It is time and I know what must be done, there are some sacrifices that have to be made even the unpleasant ones. I slowly circle the village of gnomes high above the air and peer down, they are having some kind of feast and are unaware of me, I slowly begin my dive as I pick up speed and begin my descent as I draw closer I lay out a mighty roar, and then I start to lay fire to the village and swoop and pick up all that lay in my path, when I gather enough gnomes, I retreat back to the skies and think this should do just fine as I touch my horde full of gnomes.
I am now heading to the next town but this one is full of bipeds of all types (yes as unpleasant as bipeds are we will still need them in our fight to reclaim what was lost) I reach inside my horde pushing the screaming gnomes asides and come upon a pouch I take it out and hold it at my side it contains the letters the whole purpose of me being here. I find a safe place to land so I can change into my Khutit form (best not to scare the bipeds if I should run into one.) and head to a trusted wizards house to deliver them. As I sneak around back and knock on the door I go inside and take a seat and hand him the pouch of letters one falls on the table and it reads:
“To the town folk of Harro and their family and friends.
It is time to come back to the lands and reclaim all that was lost and forgotten.
It is time to come back and ban together to regain what the false gods have done, for the true Gods are home.
We must all rise again for the lands we so love and missed. We must band together Bipeds and Dragons fighting side to side to clean out the armies invading our villages. To bring back our farms and reclaim what was lost.”
I look at my old friend and nod no need to say anything else. I bid farewell to him.
I have many deliveries tonight such as this one. Outside I look to the north at the mountain at the lairs (you would never know that the lairs were there, its been many years since the dragons have been seen) as I transform back into my true form and I begin to spread my wings and I take flight heading for the lairs, I touch my horde and mumble to the gnomes, not much longer your destiny waits just upon the mountains. I came to the first lair and push the stones aside and walk in and I let out a mighty Roar to awaken all that are asleep and say“ It is time hatchlings and adults and ancients to rise up and partake in this mighty feast (as I dangle the screaming gnomes hanging from my claws), it is time once again to rise to take flight and reclaim what is ours…"
Very nice job indeed; but do lay off the guhnomees, they are thought to be addictive...
didnt know gnomes had hoard value... but since there's not much meat on 'em for eatin' (all chewy gristle, skin and bone) its good to know the have a use for something