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For those of you who are testing, is it possible to make a "blue" tauren (i.e. spiritwalker)?
picfrom wc:
that doesn't really look like a tauren and i doubt it cause the animation looks different in that so probably not....
Why a blue tauren. lolll!
i think just like Brutux a blue tauren dosent resly look like a tauren.
good . verry good Smithers!
good . verry good Smithers!
Does anyone else think that the tauren looks more grey then blue???
Maybe its just me.
Ya he does kinda look grey, its more of a mix of grey and blue. But i guess blue colors are sometimes considered blue.
Who ever said that wasn't a tuaren then you need to learn WC....
that was the tauren unit from frozen throne...a spirit walker....
and yeah that looks more greyish blue then anyhitng....
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lol sorry i typed to fast than didn't check i meant it didn't look like a blue tauren
The bluish/greyish look of the Spiritwalker is due to it's spiritual magic and it's deep roots in it. That being said then, Taurens could very well be able to become a Spiritwalker (as a hero class) and then their physical appearence would change into how the Spiritwalker looks in Frozen Throne.
This is very similar to Demon Hunter's in nature (Illidan stole the powers of a Demon and his skin turned to a very dark purple and he acquired horns as well). It's been said that hero classes can change your general appearence drastically depending on choice (for example, an Undead Mage could become a Lich and their appearence would be altered).
Hero class system still isn't in the game yet and certainly isn't finalized since we know very little about it but to answer your question, it's certainly possible.
does Frozen Throne give you some good story information (I only beat Warcraft 3 not expansion)
GW Alpha Member
Legion of Exile
"Those who brake the ninja code and rules of this world are called trash. But you know what? Those who don't take care of their comrades are even lower than trash." - Hatake Kakashi
lol yeah might as well as go out and get it I really like Warcraft 3 probably beat it 3 times (that last quest tihngy or whatever you want to call it was hard as heck it took me like 100000000 tries lol)
I doubt any tauren will be anything other than normal modest colors, though I like the idea of a spirit walker for a tauren hero class, aside from that I don't know what else you could possible make a tauren hero out of.
Playing TFT is a near must for any looking to make Undead chars, because the UD in WoW, the Player Charecter UD atleast are "The Forsaken" and you only learn about them in the Frozen Throne. It also ties up any lose ends that you were left thinking about at the end of WC3 (e.g. What happened to the big alliance.)I would also suggest, highly, to play the Rexxar Campaign, an undoubtably WoW-esque theme with a great story to fill in a nice storyline and make a backroud for people thinking about the hunter class.
Zafar Blightwing
Zafar Blightwing
Plainsrunning Demo!
"Those who brake the ninja code and rules of this world are called trash. But you know what? Those who don't take care of their comrades are even lower than trash." - Hatake Kakashi
I think it'd be cool to have unnatural colors like blue and red (REALLY RED) as well as the modest natural colors in tauren fur styles. A light grayish blue wouldn't even look that unnatural anyway, think abou tit.
Oh yea almost forgot...GLORY TO THE HORDE!!!
"If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy." -Jack Handey
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