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Sorry for Trial and error, but this is the correct place to put this, no ?
I'm well aware this event is Temporarily Stoped, I just have been working on this for 2 days strait and wanna know what you think of it.
1.) Favorite Game: My favorite game has to be Cronous, one of the most fun and adictive games in my opinion.
Link -->
2.) Review of Cronous
Fighter: Fighters are more suited for Healing and Defensef matters, always should be in a party at higher levels to help out, they got normal running speed and a good Character to start of with. They got good Armor selection and Weapon Selection. Pefferd Weapon: Serkis' Sword or Merciless' Glaive.
Magician: Hardest to level, once you hit level 15 with them and get a Protectors Staff +1 and Nomo's +1 and put alot point in Int and Stamina, he should be very good, and easyer to level. Pefferd Weapon: Protectors Staff.
Valkrie: There the easyest to start with, get them a +8 Battle Bow or +8 Long Bow, I peffer them over Manu Gung and never get Magus Edge, always go with a Bow. Since they can kill from a Distance, there the easyest to level. Pefferd Weapon: +8 Long Bow or +8 Battle Bow, either one with + Damage if possible.
Savage: Next to Magician on annoying to level, there slow but Storng. There down side is taking out Mobs, unless you have Spining Attack at level 3 or more and lots of Mana Potions, exspect a long leveling process, but I find him very eacy to use, so go with him if your a slow and have Patience. Pefferd Weapon: +7 or 8 Scythe.
Leveling: Not that much harder from your own RPG's, but more user friendly. As you go up you know by now it takes forever to gain EXP, but as you may not know, the nice people of Cronous have made it easy to level your Stats and Skills, level 1-10 may want to stay with the Pigmys for awahile and Goblin cave, when you hit level 10 its time for Cliff Cave. Then 15-20 will enjoy Ketters Temple and Ketters Hell. Level 20-25 should stick with Sitti's Terra's Desert, and stay away from Mortuus. 25-30 ? Go to the Cavus ! Nice place till 30, then at 30-35, Purica Pathway and Temple Road may be your best Choice, and Temple Road and Montantus First Floor for 35-40 levels, and 40-45 will enjoys Montanus 2nd and 3rd floor. 45-50 may be better of in Montanus 4th Floor and Terra.
Leveling Stats: For every level you get 4 Stats, but you ask yourself, "where do I put these ?" Well ask no further !
For Fighters, its better to put them in just the Str Stat and Sta Stat, Your Defense and Damage will both go up, way up !
For Magicians, Nomo's and Protectors Staffs are you best Friend, for your early levels, just use some good One-Handed Weapon till you hit 15, once at 15, equip your Nomo's and Protectors Staff and Start using Magic for the rest of your levels. Only put points in Int and Sta.
For Valkrie, Valkries are different, your Stat Point need to go right to your Agillity and Stamana, so your Damage and Attack Rate go up, only use Bows.
For Savage's, Savage may be a little like Fighters, and they are, just slower, just go with the same Stats I said for Fighter and you should be good to go with a Savage.
Skills: I'm not that good on this Subject, but I 5 for All Class Skills and 5 For all Basic Skills depending on who you are. For Magician, avoid all One-Hand Mastery and Shield Mastery and Range and Two-Hand Mastery, only go for Staff Mastery. Thats how I basicly Build my characters, and there all just fine.
Equipment: Its a must for all RPG'ers, as you shoud know, as you go up levels you need new Armors and Weapon, you may find these from defeated enemies, or just buy some at Personal Shops from other people. Always go with + Defense Armor, Ememies don't do less damage as you go up levels, so + Defense should be your best Friend.
Weapons don't come as easily as Armor, but you only need one, so who cares ? We do ! Always mess around with difffernt weapons, see which one suits your Character before using it, always go with Normal Attack Speed Weapons and Possibly Two-Handed Weapons, they do lots of damage for quick levels.
Review on the Game:
Review of Games Sounds and Graphics:
Ghaphics: Some nice 3-D Graphics here, some of the best in my Opinion. Its got that nice blend of 2-D, and its not hurtfull on the eyes XD. But yeah, full blend of wonderous Colors await you on this game. 7.7
Sounds: The sounds may be nice, but sometimes Anoying. I get tired of the sound sometimes, and some sounds I just love, Magician's Explosion Spell for instance. 8.1
Music: The music will have you listening to it for Hours on end, its just wonderfully blended in with the Sonuds, its got my vote on favorite music. 8.7
Enjoyability: A game for if you truly are an RPG'er. Its got one of the most fun leveling and skill setting system I've ever seen, and after going through with my Magician 3 times till I got his Build right, I could not enjoy it more 9.0
Replayability: Not something you would wan't to restart unless you are still low level and wan't to try to find a good build depending on how you wan't your character. 6.5
Overall: Its a great game for your spare time, to just sit back and enjoy after long days of school or just come home from work, its a must for those that need something to keep them going. 8.7
Level Review:
Cronous Castle: Its a nice little place for beginers, buy your weapons and Armor and take to the battle ground, just go up and get Cro (Money in this game) to afford better weapons.
Goblin Cave: This may be a little more advanced for those not around level 10 or so, the enmeys in here are tougher then Pigmys, but not by much. Just watch out for them Plimb Goblins,they kill you easily.
Cliff Cave: Level 12 better get new armor, this place is just crawling with new enemies ready to kill you. This place will take you to Cobalt Cave, full of good stuff, and this place can take you to Ketters Temple.
Cobalt Cave: Its nice and got normal not so hard enemies for those level 12-15, also, look out for Silver Coins and Cobalt that may drop from the enemey, Cobalt is worth alot and Silver Coins, you may never know when the'll decide to include those as part of the game.
Ketters Temple and Hell: Level 15 through 20 will realy enjoy these places, some Skeletons and Zombies, nothing you can't handel at level 15, just get good weapons and armor and charge right in.
Alter of Lava: Nice little Boss here, level 45-50 Recommended. He drops a bit of good Items, but still hes nice if your in need of weapons (A party of 6 is sometimes needed to kill all enemies in room before boss shows up)
Sittis Terra: From Maelle you can warp dirrectly here, its good for weapons Armor, and Personal Shop, where you can set up your own Store and sell your own Items.
The Cavus: Nice place, got alot of good enemies, and can take you dirrectly to Purica Pathway for when you hit that needed level to survive in Purica Pathway.
Purica Patghway: Purica Pathway is big and full of Mine Entrances, so its easy to get lost, so bring lots of Teleport Scrolls. Feable monsters here, but look out for Mortuus, hes in the bigest room.
Temple road: You can Transmit here form Maelle or just get here from Purica Pathway. Its small not much but one huge room that will level you in no time.
Montanus: With 4 Floors it takes awhile before you ever reach Terra, whouldn't it ? As you go further up, it gets much harder ecery Floor, so always go up atleast 5 Levels per Floor, or untill you think your ready.
Terra is a big wide open area with lots of monsters to tear you to sheads, but don't fert, just be at level 45 with Red Armor and a good Weapon and this place should be cake.
Charka: This place may be a problem at low levels, but if you can survive in Terra, then this place should be very easy.
Kaineus: A realy good place to get to 60 at, just be level 50 before you get here, oh wait, you have to be level 50, level requirement !
Screen Shots:
Trailers: Here are some Trailers not done by me (Well, one is, its a basic Guide for new guys)
Not by me -->
Boss Fight (Also not by me) -->
And finaly some basic guide (By me):
Part 1 -->
Part 2 -->
Part 3 -->
My Characters are:
Darknyte: Figter with a Grudge
BestMagician: Powerful wizard loooking for a vengence
DarkValkrie: Valkrie with a Hidden Past
DarkBerserker: Strong Savage with one mean look
I play Cronous on the Lapis Sever on Channel 2
You can't change the resolution for this game and the default setting = eye-cancer.
Nothing for me, but maybe interesting for ppl that don't care for gfx or with a low-end machine.
If there is a way to change the res-settings, let me know pls