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Is it worth it for me to come back to WoW? I have played WoW on two occasions, the first, 3 years ago and I played on Alliance on a non-pvp server, made it to level 21 or so and stopped playing. The second time was probably 6 monthes ago and I played on the Horde on a pvp server and got a shaman to level 20ish again.
Now I'm the kind of gamer that needs things to keep me playing, I played EQ2 for awhile and got a 53 Conjuror by the end of it. I am a big blizzard fan as I've played Starcraft, Warcraft, and Diablo series for the past 8 years.
For my question, is WoW still a bunch of kids that like to whine and bitch all the time? Or can I come back and play and have fun doing it without having to worry about stuff of that sort. Maybe someone can lead my to a server that is more adult based players?
Majority of online communities have the traditional "immature 13 yr old l337 kiddies", MMORPGs are no different.
To be completely honest with you i would have to say "I have no idea!"
The only person that can answer that question for you, is you. You will probably get a few posts here saying how wonderful the game is and maybe even more telling you why you should hate it (although in most cases not giving you an alternative).
You really have to ask yourself why you left the game in the first place, was it because of the gameplay or a bad experience with the community. If it was the first then i would say that you will probably not want to come back, but is it was the latter then i would give it another shot. Try a PvE server instead, get yourself into a like minded guild and see how you go.
All the best whatever you decide to do
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
There is still a large majority of the community that does bitch. The egos are still massive! If not larger. To find a guild that isn't obsenity this obsenity that is uncommon. I won't say rare, however, don't give up in your search for it either. WoW is still very very very repetitive. In comparison to City of Heroes you hear that is repetitive, in WoW in end game you're doign the same thing to the same mob for the hundredth time.
My opinion, not worth it. You may love the series but the community is still very self centered and motivated by selfish ambitions. I say this not just for the single player. The average age of wow is maye 18-21 now since many of the high school kids have graduated since the game first came out, and the junior high kids are now in high school. I guess that is the only good thing.
If anything they encourage five mans quite a bit more. If this is something that intrugues you don't put all your eggs in a basket that you will get to visit these often or when you are trying to complete a quest. These zones any more are neked and bare. People are way beyond these quests and you will mostly likely be drug through getting your KZ key if your guild even raids there that you get into.
Just my two cents. Gluck!
Retired Max LvL and Raiding for - EQ - DAoC - Dungeon Runners - WoW - LoTR:Online - GW/All Expansions - CoH/V - SWG *** Currently Playing EQ2 *** Awaiting - PoTBS!
Despite the accessibility of WoW, I really feel like the game becomes more compelling in the higher levels. Being a fan of the previous Warcraft games should be enough for you to 'struggle on' until you reach that point. When I first started I was really dissapoined by the cartoony graphics - until I learned to appreciate the art style, that to me is so viscerally impressive that it feels more immersive than any of the other psuedo-realistic MMOs I've played.
There's just so many things that make you gape in wonder, whether it be the beauty of the zone your in or the sheer epic scale of the seamless world, this is still a Blizzard game - accessible, fun, addictive. Though obviously not everyone will be lucky enough to "get it", or they'll play so much they get burned out. Picking the right server and class for you is important, because a decision that doesn't fit your playstyle can drastically affect your view of the game.
I recommend a priest to get you started. It's an interesting class that's desired for PvE and useful in PvP. You'll always be welcome in instances no matter what your level, or spec.
Ever since I started and levelled my Shadow Priest I haven't thought about going back to my older characters or starting new ones.
Still waiting for your Holy Grail MMORPG? Interesting...
You may be playing new content but don't expect "beautiful scenery". Truly. EQ1/EQ2/CoH/CoV/GW/DAoC has beautiful scenery.
Retired Max LvL and Raiding for - EQ - DAoC - Dungeon Runners - WoW - LoTR:Online - GW/All Expansions - CoH/V - SWG *** Currently Playing EQ2 *** Awaiting - PoTBS!
The community is the most important part of a MMO.
If a game is good, it can make u play it for 3-4 months. After thast period, it's al about playing with friends and guild members.
When a community is arrogant or too dumb, the game itself doesnt matter anymore. Switch off the Pc and play with your PS2/PS3/XBOX (360) if u want a brilliant game.
The ONLY difference between a MMORPG and an OFFline-game is the comunity.
Stop playing WoW. There obviously is a reason why u left WoW twice!!
Community is very important and is what's keeping me sane during those endless instance runs and raids. PvP does break it up a bit too, but if it wasn't for my great guild I don't think the gameplay of WoW would have kept me playing as long as it have.
The community is alive, especially compared to the stagnant and boring communities of some of the other MMOs I've played. I'm just glad to be a part of it now, while the phenomenon lasts.
Still waiting for your Holy Grail MMORPG? Interesting...
I disagree. I always felt that Nagrand looked amazing.
However, I have to say that if you haven't made it to max level yet, you probably never will. Also, as some of the previous posters have said, it's all about playing with friends. This game is certainly nothing special on its own... if you aren't playing with friends you will not likely get much further than you have in the past.
Worth it depends on your wants and expectations from the game I suppose. As with any MMORPG, new or old, its all about the people you play with. Find the right group and hell, PONG Online will be fun
Torrential: DAOC (Pendragon)
Awned: World of Warcraft (Lothar)
Torren: Warhammer Online (Praag)
If you didn't hit 60 or 70 lvl after the TBC, you din't see most of content. The really fun game starts imho with Scarlet Monastery instanced dungeons, when you hit at least 33 lvl.
The community hasn't changed a bit. If you want to play, you'll have to increase your tolerance for that sort of behavior, or join a guild that doesn't allow it and ignore everybody else.
This is going to sound fanboyish but here it goes.
Reasons why you should give it a shot.
A) The graphics are beautiful in teh expansion but this is subject to opinion. Some people equate more polygons with better graphcis but you'll be hardpressed to find a game that is unified like wow in terms of consistency, I.e. it's hard to see any seems in the game.
B)Expansions mean that wow will be in a cont. state of change especially when war is released expect big revolutionary changes such as lowering the time it takes to level but adding more levels which ultimately will increase character custimization to unimaginable debths not seen in other games. Already you have three versions of every class that fullfills a different function with very few hybrid type classes like in other games such as EQ2 where there really are only 4 classes.
C)Raiding is what raiding is and pvp is what pvp is meaning that you can do both in this game and all you have to do is level one character where as in other games its an either or type thing. I.e. in the eq2's its pretty much raiding pvp is pretty sad and everything is instanced.
D) much much more just let m know what else I can let you know about.
Oh yeah expect massive changes and world pvp like that of daoc soon. I promise you when WAR is released you will see blizzard pull out some crazy hat tricks to keep a small percentage of it's customer base that will indeed seperate it from the rest.
Good luck