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Between Scout, Tank, Mage, and Priest; which is there not enough of/too much of and which is most wanted at this time for grouping? Also, which archetype tends to be the best at soloing?
I have played since beta so have tried all the chars but I think the answer to which is the easiest to solo will be subjective based on peoples playing style and preferences. For my own part, and I am mainly a solo player who concentrates on questing, I find the Guardian and Shadowknight to be the easiset to solo my way up quickly - but thats my own personal opinion and I normally prefer tank classes in all the MMO's i play. Monk was pretty good to.
As well as new classes, I would welcome these as I think the veterens would get a new lease of life of they had some new types to play. Personally I would welcome more evil type chars like skellies, ghouls, etc along the same lines as WOW ( a game I have played extensively and enjoy for similar and different reasons to EQ" so I am not flaming either). I think a witch would be a good complement to warlock class. I would also like a vampire and werewolf class as I think the shape changing aspects would be unique spell abilities and they fit into the expansion pack zones.
I would also like to see development of the pirate class alongide features such as boat owning ala Vanguard, maybe a Mercenary with a player created quest system such as the bounty hunter aspect of SWG (could be good for the current Assassin class). I would also like to see a guard class where you can become a real defender of the cities, etc. I think the game lacks a motivated approach to city vs city warfare. It would be great to see mass battles between freeport and qeynos on the plains of Antonica or Thundering Steppes.
To err is play is divine
as far as soling, hands down conjuror/necro... for efficiency, for ability coercer/illusionist but lots of skill is needed.
as for most needed, it all depends on the point in the game. tanks are heavily needed in leveling but raiders become disillusioned as only one tank is need for a 6 man group as opposed to the fact multiple healers can be used. healers are always in heavy demand and you usually can find multiples in your group especially at 70. damage dealers are like mid range needed/not needed since the are probably the most played. coercer and illusionist are in high demand at high levels and there is just not enough to go around.
The vast majority of the LFM spam I see on Mistmoor is for dps and/or healers.