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Thanks for Linkage KsBerge!
Link > Developer Profile: Elliot Kingdon
Funcom also have a live persentation today in Oslo @ 18:00 Oslo time.
The Age of Conan eXperience 5 October 2007, Oslo > Link .
"What, exactly, is a lore guy?
Where can they be found? Is it true they roam dusty, forgotten libraries in search of forgotten manuscripts? Meet Elliot Kingdon, a Quest Designer and Lore Master for Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures.
Tell us a bit about yourself. Who are you and what do you do for Funcom?
I’m an Information Systems graduate from the UK and Quest Designer and Lore Master for the Conan project.
My Dungeons and Dragons experience helped get me my job here at Funcom. I’ve been running D&D games for twenty-five years and I currently run a 3.5 campaign here at Funcom.
I started playing computer games on a 16K ZX Spectrum, then the 48K version and then a Commodore 64. I’m one of those guys who still talks about Elite. I got my first PC just so I could play X-Wing and I still love playing computer games"
More can be seen from the link...
Personally I like this part after a recent debate here too:
"One of the big debates on our forums is about the role of magic in Age of Conan. In your opinion, how rare is magic and magic users in the lore? How does the lore jibe with the number of casting classes in the game?
Conan is a low-magic setting, but magic is still a fundamental part of the Conan mythos. The world itself is founded on ancient magical empires from Atlantis to Acheron; Hyboria is steeped in sorcery and fabulous lost cities of the supernatural litter the world.
Sorcerers corrupted by magical power, priests of strange gods, white druids and benign wizards all inhabit the Conan universe. Masses of spell wielding players may seem out of place, unless there is some explanation; a sinister mystery to uncover. And what might be the consequences of such a massive influx of magic? Could Hyboria itself be in peril?"
Sounds like an in game event to me...
Dare I say...expansion plans?
I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad, The dreams in which I'm dieing are the best I've ever had.