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HP a6130n
AMD Live athlon 64X2 dual core
3 gigs of ram
400gigs of hard drive
aaaaaand 6150 nvidia SE graphics card.
now i know it wont run the best on this sort of graphics card, but would any1 sudgest me a good video card to buy? so that i would be able to run this game on high? thanx
I'm running a Nvidia 6800GT (SLI capable but not linked right now) and can run LOTRO all the way up with lag only showing up in heavy PvMP. Its also not that exspensive of a card (from @ $93 bucks.
Strayious (Master BH retired, Shadowfire)
Grimnal - LOTRO Gladden
your wood table legg is strong and steady! it will not be shaky! all you need now is put some cleaning oil on the wood table and make it shine.
translate: you have the stable/steady department all set! now all you need is a good graphic card!
people have athlon64 3800+, 512mb ram, 7900gtx and most of them will blame their graphic card or their processor for the shaky, choppy, sudden pause, sudden hiccup. system ram keeps things stable and steady which will reduce the sudden hiccup. graphic card boost up frame rates and have high potential of eye candy.
x1950gt is cheap in price.
The Nvidia 8600 series is a good graphics card. I myself run a 8800 GT with 640 MB of memory. Great card
As Grindalyx said, the 8800 series.
I think nVidia is bringing out the 9xxx series later this year, so prices for the 8xxx series will drop like a rock. And those puppies can run Crysis on max (the 8800 series, that is).
Not much of a tech expert at all, but I know just that much.
from what i hear Vista doesn't run well on lotro , better off with xp, that said i play high full graphics and wi-fi connection with XP and a X1950 pro . IDK though alot of people prefer NVidia with AMD systems, to me its a choice NVidia = performance same as a amd core , and ATI users prefer the color ranges ./shrug
playing eq2 and two worlds
I have the exact same system.
So I picked up a refurbished x800 from for $50.
That way I did not need to upgrade the power supply.
(This model of Pavillion has a very weak PSU - something like 163 watts)
LotRO runs like a dream.
edit: ends up I have the a1630n and not the a6130n. But chances are the PSU in the 6130 is the pits as well.
my computers pretty good
wait whats so bad with the power suply? i donno man it seems to be running pretty smoothly so far, like ive tried the buddy key and i had it on med graphics, was pretty smooth actually