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What did you do, that you shouldn't have done, that you miss doing

tman5tman5 Member Posts: 604

When you think about preCU honestly, you remember the terrible imbalances.  The overpowered buffs, armor, weapons, classes.  People soloing ancient krayts, cleaning out DWB, what have you.  Clearly things characters should never had been allowed to do solo.

But it was fun.

What did you enjoy doing most - that you really shouldn't have been allowed to do - but you still miss it?

For me, it was, as a TKM, soloing rancors on Dath.  Especially ancient ones.  1v1, buffed, with compo, meditate, CoB, my kick-arse knuckler - they didn't stand a chance.  There was no challenge, sure.  But it was just fun toppling those monsters.  Every once in a while, if I got too cocky, I found myself in a pickle - diseased, low on action, aggroed by two or more, health dwindling.  Sometimes, I had to run, but mostly wound up standing on top of a pile of dead beasties.

Yeah.  Shouldn't have happened.  But glad it did.


  • SioBabbleSioBabble Member Posts: 2,803

    Originally posted by tman5

    When you think about preCU honestly, you remember the terrible imbalances.  The overpowered buffs, armor, weapons, classes.  People soloing ancient krayts, cleaning out DWB, what have you.  Clearly things characters should never had been allowed to do solo.
    But it was fun.
    What did you enjoy doing most - that you really shouldn't have been allowed to do - but you still miss it?
    For me, it was, as a TKM, soloing rancors on Dath.  Especially ancient ones.  1v1, buffed, with compo, meditate, CoB, my kick-arse knuckler - they didn't stand a chance.  There was no challenge, sure.  But it was just fun toppling those monsters.  Every once in a while, if I got too cocky, I found myself in a pickle - diseased, low on action, aggroed by two or more, health dwindling.  Sometimes, I had to run, but mostly wound up standing on top of a pile of dead beasties.
    Yeah.  Shouldn't have happened.  But glad it did.

    For me it was getting buffed up, tossing on the armor, jumping into the AV-21 and heading north of Coronet to look for Great Plains Stalker babies.

    Once I was in the area, I'd pull out the dewback and the gurreck and we'd go from one known GSP spawn waypoint to another hoping we'd find one of the critters.

    The GSP couldn't really harm me.  More often than not it would aggro on the dewback, I'd send the gurreck in to get its attention, then I'd dismount and start blasting away with my LLC.  Kill the GSP, then the next, and hope that spawn #3 or #4 was the baby.

    Alas, didn't happen.  Although one time while I was doing this, a guildie on Naboo got killed by a swamp stalker, and so I fired up the doc alt, rezzed the guildie, and a swamp stalker baby spawned!  So it ws get the CH in the AV 21 to the starport and rush to Naboo to tame that precious swamp stalker baby!

    CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.

    Once a denizen of Ahazi

  • xxpigxxxxpigxx Member UncommonPosts: 412

    My main was a MDoc.  What I did that I shouldn't have done, but miss doing is this . . .


    In the middle of the night, when no other doc was on, I would jack my price for buffs waaaaay up.  People would get upset.  My reply was go to another Dr. then.  ;)    60K per buff.  Yeppers.


    And then the times when the areas were filled with doctors.  lol  I would price my buffs at least 5000 credits below the lowest costing doctor.  :D  Like 15k for buffs. 


    Edit:  Buffs were around 20K on Eclipse.

  • daarcodaarco Member UncommonPosts: 4,276

    I never did the whole the DWB 

    After some noob "tryes" i waited for the right moment to come by doing some RPing and space combat.......and then NGE struck

  • SuvrocSuvroc Member Posts: 2,383

    Lure a DJM or DJK into my player city and watch him attack my friends.

    Ahhh, those were good times.  

  • BadSpockBadSpock Member UncommonPosts: 7,979

    Right before I quit, I was a Smuggler/Pistoleer/Creature Handler.


    I always wanted to be a Smuggler/Pistoleer, but both professions were terribly broken. Bounty Hunters had better pistols then the Pistoleer could get, and so did Commandos. So I picked up CH (like everyone else did) in order to effectively solo.

    I never mastered a profession, just got too fed up with the grind. Then of course was the holocron craze (which meant more grinding) so I gave up.

    Thankfully, I got out before the CU and NGE.

    My favorite thing to do that I shouldn't have been doing was the big hunting parties of all CH hybrids. We'd get 4-5 of us, of various combat professions, get all buffed up and go tackle mission terminals. With our insanely overpowered pets we'd complete mission after mission after mission with sooo much ease, just raking in the credits and combat xp.

    I can't remember what planet it was or what we hunted, but they eventually nerfed the xp and credits from the missions we'd do. Having lost my primary source of income and xp, and unable to solo anything worth the XP/credits because of the extremely weak state of the Smuggler and Pistoleer professions, I gave up.

    The game was broken, unbalanced, and a grind fest... but it was still such a good game.

    I'm thankful I got out before the CU and NGE because it let me preserve most of the good memories I made in SWG.

  • CasualMakerCasualMaker Member UncommonPosts: 862

    I never got deeply into anything in the game, always going for breadth of experience rather than depth. So I was typically a Master Artisan, Novice Pistollier, crafting Medic, Musician with just songs and no buffing, varying amounts of Scout and Merchant.

    So what I did that I shouldn't have but still miss... Make a suit of the best Bone Armor I could manage and go take a tour of the Corvette (destruction mission), trying to complete the mission without fighting (lol) or at least get out alive before the timer ran out.

  • TillerTiller Member LegendaryPosts: 11,489


    Fun with Dathomir Sith spawns.



    I remember seeing some overt imps in Science Outpost on Dath one night. Me and another guy wanted to kill them but we were unbuffed and not overt. He was in one of server’s most famous PvP guilds, but that night no one was on. We both knew that as soon as we left to go get buffed and go overt they would be gone. We also knew the 2 of us had a very slim chance of taking down the 3 of them, one being a CM, and it would hardly be worth the trouble.


    So I got this bright idea to provoke the Sith Spawns outside the gate to do my bidding (yeah phase 3). I ran into the crowd of them, fired off an area shot and pulled them back into SO. I made beeline straight for the starport, on my way I saw the Sith start to engage all the other people standing around and surprisingly enough the overt imperials went on the attack. As soon as I got into the small starport room I made myself get stuck in the terminal long enough to watch the death toll rise outside via my radar. As soon as I was sure they were all dead I let the sith who was agroed on me send me to the cloner.


    As soon as I came out of the cloner I saw corpses everywhere. All the AFK entertainers were dead in the small cantina, everyone. Finally the imps came out, unbuffed, and not overt anymore. I felt it was well worth the sacrifice just to see them go down that quick.


    A little bit later the guy I was grouped with came out of the cloner and proclaimed “That was awesome!”

    SWG Bloodfin vet
    Elder Jedi/Elder Bounty Hunter
  • MehjrianMehjrian Member Posts: 127

    Ahh the good old days. How I miss them so.

    I was playing a Bothan CH/Ranger (LOVED it) at the time on Sunrunner. My friends and I weren't that rich yet, and didn't have the best of weapons either. So we decided to make some money to buy ourselves a guildhall. We figured out that if you went to Lok (I think it was), you could take missions for about 16k, and relatively close to boot. We usually had about 4 or 5 people in the party. I had just enough CH experience to get the box where you can pull out 2 pets. I just happened to have 2 greater sludge panthers on me (before they were nerfed to holy hell ... obviously they needed to be, but man it was fun).

    We would head to the nearest mission location. Usually 2 droideka were there, and some of the humanish enemies. To us, they were quite hard to kill. My 2 GSP's though were incredible tanks, and I would send them in there first, so we could take down the camp easily. Usually I would aggro 2 of the guys with my GSP's, and our Medic friend (who was closing in on Doctor) would shoot the other 3 or so, and sprint off away from the camp. So we only had to handle 2 enemies, and kill the camp ... our friend would come back without aggro, and we would get the money.

    Not a week later, SOE fixed said problem. So I figured there were probably a lot of people taking advantage of this small flaw. The enemies would no longer go out of a radius from the camp anymore. So we just had to kill them all instead, :P.

    As I said ... oh how I miss the days!

  • thamighty213thamighty213 Member UncommonPosts: 1,637



    my favourite thing was a semi exploit i was a well renowned krayt killer on eclipse if you needed pearls tissues etc just give me a shout.


    I must now come clean after so many years that i was one of the people who laid down harvies at the entrance to the graveyard to trap krayt on and headshot em to death with my feet up :) made millions until the devs fixed em that they could walk around them :) then i had to switch back to a def stacked swordsman with a bit of medic and earn my living.


    phew a giant weight has been lifted from me and i can now go to SWG heaven.

  • DracusDracus Member Posts: 1,449

    I was a TKM/Smuggler teamed with a Rifleman and a Combat Medic/Doctor.

    Three of use would fight off of waves of Imperial Players from the Imperial Base at Dant.

    Three against Many.


    All because of the Combat Medic's area effect of poison and chemicals.  The Rifleman and I were just there to mop up.

    I was fun for the first two times, but sad really.  And eventually the other players gave up.  No blame to them.


    And Thunderheat had the gull to say Combat Medics were working as intended....

    And that is why...

    Conservatives' pessimism is conducive to their happiness in three ways. First, they are rarely surprised -- they are right more often than not about the course of events. Second, when they are wrong they are happy to be so. Third, because pessimistic conservatives put not their faith in princes -- government -- they accept that happiness is a function of fending for oneself. They believe that happiness is an activity -- it is inseparable from the pursuit of happiness.

  • BushMonkeyBushMonkey Member Posts: 1,406

     I can only really think of 1 thing, going out to endor space sittimg on the tier 4 spawnpoints and farming them, i would empty  my  bacpack before i went out and in a couple hours come back with a mllion in loot  and some highpower equipment and a blacksun helm.

     As MRM my ground combat seemed to be within the limits of reality. Soloing NS rangers,blacksun or Kimos  (unbuffed unarmored) *Ahem...would be possible to a superior warrior/ hunter/ ranger/ creature handler in any circumstance.

  • HaukenHauken Member UncommonPosts: 649

    There was so many professions i never got to do. I tought i had all the time in the world

    Hauken Stormchaser
    I want pre-CU back : We got your game
    Yeah?, Well i want it back!!!

  • AnobacaAnobaca Member Posts: 68

     To be honest the only thing I can think of that I was able to do but was not suppose I am sure everyone will think of really lame. When I first started working on CH I also got a couple new driods that had storage in them. They were suppose to be able to hold schmatics and such. I was able to place pets in them also.


     So for a long time I had a zoo and could pull out just about every type of pet there was. Made some friends from showing them off. Even still had one of the driods full of pets when I left the game. I know it is a lame thing but as a wookiee CH who did not start getting buffs till about 6 months before the CU I can not think of anything that most would have done.

  • ReklawReklaw Member UncommonPosts: 6,495

    Only thing i can remember was having extra storage due to craftstations input not being counted in your house, putting allot of stuf just in them to save my house storage. Didn't last long thou, but as far i remember that was about it.

  • KelkyenKelkyen Member Posts: 45

    Back when there were TEF's, I used to go overt, put on my stormtrooper armor, and hang out in some rebel players Imperial mission spawn.  The (often noob) would show up, shoot a random trooper, then I'd kill them.  After vehicles came out, I used to blow up the bikes too.

    After player cities came out, I'd get a group of Imps togeather and hang out in a Rebel town.  We'd tell the customers who came for the vendors that they were going on report.  Some customers even ran away.  We would spout Imperial propaganda, visit the town hall and have mock town meetings, and pester the crafters.  Sooner or later the Rebs would come and get us, but often we'd survive the first couple waves.

    Extra credit:

    While I never did it myself, halfway from Moniena to the Emperors Retreat a Reb put a house called "Rebel Prison"  Back when the game was new furniture would block movement.  A curious Imp would walk into the house, the furniuture blocking the door would appear, then they would be stuck in the house until they paid a ransom.



  • SlangerSlanger Member UncommonPosts: 280

    Traveling from Theed to Coronet while overt has to be something that I shouldn't have done, but I always did it. Usually even when I ended up in the cloner before loading the person that db'd me would still duel me, but I never db'd them back once I won. I just wanted a fair fight.


    Currently Playing: Eve-Online
    On the Backburner: EQ2
    Retired: EQ, DAoC, WW2Online
    RIP: AC2
    Tried: Ryzom, Roma Victor, RoM, KH2, Forsaken World, AO, AoC, APB
    Quit: SWG PRE-CU(Radiant/Starsider), WoW

    Achiever 47% / Explorer 40% / Killer 87% / Socializer 27%

  • Bama1267Bama1267 Member UncommonPosts: 1,822

     When the game was just released, the rebel/imperial missions could be exploited. You could take on missions you could not possibly do yourself. All you needed to do was walk up to the rebel/imperial base and get line of sight from the mobs guarding it, then blast away till it blew up. After it blew up then they would agro .....sprint away and do the next mission.

     At the time the base it self gave the most faction while killing the guards did not give as much. Plus the base went down rather fast. A patch or 2 later, bases got buffed in hp's and the faction reward for blowing it up diminished drastically. Also , no more line of sight on the mobs. 

  • DarthRaidenDarthRaiden Member UncommonPosts: 4,333

    Originally posted by tman5

    When you think about preCU honestly, you remember the terrible imbalances.  The overpowered buffs, armor, weapons, classes.  People soloing ancient krayts, cleaning out DWB, what have you.  Clearly things characters should never had been allowed to do solo.

    Many things were easy but soloing Ancient Krayts   was never easy at least at my server never had someone  such weapons or armor or buff  to solo an ancient  like you saying.

    The imbalances affected more the PvP aspect  with these exceptional weapons but they were rare. What do you mean by "classes" ?  well they were  some combinations  of  professions they benefited defense modifiers and Jedi Knights were alpha "class" as supposed to be after that long grind.

    With the CU NGE then Krayts and all the other stuff degraded to a joke.


    $OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
    -We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!

    "There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)

  • wolfmannwolfmann Member Posts: 1,159



    I guess what I shouldnt have done is:

    As a unbuffed rifleman/Commando, using spices and no armor, with a stock built 21, beating the crap out of 2 buffed up 80% composite TKM/Swordsmen that tried invading my city.

    Soon after rifleman was even more nerfed, and melee got even stronger... Their forcewhine was too strong for me

    imageThe last of the Trackers

  • epf1epf1 Member Posts: 162

    Originally posted by DarthRaiden

    Originally posted by tman5

    When you think about preCU honestly, you remember the terrible imbalances.  The overpowered buffs, armor, weapons, classes.  People soloing ancient krayts, cleaning out DWB, what have you.  Clearly things characters should never had been allowed to do solo.


    Many things were easy but soloing Ancient Krayts   was never easy at least at my server never had someone  such weapons or armor or buff  to solo an ancient  like you saying.

    The imbalances affected more the PvP aspect  with these exceptional weapons but they were rare. What do you mean by "classes" ?  well they were  some combinations  of  professions they benefited defense modifiers and Jedi Knights were alpha "class" as supposed to be after that long grind.

    With the CU NGE then Krayts and all the other stuff degraded to a joke.


    Was just about to mention it as well. I don't think Krayts, especially ancient ones, were solo objects unless you used various "tricks" like the harvesters or turrets, etc.

    Now it was a long time ago all of us played the old game, but if I recall correct I think solo the DWB was unheard of back then. Of what I remember you' wouldn't come very far down there at all if you were on your own (please correct me if I'm wrong though).

    Oh memories! The vette's, geo bunker, fort tuskan, NS stronghold, etc. that was both fun and tough back then... /cry


  • tman5tman5 Member Posts: 604

    Originally posted by epf1

    Was just about to mention it as well. I don't think Krayts, especially ancient ones, were solo objects unless you used various "tricks" like the harvesters or turrets, etc.
    Now it was a long time ago all of us played the old game, but if I recall correct I think solo the DWB was unheard of back then. Of what I remember you' wouldn't come very far down there at all if you were on your own (please correct me if I'm wrong though).
    Oh memories! The vette's, geo bunker, fort tuskan, NS stronghold, etc. that was both fun and tough back then... /cry
    I may have overstated about Ancient Krayts and DWB being soloable in the day.  I think there were some claims to as such, but I don't personally know.  My point was about those things which should not have been soloable and there were quite a few.

    The things you really enjoyed doing, laughing to yourself or your buddies, "Damn, we should not be able to do this."

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