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dabordabor Member Posts: 65

I'm worried that, altough this game wont have the ultra-dull early leveling that annoyes me, im still not sure about how groups will be required. It makes sense that on your way to third tier you will probably be doing a lot of soloing, but how will people group in the later levels? I personally choose to try to play with groups, but it never seems worth it, fun as it may be. I'n not a beta member btw.

Will people be playing in groups as an almost-requirment to survive, or will they be a rare sight? How is this a thread, you ask?

I Want people to say logical ideas on how to make the game either funner for soloers or more requiring groups. Thanks

I see details in games. Woohoo for me.


  • lancebirdlancebird Member Posts: 166

    I wouldn't say groups are rare.. but they're certainly not necessary and get increasingly harder to get as you level up.  The problem is EVERYTHING in the game is just so easy.  When everybody is 1 or 2 shotting everything, what's the point of having another person along?

    Increasing the difficulty would go a long way towards making the game more fun.  As it is right now.. it's like challenging the invalid ward of an old folks home to a game of full contact football.

  • dabordabor Member Posts: 65

    I was thinking that maybe those extra-tall monsters, like tripods or something, would need huge damage and could only be soloed by a  very high level guy. (like 100 or something) and still, there would be like a level 700 mothership that would shoot a beam of death and carpet everything in plasma munitions.

    To make groups, u need to give every class an over-significant weakness. For example, restrict a sniper from using weapons at less then 5m range, and make guarduins and spys (meleeiers) almost hopeless against flying targets. Create units in an area (like 7-8 different spawns in small amounts) which all have different resistances, forcing the sniper to take out the main bio resistant soldiers...while the grenadiers beat the 100-minisoldier swarms and everyone else is firing like crazy and getting swarmed, only to have a super-unit come out which would be mainly vulnerable to someone who hasnts been too usful up to the point.

    As i always understood it, the whole point of classes is that they have to be mixed together in an attempt to create the ultimate war party.

    If there was an EXP bonus in partying it could be good. Say, u solo an enemy and get 100 exp points. Now, if u and someone else split the damage (at least 25% each) u get slight bonuses. SO if u give 67% and ur buddy gives 33% damage, u should get a 2.5% bonus when the monster dies, so u both get a little more then an extra point. But, if u give 37%, and ur friends give 35% and 28%, u should get a 5% bonus.

    Then again, not much hope for that since supporters couldnt share in it... SO lets say that 5% bonus plus both of ur friends 5% bonuses, meaning 15% are split between the entire party, which could be five people, just those two commandoes or whatnot are 50 M away fighting someone else, so everyone would get 3% of that monsters worth EXP, and the original 3 killers would get there EXP. This would make it better when fighting groups of monsters and carpetting them with bullets and all those situtations where u need 3 shots to kill and 2 guys are shooting there is a big chance one guy would have 1 hit and the other guy would have 2 hits, this would mean that 2.5% of that monsters exp (from each player, making 5%) would be split between the party. This means that every 60 shots that end up being shares (and 20 kills) it would be as if u killed an extra monster. In the end of all ends, it would slightly mean something, because people would try to hunt big monsters in lower-leveled partyies in an ultimate attempt to squeeze almost 50% bonus EXP out of it.

    WHat do u guys think? be brutal.

    I see details in games. Woohoo for me.

  • TalynTalyn Member UncommonPosts: 587

    RG himself, as well as CuppaJo, have said multiple times that they intend for TR to be soloable to level cap, including most instances.

    I enjoy soloing as much as anyone, but at some point they have to decide if they're making an online multiplayer game or just another single player shooter. I didn't need a group for the tripods in Half-Life 2...

  • dabordabor Member Posts: 65

    I really like groups, and im just saying that if they are making a single-player FPS in a multiplayer world, its kind of blunt...may as well get crysis, right?

    Its the multiplayer aspect that im looking for, but it doesent seem that its there. i dont think u should be able to get beyond 3/5 level cap without at least TRYing to make a group

    I'de really like to run around with like a 5-man group and go "AAAAAAH pwhoo pwhoo pwhoo zzsh-oong" OH *beep* they killed *beep*ing JOHNNY!

    I see details in games. Woohoo for me.

  • ArmySurplusArmySurplus Member Posts: 103

    I like the solo feature of the game, but I do feel that it should gradually shift at least somewhat to 2 to 5 people groups. I am no fan of raiding and avoid games that have it bleeding out its eyes, but it appears this is on the other end of the scale.

    Its a fun shooter type game, I like the setting and the feel, even if my computer cant handle it. 

    I dont really follow games closely so maybe they plan on beefing up some of the encounters or applying a difficulty toggle for instances where friends can group together for increased rewards would be a nice idea.

    They have like 8 or so instances per area, it would be interesting if one or two of those were set on insane, with the Bane in total control and in force.. haha

    Family man first, Gamer second!

    ArmySurplus makes no apologies if someone other than him has already posted his reply in part or otherwise. He can’t be expected to read every single post on a thread and makes no promise to do so. If you posted a similar reply before him you undoubtedly stole his thoughts and used them without his written authorization. Please return to your post and edit it so that his post is the first to state whatever the hell he was thinking at the time. Thank you!

  • narialnarial Member Posts: 13

    Originally posted by dabor

    I'm worried that, altough this game wont have the ultra-dull early leveling that annoyes me, im still not sure about how groups will be required. It makes sense that on your way to third tier you will probably be doing a lot of soloing, but how will people group in the later levels? I personally choose to try to play with groups, but it never seems worth it, fun as it may be. I'n not a beta member btw.
    Will people be playing in groups as an almost-requirment to survive, or will they be a rare sight? How is this a thread, you ask?
    I Want people to say logical ideas on how to make the game either funner for soloers or more requiring groups. Thanks

    city of heroes/villains is the same way, and it's done ok. hell,it's done better than EQ2 in terms of subscriptions.


    people will be in groups by choice to enjoy the game and (eventually) the instances will scale depending on group size. this is a breath of fresh air from the forced grouping, which only a small single-digit % of any mmorpg' population are able to generally do reliably to advance their character. eveyrone seems to be forgetting in so short a time the horros of PuG's just in WoW after BC

  • toeofdoomtoeofdoom Member Posts: 2

    well, I've found while playing that not only is everything soloable, usually the best way to kill it is to bash it with the butt of your gun. Until I realised that it seemed interesting, but given that the main reason I wanted to play was needing to think about combat... well. It ruined the immersion and experience of the whole game straight away for me. *everything* you fight is bigger and stronger and looks like it has better armor but you just have to spam melee until it dies... ugh.


    This does include instances btw. As far as I can tell, groups arent really needed...

  • dabordabor Member Posts: 65

    And i think thats bad. Because after all, there is Crysis, and i would much rather play a higher-quality game with my DX10/Vista unless ill be running around with groups. While im sure a lot of people wouldnt mind teaming up (say, a guardain and a sniper) im talking about big groups.

    Multiplayer games are kind of dull if there are too few groups, why make it multiplayer after all, right?

    Heres my next offer (along with group EXP bonuses): creating group ONLY missions. like 2-4 people needed, if u have more people u cant take it if u have less u cant take it and class restrictions

    For example

    Mission name : Frontline Incursion

    Mission type : Capture location

    People required : 4-5 at least 1 sapper/demo/engineer, 1 ranger/spy/sniper and 1 guardain/commando/grenadier.

    There should be lots of general missions like this, and people could apply for notifications (meaning say i'm planning on sniper, so i would apply to the missions and I'de get a "mission ready" sign in big red letters across my screen when all the people have been found

    Or maybe your job would be to silently kill a bane commando and u would have to have 2-4 group with at least 1 sniper

    or a dig and hold position mission of 3-5 people with at least 2 guardain and 1 grenadier.

    Just think it would be cool. vioce ur opionons. peace out




    I see details in games. Woohoo for me.

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