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I have been playing runescape for a long time now and I am finally bored to tears. What other MMO's are good to play? I have seen WoW but is the $15 a month worth it? Guild Wars looks pretty cool too.... ahhhhhh! there is so many!
Try Flyff. I dont think its better than Runescape, but you might. It does have better graphics though and its free so yeah try it.
I would say WoW is worth the 15. Do not do GW though, it blows.
Life is hard, so I chose not to have one.
I didn't like GW ether.
World of Warcraft is not worth 15$ a month if you have a social life.
It's just too expensive for a game ment to be played in your spare time. And you sometimes have to pay additional fees to download extra patches. You mean our 50 bucks and the monthly fee doesn't actually include a finished product?
Give another game a shot if you want, but I suggest taking a break from RS for a couple of months then coming back. You won't believe how much you've missed playing, and you'll never find yourself running out of fun things to do.
Former Hard Core member at only 25 posts.
What the f*ck are you talking about? All of WoW's patches are free and it's made for people with a social life. The only other thing you have to pay for is the expansions.
so, what's the full spelling of flyff?
Flyff is the full spelling.. if you cant find it on google, just search Gpotato
thanks, but it doesn't accept my email type looked cool.
I don't know what are all these people babling about.
there are lot of other game that u can play beside wow and gw, i'm a wow addict myself too. But you can play other games like:
those are some of the free mmo that I have played myself before, the best one was silkroad but is full of hackers now.
Thanks I'll try that.
Not worth it if you have a social life?...
Get your facts straight, moron.
Life is hard, so I chose not to have one.
Eternum Online the new rs...
It takes a real man to learn the truth... it takes the truth to learn a real man.
Flyff = Fly For Fun
I saw your post on choosing WoW, its definately worth it. Very fun, very addicting, and a HUGE game with a HUGE community. It depends on what kind of quality game you like though. The free games like Flyff and SRO arent as made as well as say GW and WoW because they are free and dont have that much of an income to keep them updated. With all being said, GW despite being F2P, only gotta buy the disc, is a great game IMO, story is something fresh and new, (i mean, story in MMO!!) . Its addicting as well as WoW, theres good add on games like Nightfall and EOTN. I think you are really gonna like WoW, its a step up from RS. Better graphics, better everything. When u get it, make a charrie on Sen Jin realm, my name is Lugra (main). BTW, do you have an xfire?
Yea. I use to play RS but i play WoW now and have been for past 6 months. Just so much better. If you're looking for something which is more or less free (apart from buying the CD), You might want to try Guild Wars. But that is mainly based around dueling and not so much non-combat skills, although it has a better storyline, but for all round game I would get WoW. Patches take a while to download though, and Video card / Processor in your PC have to be pretty good. I used to play RS because its browser based and Java (due to weak comp.) and only started playing WoW after i got some stuff that worked =p. I havn't tried Flyff, so not sure how that compares to RS, WoW, GW etc. Screen shots look pretty good tho.
I have tried flyff and let me tell you. It's not worth it. If you think runescape is boring//a grind, don't even consider playing flyff. Kill so many of this, collect so many of that, etc. No variety. Graphics look good, music is good, sounds are good, gameplay sucks. just click, kill, move on. That's all flyff is. Killing, and getting lots of Penya (gold) to keep up with the others. Money is more important than skill. A rich level 50 can easily win against a poor level 70.
Guild wars is a good game to try, yet nowadays you needs every expansion to be able to pvp at the arena's. Free to play but you need to buy the game itself. The game is huge. I've played over 500 hours, yet haven't bought any of the expansion packs and I'm not even close to having discovered everything.
Holiday events are fun as well. I immensely enjoy the snowball fights. If you're looking for a game that has variety and always remains a challenge, try guild wars. Since they added a hard mode, even the first area's become challenging to play again.
Don't be put off by the level 20 cap. Level's don't matter much. Skill and strategy win this game. That, and good friends.
Everyone can level. Only the wise gain experience
Yah FLYFF isnt that much of a polished g ame..You'll see bugs, grammar errors and its not that fun. GW is reeal good and like Zhan said, lvl 20 doesnt matter, you hit 20 and there is still tons of story and PvP to do
It depends what you're looking for in a game. If u liked RS for the skill side of the game, then I would go for WoW. If you played RS for PvP and Quests, I would play GW. WoW's PvP system is far outclassed by GW's, but if you would forsake that for the better allrounder, then seriously consider getting WoW.
Those two games are probably the most similar to RuneScape, and if you enjoyed RS, then you might like either one of them.