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Today is the last day in the life of Auto Assault, and they have posted a few parting words for the game's remaining fans, including word of "parting gifts" for those who stuck with the game to the end. Goodbye Auto Assault, and may you have a million subs in the MMO afterlife.
With Auto Assault closing down tonight, we wanted to thank all of you for creating a tremendously cool and dedicated community of Wastelanders. We just didn't want to give you guys a wild, crazy event tonight, but something else that may be just as fun. In the coming days those that are eligible will be receiving a "Parting Gift" message in your e-mail inboxes, with opportunities to take a part in some of our other products, including Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa and City of Heroes. It's our way of saying "Thank You" to the diehard Auto Assault fan base and we hope to see you in are other virtual worlds.
Read more about Auto Assault here.
Grammar are important....
So, like totally, I could, like, so be, you know, like, a community thingy guy for NC Soft, like totally....
Grammar are important....
So, like totally, I could, like, so be, you know, like, a community thingy guy for NC Soft, like totally....
Oh my God, SHOES.
Serious death penalties makes every close call an adrenaline rush, and every minor achievement a major victory. This alternative rule-set should be in all MMORPGs.
Well the aliens won and we'll all be fighting them again in NChurnSoft's next game.
You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!
Even though it sucked and I didn't give a crap about it, it's still sad to see an MMO shut down. GAIZ I'M GONNA CRY!! Here it comes...
Grammar are important....
So, like totally, I could, like, so be, you know, like, a community thingy guy for NC Soft, like totally....
If grammer was important, they would have corrected the original paragraph before they posted it...
Originally posted by Szark
Today is the last day in the life of Auto Assault, and they have posted a few parting words FROM the games remaining fans, including word of "parting gifts" for those who stuck with the game to the end. Goodbye Auto Assault, and may you have a million subs in the MMO afterlife.
Oh well...take care Auto Assult! You were fun for a bit during beta!
I'm torn between yelling out a final "booo! you suck!" and wishing them better luck with that jumpgate revival thing they're doing. I mean, it looks interesting, but you know, not as interesting as a post-apocalytpic RvR car wars MMO.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
Grammar are important....
So, like totally, I could, like, so be, you know, like, a community thingy guy for NC Soft, like totally....
If grammer was important, they would have corrected the original paragraph before they posted it...
Originally posted by Szark
Today is the last day in the life of Auto Assault, and they have posted a few parting words FROM the games remaining fans, including word of "parting gifts" for those who stuck with the game to the end. Goodbye Auto Assault, and may you have a million subs in the MMO afterlife.
Oh well...take care Auto Assult! You were fun for a bit during beta!
Pretty sure that should be FOR, not from. (and it's 'take care Auto Assault!')
I have not played this game but would have liked to try it. Too bad NCsoft doesn't have a F2P system for such low target games. Maybe it could have been a freebe to an all encompassing account like SOE's Station Pass. It could have been like Planetside that way. Oh well, just a thought.
Sorry, but am I the only person here who actually played AA? I'm Sensei on the Auto Assault forums, btw. The reason AA failed was, most players believed, ND aiming for a huge population (rather than the 40-60,000 it should have) and NC writing it off way early (Conspirators on AA forums have evidence that the game was scheduled to be closing, set by U2) and not putting advertising into it so no-one knew what it was. Also, not giving nealry enough bug fixing time. ND is at fault for not fixing them though, through the four updates.
Yes, there was an event tonight. Run by the best GMs in any game ever (they, Zzyn especially, were really just one with the player community at heart) and planned and organized by the player community (under 100, and everyone knows everyone else). This is often how it is with AA, the best community ever (not to brag, the game itself had many faults) actually running the games large community events, and GMs showing up to facilitate. So in that way, best game ever- not like WoW's community, the victim of it's own success.
It also dared to do something new. In fact, it's in a lot of ways like TR. Some people even dare to say NC killed AA to make way for TR (a little extreme, in my opinion). I'd at least like to say that Garriot is an ass (you guys can defend him-- I have my evidence). Not to get off topic, but it sickens me how TR is being hailed for fighting aliens (Anarchy Online, and ancient but successful game, has had aliens in a big way since 2004). Hey, WE fought aliens too ya know! ...and every other sci-fi themed game...
JG's reinnovation WILL succeed. Even if not one player joins, they ought to have enough money to continue. That's how JG is, it's been out for nine years.
So yeah. Just setting some things straight about AA. I think it is probably the game with the hugest wasted potential. Hold on, I just HAVE to use this cool smiley before I finish:
I actually played AA a bit both back in Beta and earlier this year when I "finally" used my claim code from my collector's edition that I purchased on release day. I'll say this-it was a fun game to play in small doses, I could have seen myself renewing it for a month out of every 4 or 5 and playing the hell out of it for a few weeks then walking away again. As was mentioned earlier, what would have saved this game would be NCSoft going to a Station Pass type of system and including it there-it's worked for The Matrix Online and Planetside (hell, MxO still gets regular content updates and bug patches, they just dropped Update 54 over there).
AA was a fun concept and there was something extremely satisfying about ramping up to full speed and then crashing full-tilt into some lower level mob with guns blazing and leaving a smoldering wreck in your wake, it just didn't have a ton of replay. There was also a great community from what I saw-noobs were encouraged and even coddled a bit by the player base.
All-in-all, I think it's a shame that this game wasn't published under the Sony label, it would likely still be around and I could still pop on every so often to level my Agent up. Ah well, c'est la vive.
It's always hard to see an MMO go, especially one that was unique.
Played this game during beta, and a few on and offs since then.
It was fun, but as stated before, it got a little bland. I think it would have helped immensely if they instituted better car/racing physics.
I remember the last thing I did in that game (during the weeklong free pass event for previous subscribers) was that I took my lvl 30 somthing bounty hunter and cloaked my way to the PVP zone and snuck to the mutant and biomek starting areas, trying to strike up a chat with some of the opposing factions. Unfortunately no one was there, but it was interesting to try.
It is really sad to see it go.. reason why I stopped playing was that they shifted from pvp focus to stupid raid content.. wth. I blame wow.
If they would have made GZ bigger, faster, less obstacles and less mobs and with concrete goals I would still play it. Why can't developers learn that by implementing fun and rewarding pvp they basically have years to come out with content for the few raiders that like the koreanesce way of playing... (daoc)
Well, bummer it dies like this, innovative as it was..
Goodbye AA, you will be missed
I've played AA from launch for a couple of months.
R.I.P. AA. Better luck next time.
Yeah...even though I never played it, it's sad to see it go!
They had it coming.. what did they expect by putting a brand-new game on the market for $49.99 box then $14.99 a month... from what I've heard the support was terrible, a few friends of mine tried playing it but they were having some problems installing the game, and they sent in a ticket like eight months ago.. and still didn't get a response lol..
Wakka wakka wakka - Pac-Man
bit of a cop out the fact they said they would hold a big end of event and bump all the newbs to top lvl and just mass fight it out, instead they give out trials and beta keys to TR which is cool but you can get them easy anyway! i was hoping to read about some crazy going'ons on the last day
100 players ? Yikes what a failure .......... I'm never sad when crappy games fact it should happen more often.
Exactly, in the world of Work 2.0 there's always some way to MONETIZE a commercial quality game !
Why didn't they sell it to some INDIE developer who could make a profit from the small scale???
Maybe it's time for a Consortium or Co-Op to be formed, made up of devs willing to buy and run discontinued games. (maybe a GameDev Hanseatic League? )
I know of a much smaller, much less "professional" Free-To-Play game that grosses over $500K/year based on advertising, which is Big Money for the couple of people that run the game.
btw 100 players usually means there's around 1000-2000 subscribers.
The really sad part is that it sets an example for Devs who try to do diferente games instead of always the same fantasy thingy... The game was pretty nice, low marketing and a no publicity launch took its toll on the game. A very Sad day for MMOs.
goodbye auto assault, hello fallen earth!
I brought the game on may 31 and installed the game. I played the game on july 1 toward aug 31 2007.
This seems as bad as investing time in a TV show, like traveler, then have the company can the show because of the ratings...Seriously though, couldnt they just have made AA free to play and let people buy special items like they do in DR?
My thought of AA remains that it was not unique enough. I was discouraged when I went to make my first character and guess what. I got to choose between a fighter a cleric or a wizard. Called other things but the same principle.