Many things can be said without violating NDA. The game's amazing. I'm sorely disappointed that the stress test is over and I'm not in the closed beta. Combat rewards good tactics. Thinkers will excel in this game. Geography should lead to good PvP. Skill selection looks varied and interesting.
I'll be pre-ordering as soon as possible and cancelling my other MMO accounts when it goes live.
There, I think that's a review without giving away any of the game mechanics.
I have a hard time calling a stress test open to all fileplanet members, subscribers or no, a secret. Other than actual participation, along with everyone else with a connection and an interest, nothing was revealed that couldn't be garnered from the game's web site.
I read that people who signed up by a certain point would get a chance to play.... that has not happened yet
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
I think the NDA is still in effect.
Would love to - but , NDA is here still (i think)
nda in effect
Many things can be said without violating NDA. The game's amazing. I'm sorely disappointed that the stress test is over and I'm not in the closed beta. Combat rewards good tactics. Thinkers will excel in this game. Geography should lead to good PvP. Skill selection looks varied and interesting.
I'll be pre-ordering as soon as possible and cancelling my other MMO accounts when it goes live.
There, I think that's a review without giving away any of the game mechanics.
You just broke the NDA by revealing that you participated in the beta......
Lack of freedom makes me a sad panda.
sad panda in a good way or...?
I have a hard time calling a stress test open to all fileplanet members, subscribers or no, a secret. Other than actual participation, along with everyone else with a connection and an interest, nothing was revealed that couldn't be garnered from the game's web site.
Hmm, downloaded it, installed it and then had to accept that the game really did not run on a card that does not have pixel shader 2.0
Humm, though I actually signed the NDA I never saw anything in the game, though the pictures from the installer looked nice.
Hate to be a bitch (as I personally don't care), but each time you hit 'accept' before entering the game, you accepted the NDA.
I read that people who signed up by a certain point would get a chance to play.... that has not happened yet
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine