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Here's what I have to say as a former soldier who does not agree with this war...
If Rush Limbaugh said that I'm a "phony soldier", then all I have to say is where is his fat ass when the fighting goes on? Has he ever served his country other than as a mouth piece? But I have more to say as well. To the Democrats who feel like they are some how defending me by standing up to Rush Limbaugh; you guys can piss off too. I don't need your liberal political agenda driven bias to defend me anymore than I need Rush Limbaugh's seal of approval. I know what I think and if I have to stand alone with my thoughts then so be it. But I CERTAINLY do not need the support of any of the two major parties in this country. I despise them both the same. They are both determined to pull us all apart with no regard.
By Klaus Marre | |
October 01, 2007 | |
Democrats on Monday called on the chief executive of Clear Channel Communications to denounce remarks by radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, whom they say made a “hateful” and “unpatriotic” attack on U.S. troops opposed to the war in Iraq.
At issue is a remark from Limbaugh that characterized such troops as “phony soldiers.” Democrats have seized on the issue, allowing them to hit back at Republicans who similarly latched onto a ad that referred to Gen. David Petraeus as “General Betray Us.” “Thousands of active troops and veterans were subjected to Mr. Limbaugh’s unpatriotic and indefensible comments on your broadcast,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said in his letter to Clear Channel Chief Executive Mark Mays. “We trust you will agree that not a single one of our sons, daughters, neighbors and friends serving overseas is a ‘phony soldier.’ We call on you to publicly repudiate these comments that call into question their service and sacrifice and to ask Mr. Limbaugh to apologize for his comments.” On his show Monday, Limbaugh blasted Democrats for their criticism, saying it is part of a smear campaign aimed at discrediting him. “If anybody in this country has been trying to demoralize the troops, it is you, sir, and your members of the Democrat Party,” Limbaugh said. “You have waved the white flag of defeat.” Reid stated that he is confident that “Republicans join with us in overwhelming numbers,” arguing that “anything less would be a double standard that has no place in the United States Senate.” The Democratic leader stated that the letter would be available all day to allow other senators to sign on. The letter points to a December 2006 poll that shows more service members disapproved of President Bush’s handling of the war than voiced their support for it. “From this figure alone, it is clear that Mr. Limbaugh’s insult is directed at thousands of American service members,” the letter said. In remarks on the Senate floor, Reid noted that Limbaugh’s show is broadcast on Armed Forces Radio, indicating that this makes the matter even worse. The Democratic leader voiced his strong support for the First Amendment but said in this case Limbaugh went “way over the line.” He blasted the popular talk show host for attacking the “courage and character of those fighting and dying for him and for all of us.” |
Yeah.. we're walloping each other on the left over this. Some people want the Democrats to show balls and call the Repubs out on the difference in reactions between the MoveOn ad vs. the Limbaugh gaffe, and the others want them to stop wasting time and get us the hell out of Iraq, which is what they were elected to do.
The Dems are just using this to make some noise over the 2008 elections, and they're doing the same with the Iraq war. They're asking for a ransom of votes in a Presidential election in exchange for pulling out of Iraq. Which is such B.S., since they can easily defund.
Oh, and just to take a nice shot at the other useless party, here's an interesting tidbit for you:
From a Resolution sponsored by Republican Congressman Jack Kingston of Georgia:
"...Whereas Mr. Limbaugh has consistently used his broadcast time to praise American troops and support them during their ongoing efforts to secure peace in a troubled world"
Yeah, they're trying to pass a resolution praising Rush Limbaugh. Two useless parties. Woot.
Gore '08
I don't care too much for Rush Limbaugh but, if you actually did some research other then the Lib sites, you would find out it was taken totally out of context. I happened to be listening that day, I listen to a variety of News Talk not just conservative talk, and he was talking about civilians that were being paraded as war veterans, most notably one man who was in boot camp for a short time before being discharged. I don't get it, you sound smart yet you blurt out the same garbage as the mainstream without researching it.
"Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves." ~ Ronald Reagan
The transcript is absolutely clear. The second caller said, "I have a retort to [insert other guy's name here]". Then he and Rush talked about the phony soldiers. Then, the second caller talked about WMDs "actually existing" in Iraq. Then Limbaugh talked about Jesse Macbeth.
If this is about being "out of context", then you folks had no right to jump on John Kerry in the week before the 2006 elections either. I think it's damn right to hold you to your own standard.
Gore '08
Just one more step to another civil war. John Titor was right.
Better stock up on the ammo and food, and pick out a place up in the mountains.
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
The transcript is absolutely clear. The second caller said, "I have a retort to [insert other guy's name here]". Then he and Rush talked about the phony soldiers. Then, the second caller talked about WMDs "actually existing" in Iraq. Then Limbaugh talked about Jesse Macbeth.
If this is about being "out of context", then you folks had no right to jump on John Kerry in the week before the 2006 elections either. I think it's damn right to hold you to your own standard.
I LISTENED TO IT. My ears heard the sound waves and converted them to electrical signals processed by my brain. My brain stored the information for use at a later date. When I heard this my brain pulled up that old information and compared it. I deduced that it was taken out of context. I'm not sure how your brain works, maybe it's slightly different.
Even more so thanks for proving my point that you people revert to mainstream news. I am not a republican. I am not a Limbaugh fan, most of what he argues is stupid and hypocritical. Look at my post. Some of these people who claimed to be Iraq vetereans LIED. Not just the one but more then one. I go out of my way when people thank me for my service to tell them I served in peace time. The people who serve in war are the true heroes who should be thanked.
Whatever. Hopefully I won't live to see the Socialist State of America someof you people are working so hard, knowingly or unknowingly, to create. Noobz, read history.
"Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves." ~ Ronald Reagan
Transcripts don't lie. Post the transcript here and prove it. I read the transcript, I know exactly what was said. I don't need to rely on the conservative and corporate owned media to make my conclusion, thanks. (Liberal media? As if?)
By the way, you ended your post by calling me a socialist. Wtf?
Lastly, Rush Limbaugh compared the VoteVets soldier to a suicide bomber with "lies strapped around his belt". That's shameful.
Gore '08