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The folks over at EverQuest II have announced that they are looking for beta testers for Legnds of Norrath.
If you are a player of either EverQuest or EverQuest II and you would like to beta test Legends of Norrath, please send an email with the subject header "LON" to Please include your Station Account name (not the password) in the body of the email so you can then be placed in the beta pool. Please note that any mail to that address that does not follow this direction may be overlooked. Emails to this address will not be answered, the best location for any questions you may have is the Legends of Norrath official forums.
As the scope of the beta expands, participants will include people who send an email to this address. There is no current timetable to share for exactly when each and every person will be added to the beta pool, but this is the best chance to make sure your name is on the list!
Best of luck to those that wish to assist in the beta process of this new and exciting addition to EQII!
Read more here.
First comment!
And.. entered. Seems like a horrible way to try to attract beta testers... but okay. I guess it's one way.
Who knows, maybe they will fix a bunch of inherent problems in the game, like Blizzard did with Burning Crusade in this expansion.
do u even play EQ2? Legends of Norrath is a Online Card game, not an expansion.
Oh cool, I hope I can get in! ^^ I love trading card games and play EQ2 a long time, so I am quite interested how LoN is.
Hope the make haste.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Perfect example of the typical forum user. Clueless, and quick to trash games they know nothing about.
Anyway, I can't really say too much because of beta but it obvious the game is going to be very popular , my biggest concern right now is the dilemma of having players bagging out on quest because they want to play LoN.
I think this is a good way to help bring both EQ and EQ2 communities together. There are some pretty cool items that can be had from these cards for each gaming world. Some cards can be converted to in game items for use such as magic cloaks and mounts. The card game is interesting as you have to loot cards to build sets along with normal trading. I don't play EQ or EQ2 but can appriciate the function.
I am still hoping for the time when ffxi has tetra master inside the game itself, so you could walk around and start a duel, and gain cards from quests, drops, etc.
do u even play EQ2? Legends of Norrath is a Online Card game, not an expansion.
EverQuest online card game?! *laughing my ass off*
The only card game that I would play online is poker.
This is exactly what I was thinking! Isn't it hilarious to imagine other people might actually like something that you don't? What losers they must be! It reminds me of occasions when people are having a discussion about something that doesn't interest me, and I don't have anything particularly relevant to say. Obviously I join right in regardless. After all, I am so superior a person that even my most random thought is surely an improvement to any discussion, most especially one concerning a topic so dull as to not have interested me in the first place; at worst, I will have enlightened others as to what a pointless waste of time their interests are.
As for the topic at hand, I love the idea of this sort of game being incorporated into EQ and EQ2. I think all MMOs could benefit from having some nontraditional elements, and I wonder whether they couldn't grow into something like portals or suites, offering a variety of distinct activities in addition to the typical level / quest / raid MMO experience. I can see some simpler online games (Fishing Champ, any of the cart-racers, Manga Fighter, even something like Albatross 18,) being easily integrated into an MMORPG, and I think this would be a great step forward, not only for its own merits but for the increased stability I think this would give to the communities of MMO games.
With regard to the game itself, I have only played a bit of the single-player scenarios in Legends of Norrath, but I found those very fun, to the point that I finally had to force myself to stop playing and go to bed. Beyond the standard 52-card deck, my experience with card games is limited to Uno, and I have never been interested in other sorts of card games, so I was surprised by how much I liked this one. I am also impressed by how well this game meshes with an RPG, in that different decks are made to function strategically like corresponding character classes. A fighter deck, for instance, will be more damage-resistant than a mage deck, but the mage deck is capable of higher damage output; priest decks have cards that parallel healing and resurrection abilities, and scout decks are heavier on surprise attacks. There are good and evil variants of each as well.
I do hope everyone who has the opportunity will give it a try, and I hope the game is well-received, not only because I think it deserves to be, but especially because I like to see developers rewarded for wandering off the beaten path.
do u even play EQ2? Legends of Norrath is a Online Card game, not an expansion.
EverQuest online card game?! *laughing my ass off*
The only card game that I would play online is poker.
Geez, why do we have to mock other people's preferrences? Some like wine, others prefer beer, so what?
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
EQ2 player here. I'm a tad worried about this card game and the money involved.
Now, I don't have anything against the card game itself, it's a nifty idea and as someone said, it can perhaps bring the EQ and EQ2 communities together.
My worry comes because some of these cards can give in-game items and these cards can be bought (as booster packs). This creates a connection between real life money and in-game items and I don't like this connection.
I do realise the card game is free (all players will get a free pack), and I don't have to play it, and there is only a chance of getting a rare card in a bought pack, and we can also get cards as loot in the game. But the connection is still there and I'm afraid SoE is counting on us to buy packs for a chance for a good in-game items.
Smed has said they want to move their money income away from subscribtions and find other ways to gain money. I see card games as one way, and the best way to get us players to buy card is to give us a chance of a cool in-game item.
I so wish they would remove that money-ingame item connection. Perhaps cards that is bought couldn't be converted to in-game items? Perhaps only the cards we loot in-game could be converted? That would remove the connection and remove the whole 'I am rich, I can buy cards, so I'm better than you'.
I played Magic the Gathering for several years, so I know how important rare cards can be, and I know how annoying little brats that has dads credit card to buy all cards can be (oh boy, have I met them and puked). And I have also seen how fast one can use money for a chance of a rare card (myself included unfortunately).
So, I don't like that connection, not at all.