sides this time, realy create battlefield chaos!), with scouts, espionage, war machines and sieges and whatnot. If Warhammer comes even close to DaoC, then I am happy. If they decide to make a new DaoC after Warhammer, then I would be extatic
Anatomy of a Fanboi
This is you.
I think I'd flock to a Daoc 2 but that was only if they canceled WAR. Although I love mythology, Warhammers world is still fresh to me.
I agree I do like third faction pvp, like you say its a potential monkey wrench.
I would have to say there is some "limited" scouting in WoW (Arathi Basin comes to mind with reporting movements from the mill) just for example. Not the level of scouting that occurred in Thid or the Frontiers though. Not even close heh