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So I read everything there is on the AoC website and I'm super hyped about this game (recently bought a computer 2x 8800 ultras etc... 4 gig ram BADASS SYSTEM to play AoC with) So when they say "you can hit 6 points" that means you choose and depending on where you strike you can do more damage or improve your combo? Whats up... im all messed up on this term someone help! Avery you there?
In my head it kinda plays out like Soul Calibur, where you have horizontal and vertical strikes, except there's four other "ways" to smack up people. Combos may start with one strike, but will follow with a different strike altogether. Is that about right?
On a related note, is the name "Siegfried" taken?
Now playing: City of Heroes/Villains, Age of Conan
Played: Eve, Hg:L, Vanguard, WoW, FFXI, Planetside, Neocron, Battlezone, EQII, AO, CoX, AA, DDO
I win at Vanguard.
Wish i could tell you brother but Im not even in the Beta im waiting!!
As far as I know the six point you can hit are: Head, Torso, 2 arms, 2 legs.
Obviously your choice will depends on the kind of defence your oppent will put on, head and torso are the most difficult points to hit, but obviously they give more chance to wound your opponent more seriously.
6 directions. That was back in the good, old days...
Asteroth FTW!
Qaze - Atheist, Nihilist, Sadist.
Mudkip Video
Xfire= Qaze3000 - Add me if you're not a total retard.
2.1 What is the Real Combat System?
When fighting with a sword, an axe or other melee weapons in Age of Conan, you actually have to direct your weapons in certain directions yourself, in real-time. Whereas in other games of the genre you usually just have to target something and then click a “fight” button, in Age of Conan you have to perform the strikes yourself in one of six different directions. This makes battles much more interesting in terms of action, and you have a far greater control on how your character fights. With the unique targeting system you can also hit multiple enemies at once, so if you happen to slash your sword through two enemies standing next to each other, both of these will suffer damage. It is all, in one word, real.
Well think abouth... when you fighting, where else you can aim than:
1. Head
2. Torso
3. Left Arm
4. Right Arm
5. Left Leg
6. Right Leg
Imagination is the key to understand
2.1 What is the Real Combat System?
When fighting with a sword, an axe or other melee weapons in Age of Conan, you actually have to direct your weapons in certain directions yourself, in real-time. Whereas in other games of the genre you usually just have to target something and then click a “fight” button, in Age of Conan you have to perform the strikes yourself in one of six different directions. This makes battles much more interesting in terms of action, and you have a far greater control on how your character fights. With the unique targeting system you can also hit multiple enemies at once, so if you happen to slash your sword through two enemies standing next to each other, both of these will suffer damage. It is all, in one word, real.
Well think abouth... when you fighting, where else you can aim than:
1. Head
2. Torso
3. Left Arm
4. Right Arm
5. Left Leg
6. Right Leg
Imagination is the key to understand
Head and Torso could have been vertical up and vertical down.Left Arm and Right Arm could just be Horizontal Right and Left. Just having 6 keys doesn't say that it's a body part, just an area.
And there's only 5 directions now. Vertical Down and the 4 appendages.
I live to fight, and fight to live.
2.1 What is the Real Combat System?
When fighting with a sword, an axe or other melee weapons in Age of Conan, you actually have to direct your weapons in certain directions yourself, in real-time. Whereas in other games of the genre you usually just have to target something and then click a “fight” button, in Age of Conan you have to perform the strikes yourself in one of six different directions. This makes battles much more interesting in terms of action, and you have a far greater control on how your character fights. With the unique targeting system you can also hit multiple enemies at once, so if you happen to slash your sword through two enemies standing next to each other, both of these will suffer damage. It is all, in one word, real.
God its annoying when they make up BS to trick the lesser minded. Its so friggin manipulative. IMO people shouldn't be praising them for tricking people like this, its bad for the genre and playerbase. I'm going to rewrite the above paragraph, not actually changing a single one of the actual game systems they have described, just changing the name terminology. You may find it strikingly familiar.
2.1 What is the Real Combat System?
When fighting with a sword, an axe or other melee weapons in WoW, you actually have to direct your skills in certain elements yourself, in real-time. Whereas in other games of the genre you usually just have to target something and then click a “fight” button, in WoW you have to perform the skills yourself in one of six different elements. This makes battles much more interesting in terms of action, and you have a far greater control on how your character fights. With the unique targeting system you can also hit multiple enemies at once, so if you happen to use a skill through two enemies standing next to each other, both of these will suffer damage. It is all, in one word, real.
See what we got? We have a very similar combat system as every other mmorpg out there... only by changing two different words. I didn't change any words in the above that altered the mechanics of the combat system. I replaced the words weapon swings with skills, and the word directions with elements. Thats it! In that whole paragraph, i just changed terminology!
So to the OP, there is obviously nothing to be confused about. This is not a complex system. If you are familiar with certain moves and skills being based on an element (ice, fire, water), and you are familiar with certain enemies being susceptible to certain elements, then you are already acquinted with AoC combat. Just replace the element with the portion of the body the attack is based on. As for combos... that is just a sequence of moves that will equate to more damage. Like following up a damage over time skill in WoW with a move that does extra damage if the enemy is suffering from a damage over time skill. Again, anyone that has experience in mmos has seen this in some form.
Wow, what do you know? Sirespr actually came up with a logical nonranting argument.
He's still wrong though in this respect. The Terminology swapped in is no adequate substitute I'm afraid. Want to know why? The reason is quite simple, timing. If one were to compare AoC's combo systems to grouping complementary skills together, a player would be popping off an attack skill at least once every second, perhaps faster depending on the kind of weapon. As "anyone that has experience in mmos" should be well aware, this is niether possible, nor feasible in WOW or similar MMOs. On top of that, for a full set of skills to match AoC's in this same context, one would need a ton of skills, 24-32 of them just to match the 8 memorized combos, who knows how many hundreds for the full grouping available to any particular class.
One might as well swap out words of other statements like, "The only thing we have to fear is mutton itself", and call it the same thing.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Hi ShtupandPLAY,
Pretty much what Remali said was right.
It is different from other mmorpg combat systems. And it doesn't appear like other games like wow and warhammer etc. No common auto attack either.
All the keys are mappable to any on the keyboard I believe too. Movement can be controlled from the mouse as well.
Combinations in combat coupled with directional attacks make it a refreshing change to everything else you see out there.
Yep 5 attacks now and 3 for caster/range.
An intelligent person would always ask themselves, is simply making attacks occur at a faster rate a revolutionary change in combat, worthy of praise,when the underlying system is still a cheap, uninspiring, carbon copy of other mmos and existing game systems? I wouldn't have used the word timing so much as speed. Are the components of a car going at 50 miles per hour any different than one going at 25 miles per hour? Sadly with AoC it is not... you only have to react to them a little bit faster. Now instead of spamming an attack every 5 seconds, we can spam it every second. Hardly a system that any other game would necessarilly want to implement. More spam isn't an improvement. Luckily funcom has implemented a crutch for the simple minded gamer - by providing an easy to following visual guideline that tells you just what keys to press to perform combos, so you dont even have to bother memorizing them. And the difference between each combo? A graphic animation and a little bit more damage. Who knows if they are even worth telling them apart from one another.
I admit the last line of Aelfin's had me rolling. The ridiculous nature of his 'comparison' aside, its like he picked a word at random out of the dictionary. I substitute words that actually equate to one another in terms of combat system behavior, the jump from AoC's attacks to 'skills' is a functional equivalent across mmos, as is directions to elements, since AoC attacks operate at the exact same level - an attack has a direction and is designed to hurt those with a weakness to that direction (just like elements). He compares the word fear to mutton.... lol I still have to chuckle at what he could possibly have intended with such a weak analogy. I really hope that next time he thinks things through a little more...
Every MMO out there is "hit F1 and chime in the stupid animation" this game is quite different from that. Not only in melee characters but as well in Archers. You have a cone of area that your arrow "can" hit. Not only that it can hit multiple targets at once. Its not just a automated skill. You control where you hit and what sequence. Granted it isnt totally out of the box but I have never seen this before and the fact that they are trying something new is innovative. They are taking the right steps forward and I look forward to this game.
A multi-direction attack-and-defense system is great in theory, and fairly bad in practice, unless you're playing under pretty much ideal conditions on a LAN.
If combat isn't ridiculously slow (at which point, not only immersion suffers, but also player skill again becomes fairly redundant, if I have ~1 second to make the right choice, there's virtually a 0% chance of a gamer not making it), it'll be heavily influenced by latency and general network performance. At that point, you get either a click fest or button mashing, depending on the type of control input. Making this work will require a massive effort from Funcom, and even then, it cannot possibly get rid of the inherent deficiencies of the system, i.e. distance between players. And, if for whatever reason, player skill is not the main deciding factor in combat, then, for me, the game lacks the competitiveness needed for any amount of long-time appeal. Unfortunately, what appeals to me as a player is commercially less appealing to the game's producers, as it doesn't make massive amounts of playing time a prerequisite for ingame success.
Yes, yes, yes the game should be like every other one out there and not try anything new. That way the genre stays stale, smelly and over used. But you know if you already want to hypothesize any shout failure then thats up to you mate, but everyone knows the game isn't out yet and technology advances. Suffice to say there is no real time blocking, not making it as dependant on latency as much as you would think. There is one form without the other. Even in an mmorpg less then a second can be crucial in any "edge of the sword" fight, even with auto attack. Manually steering the character and then deciding on either to direct an attack at an appendage OR use a skill/Combo takes more than 1second. Especially if the combo has up to 5 strings to it...
Lest you forget this is an mmorpg and NOT a FPS. Desgined as an mmorpg from the start.
But its doesn't matter anyway does it, you said you wont be playing, you tried to justify Funcom's financial position as a cause for how good/bad this game might be, and now your harping on about the same thing like you did back in May. So your arguments are kinda pointless really as whatever happens wont affect you in any way.
I am not in beta, so can make no comment on AoC.
But I am a little concerned reading about the "real-time combat" system. There is a big bad common monster in ALL MMORPGs that might cause major problems with "real-time" anything... The Lag Monster.
I am trying to read between the lines in this and other posts. Either I am reading that combat is like Elder Scrolls Series where your control the swing of your sword/weapon OR it is closer to EQ2/DAoC where you hit a sequence of buttons in the proper order. I am reading more the former than the latter and that concerns me.
Lag Monster will always win.
From impressions from people I have personally thought it to be a hybrid of the the games mentioned above. I'll see if I can dig out a video where it explains a bit better. But at the end of the day, we won't know till we played it really. There are sequential buttons, in a times fashion for combo's (U.I. Help), directional attacks for melee attacks (could be combo's), 3 or 5 directions, and offensive and defensive spells ( either "cone" shaped effecting everything in "cone" area, or manual targeted AoE spells (for eg) with graphic motion to steer and aim and fire manually, also a AoE type spell might be done in a "cone" fashion too. Defensive spells like a "buff", or knockback etc etc. Apologise if I have it wrong but thats how I see the "basics"
Yes, yes, yes the game should be like every other one out there and not try anything new. That way the genre stays stale, smelly and over used. But you know if you already want to hypothesize any shout failure then thats up to you mate, but everyone knows the game isn't out yet and technology advances. Suffice to say there is no real time blocking, not making it as dependant on latency as much as you would think. There is one form without the other. Even in an mmorpg less then a second can be crucial in any "edge of the sword" fight, even with auto attack. Manually steering the character and then deciding on either to direct an attack at an appendage OR use a skill/Combo takes more than 1second. Especially if the combo has up to 5 strings to it...
Lest you forget this is an mmorpg and NOT a FPS. Desgined as an mmorpg from the start.
But its doesn't matter anyway does it, you said you wont be playing, you tried to justify Funcom's financial position as a cause for how good/bad this game might be, and now your harping on about the same thing like you did back in May. So your arguments are kinda pointless really as whatever happens wont affect you in any way.
Its seems more like that Funcom dev are going to mimic World Of Warcraft. You should start with reading malefacus post on Age of Conan forum about WoWish, its a good read actully.
Orignal Link:
Whoever believed the original "REAL" combat concept was actually REAL only have themselves to
blame. It NEVER worked. It never was going to work. I'm sure FC appreciated the optimism, but
there were some of us who knew better
I'm almost under the assumption they wrote the whole original concept just to "hook" players in
without any idea if it was a reality. Look at how many people were ONLY interested because of
their innovative combat system. Look at the hype they generated from pure speculation.
Simple said:
Click an icon and recieve 50% more damage... Goodbye Action Hello MMO Clone.
I am not saying it will not feel the same, but the game will not function the same. You now
reward players by clicking on icons, instead of pulling of a combo.
Yes, yes, yes the game should be like every other one out there and not try anything new. That way the genre stays stale, smelly and over used. But you know if you already want to hypothesize any shout failure then thats up to you mate, but everyone knows the game isn't out yet and technology advances. Suffice to say there is no real time blocking, not making it as dependant on latency as much as you would think. There is one form without the other. Even in an mmorpg less then a second can be crucial in any "edge of the sword" fight, even with auto attack. Manually steering the character and then deciding on either to direct an attack at an appendage OR use a skill/Combo takes more than 1second. Especially if the combo has up to 5 strings to it...
Lest you forget this is an mmorpg and NOT a FPS. Desgined as an mmorpg from the start.
But its doesn't matter anyway does it, you said you wont be playing, you tried to justify Funcom's financial position as a cause for how good/bad this game might be, and now your harping on about the same thing like you did back in May. So your arguments are kinda pointless really as whatever happens wont affect you in any way.
Its seems more like that Funcom dev are going to mimic World Of Warcraft. You should start with reading malefacus post on Age of Conan forum about WoWish, its a good read actully.
Orignal Link:
Whoever believed the original "REAL" combat concept was actually REAL only have themselves to
blame. It NEVER worked. It never was going to work. I'm sure FC appreciated the optimism, but
there were some of us who knew better
I'm almost under the assumption they wrote the whole original concept just to "hook" players in
without any idea if it was a reality. Look at how many people were ONLY interested because of
their innovative combat system. Look at the hype they generated from pure speculation.
Simple said:
Click an icon and recieve 50% more damage... Goodbye Action Hello MMO Clone.
I am not saying it will not feel the same, but the game will not function the same. You now
reward players by clicking on icons, instead of pulling of a combo.
You going to have to do better than 6 people from 50 in a thread whinging. The consensus overall is that the change was good, there is even a dev quote in that thread disproving the one guys signature.
You still dont get the combat system, its even explained by people in that thread. U.I. bar for say Herald = left side spells, right side combos, in between directions, all have an effect. Directional attacks in an NON AUTO ATTACK environment are totally action orientated and original in an mmorpg.
Click Orc, mash spells within an auto attack environment = Clone after Clone after Clone = WoW and Hammer, because we can all pretty much see basic combat is cloned all over.
Then what do you get, something that is impossible to do in AoC but is in the other clones;
Yes, yes, yes the game should be like every other one out there and not try anything new. That way the genre stays stale, smelly and over used. But you know if you already want to hypothesize any shout failure then thats up to you mate, but everyone knows the game isn't out yet and technology advances. Suffice to say there is no real time blocking, not making it as dependant on latency as much as you would think. There is one form without the other. Even in an mmorpg less then a second can be crucial in any "edge of the sword" fight, even with auto attack. Manually steering the character and then deciding on either to direct an attack at an appendage OR use a skill/Combo takes more than 1second. Especially if the combo has up to 5 strings to it...
Lest you forget this is an mmorpg and NOT a FPS. Desgined as an mmorpg from the start.
But its doesn't matter anyway does it, you said you wont be playing, you tried to justify Funcom's financial position as a cause for how good/bad this game might be, and now your harping on about the same thing like you did back in May. So your arguments are kinda pointless really as whatever happens wont affect you in any way.
Its seems more like that Funcom dev are going to mimic World Of Warcraft. You should start with reading malefacus post on Age of Conan forum about WoWish, its a good read actully.
Orignal Link:
Whoever believed the original "REAL" combat concept was actually REAL only have themselves to
blame. It NEVER worked. It never was going to work. I'm sure FC appreciated the optimism, but
there were some of us who knew better
I'm almost under the assumption they wrote the whole original concept just to "hook" players in
without any idea if it was a reality. Look at how many people were ONLY interested because of
their innovative combat system. Look at the hype they generated from pure speculation.
Simple said:
Click an icon and recieve 50% more damage... Goodbye Action Hello MMO Clone.
I am not saying it will not feel the same, but the game will not function the same. You now
reward players by clicking on icons, instead of pulling of a combo.
You going to have to do better than 6 people from 50 in a thread whinging. The consensus overall is that the change was good, there is even a dev quote in that thread disproving the one guys signature.
You still dont get the combat system, its even explained by people in that thread. U.I. bar for say Herald = left side spells, right side combos, in between directions, all have an effect. Directional attacks in an NON AUTO ATTACK environment are totally action orientated and original in an mmorpg.
Click Orc, mash spells within an auto attack environment = Clone after Clone after Clone = WoW and Hammer, because we can all pretty much see basic combat is cloned all over.
Then what do you get, something that is impossible to do in AoC but is in the other clones;
Do you remember this film clip ?
Take a look at it, look on how much better it is. Its feel more free and intuitive then having to click on a icon before you pull off a combo. It even flow like it should do and it look a far better then the new system currently look like You seems to be in control of you character in that clip. I think that Funcom are trying to it more WoWish and pull some of there fanbase.
I liked the look of it, from seeing it from the first time around, but if some BETA testers found it too hard to get used to then so be it.
You still don't realise you DONT have to click an icon to pull off a combo do you....
It still has the "Combat Rose" in the latest UI. except its 5 directions for melee and 3 for casters and rangers. So how is that giving your character less control? you can still move like the guy in the video, they just out one direction to make it less complicated. They made it 3 now for casters/ranger, just for melee hand to hand combat... because well... Melee isn't really unique for them is it.
Obviously your still trying to induce some big assumptions in negative connotations here. But its ok there, there.
Yea I know, take a look on this film clip. Look at the way they are swinging... and the damage being done...its looks like its in slow motion?
Were those people he was fighting lagging? because they were constantly swinging in the wrong direction. that must be the "skill" aspect coming into play. also, he only won the first fight, because he chugged a potion and the other guy didn't.
During the 2nd fight, he was 2v1'ing somebody who wasn't even swinging in their direction and after the kill it looked like he pumped his fist as if excited. if we knew more about the game, that would probably be comparable to macduff syle yelling, "GET DOWN!"
As for game speed, it seemed like he was putting the footage into slow motion for dramatic effect. yeah, it was somewhat slow anyways, but that makes sense if you're in heavy armor and swinging a heavy sword. later it got even slower than that.
As for the combat, if people are missing their swings that easily it just stresses how negatively lag will impact this combat system. But I suppose it wont be an issue for funcom as long as they have a fanbase willing to look beyond subpar network code. It should keep them out of the red long enough to hopefully address these problems in 5 or 6 months post release.
As for the combat, if people are missing their swings that easily it just stresses how negatively lag will impact this combat system. But I suppose it wont be an issue for funcom as long as they have a fanbase willing to look beyond subpar network code. It should keep them out of the red long enough to hopefully address these problems in 5 or 6 months post release.
Woahhh there AoC lovers
1. Thats a player made video, from 2nd hand footage so quality wont be perfect. The fan who made it slowed it down in places the original is much faster.
2. So when you say "If they intentionally put something in slow motion its likely they did so to make the lag less noticable" Presuming they = Funcom is wrong.
3. "because they were constantly swinging in the wrong direction. that must be the "skill" aspect coming into play. also, he only won the first fight, because he chugged a potion and the other guy didn't." Wrong, and Right: Wrong because there were no potions available there. Right because it is player skill, hence when someone is swinging the wrong way - thats what you get from someone playing the game with 5 mins of experience. Also for the fact they were breaking the combo's giving the "ongoing effect" You are also slowed down when in stealth mode with the controls marginally harder because of the circumstance. Lag has nothing to do with people missing their swings, but if you want to overuse that excuse for a perceived poor component to the game everytime, thats your perogative and unimaginative answer.
4. You guys only feel the need to post about this video now? its been out 2 months to the day. Nevertheless, timely reminder time : It won best PvP experience from ten ton hammer and best award twice from the countries press and the judges at the GC - nuff said.
6. Why fo you think there is some conspiricy here? That was at a convention playable to the public, nothing to hide, no two month beta shutdown no nothing.
7.I love you guys for your coy insults about the game, and your general persona's and outlook on things!
I was just getting ready to type that, but Avery already did.
So instead I'll just say Zeeky Boogy Doog!
"There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."