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Horizons Newbie

After reading the Horizons article, I'm convinced that this MMO is the best bet for my first. I'm currently downloading it to give the 14-day free trial a go. Before I hop on, is there anyone that can give me some advice? I'd really enjoy starting out with a plan rather than aimlessly wandering around with no clue what to do.


  • MenkureMenkure Member Posts: 30


    Here's a few things to help you get started.

    Regarding ingame controls and features:  Horizons is pretty simple when it comes to controls.  Controls can be customized through the options window, and you can access the options by clicking on the blue sphere in the lower left hand corner of your screen.  While it has been 4 years ago since I first joined up, I believe the default layout uses the arrow keys for movement.  I changed those to the WASD setup as it's what I am most familiar with.

    The UI is very simple, and yet very very customizable.  You can add new windows, configure them so that they are locked and cannot be moved.. you can remove the title bar to them or change them from transparent to opaque (not just the inside, but the border too!)  Even the blue sphere can be moved to the other corners of the screen.

    Your character information can be reached by pressing the C key.  This contains your player stats, abilities and schools(both adventure and crafting), as well as access to your training point window to adjust training points. 

    There are many commands you can type in the active chat box.  here are a few simple ones:

    /chatjoin <channel>   (try joining marketplace, as there are many helpful people there who are willing to assist new players with the game)

    /tell <playername> <text>   (this is used for sending private messages to other players)

    /em <text>   (Used for public chat, to make a descriptive message..   you can just do "/em" without text and it will give you all the possible preprogrammed emotes and animations available in the game)


    There are three servers..  Blight (for testing of new deltas and versions),  Chaos (non-roleplay server), and Order (roleplay server).  Feel free to pick the server that best fits your style of gameplay.

    And of course, there is the Official Community Site, located at   The official forums are there as well, along with screenshots, race descriptions, and many other things.

    Another site is  - This site contains everything in detail about the game, right down to class stats earned per level, and easy means of comparing classes to see which one gets more in a particular stat.  Crafting formulas, techs, and many of the other advanced things within Horizons can be found there.


    Hope this primer helps you in getting started.  If you decide to join the Order shard, send me a pm! 


    Take care!


    (moderator - Official Horizons Community Site)

  • saleroxsalerox Member Posts: 7

    Hey Menkure, thanks for the help. It's very informing and I feel a lot better about beginning. I'll be sure to pass on this information to other newbies I meet along the way like you did for me.

    Feel free to keep the advice coming.

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