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Okay, so awhile back I downloaded AO and tried it. I was pretty lost, but am now considering playing. May I have your opinions on it? Likes and dislikes? What is there to do, how fun are the classes etc. How much content is actually in the froob version anyways? I'd just like a basic all around intro to the game before I consider downloading it.
Well I haven't tried it out myself yet(I'm about to though), but I've leafed through the forums and everyone seems to be madly in love with this game.
Apparently it has a steep learning curve, but once you get in there you won't be able to get enough of it.
The reason why I'm excited about this myself is because this is going to be the first Sci-Fi MMORPG I've ever played, and I'm confident it will be a pleasant experience.
Hope to see you in-game!
*goes to AO website for download*
Former Hard Core member at only 25 posts.
Above poster is right. AO is old school. Nothing is spoon feeded to you like all the recent mmo's. Learning curves is indeed very steep, but if you stick to it, you would discover a great, deep and rich game. I suggest you join an org as soon as possible, it will help a lot in the learning progress.
One thing I like which a lot of people fail to mention most of the time is how incredibly easy the role play aspect of AO is. there's so much room for Role playing and AO has a great story and I actually feel like there is conflict between the 3 sides (omni, clan and Neutral). I like how FC occasionally changes what areas are controlled or occupied with heavy forces of different factions as well. Way back when I used to go to 4-holes as omni and one day I went there and boom! a clan guard killed me quick. I was shocked as the place usually had omni guards there....I used to run my missions there all the time. Then I went and read up on the latest news and found the story about when, why and how clan took over that playfield. There are also news updates that pop up from time to time and kind of makes you feel like there's life out there and the omni and clan are actually fighting each other.....unlike some other MMO's with similar concepts where the only time something happens is when players make it happen...but in AO, the story continues to move forward even if your just sitting in the back of a bar chatting away with a friend.
Also, I like the customization, the freedom of making your toon the way you want and not have to follow a defined path the devs make for us. I mean you can take any toon and make them melee, ranged, passive fighters, support...whatever you want. You don't necessarily have to switch professions to be what you want. A melee doc or a ranged doc....A healing advy or a offensive or defensive's all your one character or profession is force to be a mirror clone of others. No two people will have the same stats or level of skills. This is why I like how AO is kind of like both a skill based game and a level based game. Everything is based on your skills and how you spend your Improvement Points (IP) and at the same time level doesn't necessarily force you to be the same as everyone else...though it restricts your access to certian things like every other MMO....overall though I never feel like when I'm walking around seeing someone with the same profession as me and think or know that we have the exact same skills.....yeah there are the FOTM templates but your not forced into those templates in order to compete with everyone else like you do in most other MMO's.
There are a few things that I dislike but most of them are things that don't really impact my gameplay experience all that much.....they are more of tweaks or improvements I feel could be made.....for instance, it's incredibly boring having to grind out credits from doing missions, selling loot or doing quest in order to make enough to buy things. I mean we already have to grind levels, tokens and stop our leveling up so we can acquire Nodrop items that have level restriction access to but will remain very useful at higher levels (like Totw items)....then we have to grind out money in order to buy yalms and such things to make our game lives easier and speed up our travels and game play sessions, but only slightly....because low level yalms are still incredibly slow when you have to travel multiple zones.. Reminds me of the days in SWG when players had to walk/run from one side of a planet to the other....that took about 15 - 20 minutes for the travel alone back then....that's before they sped up the player movement and added extremly fast swoop bikes and mounts though. In AO, yalms and even run buffs still seem to be a bit on the slow side. Travel is incredibily boring in AO to me, unless your a fixer or a profession that can at least warp back into the grid so you only need to make a long trip to where your going and not have to make that same trip back. Sometimes I find myself just letting mobs kill me for the quick ride back to civilization as too much travel wears me down and I dont' even want to play long game sessions....I find myself yawning sometimes when I have to travel to Deep Art. Valley, Avalon, or perpetual wastelands.....Those places are so far out and missions always spawn at the back end of the playfield, even a yalm seems slow most of the's worse when you don't have or can't afford a yalm. I made the mistake of waiting until level 103 to get my first yalm on my agent.....meanwhile my MP was flying around around level 70 ish or so....AO travel system just seems sluggish to me, so I don't particularly like it, vehicle or no vehicle....however, I manage by limiting my missioning to places that have close cities or grid access of some kind. When worse comes to worse, I let mobs kill me even though I have a yalm...did so when in avalon last night....just didn't want to make that trip across that looooonggg zone. I hope the new phasfront vehicles are faster than yalms though I doubt they will be since they have the exact same requirments as a level 30 yalm does.
The reason I play this game Anarchy Online is so simple. This game is hard and very intelligent. This will filter out certain kind of players that I don't want to play with.
And yes, the game is very hard to play. I've formed a guild specifically to train new players and help free account players to have a good start in the game. Simply put, I want some playmates so I strongly recommend you guys to check this game out.
Contact Gunzfx, Drgunzet in game. I will help you out.
Anarchy Online has been my favorite MMORPG experience. I just can't play it anymore after going strong for four-five years. I'd recommend at least trying it, though it is a tad dated by now... It's deep and intelligent.
I have played this game for over 2 yrs now and love it. I highly recommend this game to anyone who wants to try something non-fantasy, since sci-fi is very rare. I also would recommend reading the forums, on AO's website, about the professions and race you want to play. There is some very important information in there about strength's and weaknesses of race for each profession.
AO: 220 adv Cblaze 220 fixer Icevixxen 216 ma Kimpu and many more on Rimor server. Rimor server, that's my hood!!!
I agree. This game was definately a breath of fresh air, back in the days when everquest was king. Although dated by todays standards graphically, the sheer depth and style of this game is why it is still alive and kickin' today. Plus it's free for the core version, so why not give this timeless classic a try?
I played for a few years but then got bored i still play every once and awhile but i used to play way to much.
At this point in time i don't feel the populations is large enough for things to be as fun as they used to be and could be.. but i've tried so many other mmorpg's and nothing compares to ao for me.... The sci-fi aspect and what i feel is really great proffession design is what makes AO my favorite MMORPG.
I tried getting some people to play the game over the years and to many people have a hard time learning how to play... me i didn't get much help i basically learned alot on my own and reading forum posts..... I actually enjoyed learning new things every day about the game unlike other games where i can't stand trying to figure out what i should do .
All games are grinds but (for me ao for the first 2 years never felt like a grind it was all fun for me)i think what makes someone like a mmorpgs are the distractions from the grind (unless they are korean then they just really want to kill monsters over and over using the same boring skills/spells over and over again J/k ).. for me the design of the professions in the areas of skills, nano's, advantages/disadvantages and how they work well together made me not feel like i was doing repedative stuff over and over even though i was.
I had a machine that could remove all my memories of ao so that i could experaince the game as a new player again.
If it;s hard to understand what i'm saying im sorry i'm very tired at the moment and i'm just typing what i'm thinking without editing..
Processor: Intel Core I5-2320
Memory: 8GB DDR3 RAM
HDD: Samsung 830 256gb SSD-SATA3
Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 7950 3gb
It's a good game, but i end up playing EQ1 alot more . Both are fun , just more for me to do in EQ1 . and only 19.00 dollars for 13 expansions in anniversary edition.
I loved the game for a couple of months and got a bit bored with the FTP so I bought the expansions and went P2P. The content is amazing. The depth of the game is phenomenal. Unfortunately it all boiled down to having to fully Twink my characters and figure out a way to grind out a few billion in creds to purchase all of the buffing items and armors to accomplish the task. That fact coupled with the the need to have a fully Twinked toon to accomplish the tasks to have a Twinked toon in the first place left me exasperated and frustrated so I dumped my toons, fully equipped and with all of my credits, into the oblivion of deletion and uninstalled the game.
Finding a team to work on the same quests is next to impossible since the player base has dwindled from it's heyday. Finding a good org that isn't full of annoying egos and know-it-all preachers of the definitions of n00bishness or wracked into complete chaos because of politics and scammers is nearly impossible as well. PVP is pointless if you don't have every possible twinking done at any level and the player based economy makes it impossible to aquire those sought after items unless you're willing to work the game as a secondary career and spend a few years doing it.
AO is a great game... or rather WAS a great game. It's still a fine way to have a bit of fun so long as you don't go into it thinking you'll ever develop a toon to it's potential maximums in your lifetime. My experience may not be typical, but, I did spend nearly a full year working very hard and studying every available bit of info on twinking and character generation and putting it all to work in the game only to find myself always lacking a major necessity and the means to accomplish it.
One other note here... The player based economy has been completely corrupted by item and credit farmers who sell their work and accounts on E-Bay and other sites. Good luck getting ahead in the game without finding yourself constantly being ODed by 200/20 farmers for any item or quest you need to do!
Can't say i done a whole lot of twinking but the game is still fun, sure i like the soloability of the game, much thanks to my working hours that can differ a lot and i like to be able to change to another char at a whim or just log off and go watch a dvd or read a book.
The graphics while not super is not something that bothers me, sure i play vanguard and the graphics there is stunning but for me graphics is just one part that makes a game good or bad, the depth in anarchy helps a lot to.
I have played the game for quite a long time now, most definately over a year. I have been a fr00b the whole time as I do not believe in wasting money on one game every month but that is a personal opinion.
Anarchy Online is most definately one of the best role playing games I have ever played and it is one of the very few Sci-Fi RPG's that allow you to play for free. The game has your standard 3D graphics but none that FunCom could ever really boast about but the gameplay is very good. You do not need a great chip set to play the game and it runs very smooth as lag is a rarity in the game. It has your standard camera views, 3rd Person, 1st Person, zooming in and out and rotating the camera.
The breeds that are used in the game (Opifex, Solitus, Atrox and nanomage) are not just used to look good but also effect your skills in game so choosing the breed of your character to be, makes a big effect on your performance in game then there are the professions. There is a wide range of professions to choose from and depending on which profession you choose will effect how hard the game becomes and so will the way you play the game. Many people have asked "what is the best profession to start off with" and it has always been the Martial Artist or the Adventurer but it all comes down to personal opinion.
When you have chosen breed, etc you will be pulled on to an island where you will learn the basics of the game. The best thing to do when you are at this part of the game is to ask questions on how you do this and how you do that as usualy when you get to the mainland many people seem very busy with what they are doing. The community is very friendly and there will be people around to help and answer any questions you may have. The fact about the game is that at the very start it's a non-stop learning curve and once you have got passed that the game becomes very fun to play. Even when you get those moments where you cant be bothered moving around the world, the experience never stops as you could bump in to a huge atrox that salutes you and you end up having this long conversation about something completely different to the game.
As a whole: The game is exciting to play once you get passed the learning curve and once you get mixing with the community. Each proffesion is fun to use but it all depends on opinion, if your in to robotics choose the Engineer and build a robot. If your in to magic choose the nanotechnician and cast nano programs at enemies. The game is not graphically intense so if your looking for graphics this is probably not for you but if your all for the gameplay then go for it.