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JEEZ those poor mp's thats why i left my main was an mp i loved buffing ppl up and having pets but when i hit 150-160 there was no new pets i was rocking the cacodemon ( that was a sweet pet when it was a match for mobs its lvl) i hear biazu is a faster demon with less hp. but all thats water under a bridge. its hard for an mp to get weapon skill without gimping yourself someware else. and my mezz pet 1 shotted somtimes 2. i would buff my pets and hid and hope to god that the mob didnt come find me ( i roll missions as high as i can solo.) If my demon dies i either have to 1. run away or 2. start summoning one right there and HOPE i finish casting it before the lvl 175 mob came around the corner lookin for who's demon it was.ONE time i amost solo'ed an alien mission but that ended badly. i had been playing for a long time at least 4 years but my mp being gimp turned me off to the whole game.(you have to understand i dont wanna reroll or anything like that why should i, i spent so much time on this mp. Also heckler grinding made me want sell my soul to the devil.
Well i think MP have asked for a pet buff since the game launch. Unfortunatly FC seems to think they are fine the way they are. I agree with you, after 150, hell after 110 if your twinked you are stuck with coca all the way to 200.... You have to remember that these pets were made before all these expansions, they were made to fight normal RK mobs, not SL or AI mobs which HIT a hell of a lot harder. I have a MP too, stuck at 150, i havent played it in years, i just can't get myself to do anything with it, it's just a pain to kill anything by yourself. Maybe if you like pet profession you should try an engi, at least their bot are more robust and can take a beating.
sounds like you solo alot :} i do it all the time lvl 180 nanomage mp on rk1
no probs killing stuff or doin good damage, i went with a panther 2he and i do same damage usually as my pet.
get the max hp you can raise your runspeed and most of all raise your nano init if you that high of level with cacodemon it should be instacast by now i know mine is. viral compiler if necessary. although i use biazu now and cast time on that is horrid.
this my mp not the .best but it dose the job only thing i would say is my pet hate is the pvp on the battle ship what mps need are better buffs are at least lower the time it take to cast them . buy the time ive cast d-buff some twink fixer as shot me to hell
On the topic of weapons, you guys have one of the most powerful weapons in the game...
yes pet are great for soloing lvl 200 miss but in pvp there a waste of time some one like a fixer will kkill you befor your pet as even got close to him . even the mec are no good to some point in pvp . players are so good at twinking there toons .the mecs just dont do any dmg .
A fixer can barely kill anyone . They don't have the AR to pull off many of their perks, and their dmg is laughable. About the only thing they can do is run/meep away. They don't have AS, and their Full Auto almost always misses. On the otherside MPs are one of the better professions to PvP with these days. It may take you a while to get the gear to make you viable, but if you wanted an easy PvP prof you probably should have rolled a soldier or keeper. :P
You guys think it sucks being an MP, there are a lot of other professions that aren't even viable, pvp or pvm wise. Anyone ever roll a shade before?