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seams someone on CCP get tired by volunteer leeks and decide to "kick" them out
now fair for many well deserved for few
that means CCP will pay some ppl to make moderation on EvE-o forums ? (i hope so imo is the best way to ask for responsibility when bad stuff happens)
BestSigEver :P
Why is this happening? If anybody knows the full story, I would be very grateful if they could explain why this is happening.
the last problem
BestSigEver :P
the last problem
Thank you for responding - and so quickly.
It looks as if the decision was formed over a number of weeks, so I hope CCP now have a good plan with how to proceed.
I think it's a pity for all those keen volunteers who did such a good job. It seems it only takes one individual to tarnish the reputation of CCP and suddenly the whole system does more bad than good.
In a way it is a shame as the ISD was an interesting organisation in eve.
"Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."
-- Jean Rostand
I've been expecting this for a while that amount of time that must be dedicated by some of the groups means that the work really needs to be brought in house and done by people who are getting paid and as such can be better controlled. And its not like ISD is completely going away just 2 sections.
the "last problem" was a leak that happen before but there was leaked some INFO from players and many of that emails get spamed by ad company
dunno is anyone sue CCP about that -AFAIK u can make that-
what is not so nice: only 3 months of free sub for ppl that was spending many hours to help eve
BestSigEver :P
Well you had that ISD guy that was bumping ships in the BoB/Goon battles and he had several problems prior, only takes a few to ruin it for the many. Problem is there is always one, who when give power over others in any manner or form will always excercise it without thinking of the consequencs.
Sorry to those that do try to help the game, but it only took a few of your own to completely destroy any sense of integrity your organization had.
CCP did the right thing.
There have been stories of corruption way before that that Aurora was involved in, Rumors of making events end a way that gives the prizes to a small group of people as an example. And the the Forum Moderation, they could never get people to do that for very long because who gets an account to be a forum mod, not to say anything of the BOB issues that seemed to pop up from time to time. In the end it came down to control, and how much CCP needed to have control over ISD, but didn't. You had people leaking storylines, mods protecting people and deleting posts that should get people banned.
The person bumping the dread didn't factor in for this decision, the individual was released from ISD was how they dealt with that individual. Granted that did reveal the famous MSN link, and showed that ISD was not perfect but to place the blame on this one person is not the issue. CCP lost control of ISD and it created a series of issues that really could not be solved in the game.
QFT. Volunteers aren't paid so some of them took advantage of their status. I'm glad to see this change.
Actually the term is INfamous.
"Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."
-- Jean Rostand
There isn't much evil about MSN anymore. In fact BOB and the Goons are more infamous then the MSN link.
However I'd have to argue that the CRC and Aurora were more infamous then these two Alliences combined. Look at the bigger picture, ISD was around before these BOB and Goonswarm, there were rumors of corruption and strange things happening before as well. It just that now there is no way of controlling them, or even keeping people in either of the ISD places. I remember recruitment drives for most of ISD, but most of the time it was for Aurora and CRC. Now was there something pushing people out or making people avoid these two chapters of ISD, so much so that nothing ever really got moving with out some kind of controversy or rumor of controversy. It was like you needed the dreaded Tin-Foil Hats around all the time. Who wants to live with that?
The 'famous MSN link' was actually a joke. Most people were just too stupid to realize that when someone says something like that in local, they're just fucking with you.
ISD was always an epic fail anyway. They leaked information like a sieve, played favorites, and generally made asses of themselves. CCP's had one person make a mistake, the GM team has had one person make a mistake, but they're greatly amplified by the general disdain that people have gotten thanks to ISD. CCP and their paid staff have always been excellent and unbiased.
The 'famous MSN link' was actually a joke. Most people were just too stupid to realize that when someone says something like that in local, they're just fucking with you.
Then it was a poor joke, that should not have been stated in Local. In fact from the same account of the events we have a high speed account of the former ISD members release from that group. Granted the argument that came as a defense was "Having a Dev's MSN address was not a bad thing" from BOB didn't help either. Real or not, the perception of most people came to be that BOB fired an ISD member.
The 'famous MSN link' was actually a joke. Most people were just too stupid to realize that when someone says something like that in local, they're just fucking with you.
Then it was a poor joke, that should not have been stated in Local. In fact from the same account of the events we have a high speed account of the former ISD members release from that group. Granted the argument that came as a defense was "Having a Dev's MSN address was not a bad thing" from BOB didn't help either. Real or not, the perception of most people came to be that BOB fired an ISD member.
It was a superb joke because all of the idiots ate it hook, line and sinker. The fact that most people are idiots doesn't make what they think any less stupid. The former ISD member that you're speaking of was acting like a twat using a colored-text account (which means that he was acting like a twat with an official CCP account). If you saw one of your volunteers doing what he was doing, you'd have gotten pissed and ordered him removed, too. He then proceeded to be more of a twat and say that BoB got him dropped from ISD, when the reality was that he was removed for his own twattiness (that's a word. I made it up. Deal with it)
But actual history pales with comparison to the what the EVE-O cattle think, hmm?
The 'famous MSN link' was actually a joke. Most people were just too stupid to realize that when someone says something like that in local, they're just fucking with you.
Then it was a poor joke, that should not have been stated in Local. In fact from the same account of the events we have a high speed account of the former ISD members release from that group. Granted the argument that came as a defense was "Having a Dev's MSN address was not a bad thing" from BOB didn't help either. Real or not, the perception of most people came to be that BOB fired an ISD member.
It was a superb joke because all of the idiots ate it hook, line and sinker. The fact that most people are idiots doesn't make what they think any less stupid. The former ISD member that you're speaking of was acting like a twat using a colored-text account (which means that he was acting like a twat with an official CCP account). If you saw one of your volunteers doing what he was doing, you'd have gotten pissed and ordered him removed, too. He then proceeded to be more of a twat and say that BoB got him dropped from ISD, when the reality was that he was removed for his own twattiness (that's a word. I made it up. Deal with it)
But actual history pales with comparison to the what the EVE-O cattle think, hmm?
Your history, maybe. And in the final accounting perhaps you might be right. However this isn't about "funboy, Dreadnaught bouncher" this is about ISD as a whole. I only know what I read on the forum, most people only know what they read on the forum. Granted that makes most people unknowledgable about the real situation, but seeing that it took a few months for that above quoted fact to come out makes my point here. It was a very good joke, so good that a lot of people bought into the entire thing and even brought in the Internal Affairs people. Most people saw that as someone else controlling ISD instead of the Dev team. And I'm sure there were people who really did not take to kindly to the joke since the words legal action were thrown around. But by then the damage was done PR wise.One IRONIC comparison of this situation is the SWG thing... I do not need to go into much detail on this but CCP did have one option that SWG didn't, they made a drastic change. So this joke could of been the straw that broke the camel's back.
In Summary,
ISD fell because of the perception that it was no good, however there were and still are people dedicated to the good aspects. However I guess in order to save ISD, it looks like ISD has lost two good groups. I hope that someday CCP or someone else tries this again, just with better grasp of PR and the communities situation.
Volunteer-based organizations which maintain power over other players are doomed to fail. I think AURORA could have worked if they'd been run better and had better support from full-time event staff, but STAR will always be a failure.
Volunteer-based organizations which maintain power over other players are doomed to fail. I think AURORA could have worked if they'd been run better and had better support from full-time event staff, but STAR will always be a failure.
This isn't about STAR, they are still going to be around welcoming people to the Privateers warm guns. It's about CRC and Aurora, remember that please. Not all of ISD is going away, only 2 parts.
Oh realy? They kicked the forum goon squad to the curb??? Hell this might be enough for me to return to Eve!!! Damn gestopho is what they were, they could do anything they wanted! They were the reason I made the '23' in the first place.
Its about time CCP woke up and seen the light. This week alone I have seen many improvments to the game and forums, ones that increase the draw back to the game. Wonder if my alliance survived the BoB/CCP wars???
So what does this have to do witht e topic then?
Or is this deliberatly an example of topic hijacking?
"Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."
-- Jean Rostand