I followed the link from Warhammer Alliance to the live chat,but all I get is a large black box,and no list of people who are in chat etc. Is that normal,until the 7pm Live chat starts?
I finally got through the search and got the server set,and the channel correct. But then Windows XP would not allow the JAVA ,due to "not recognizing the publisher. So I cleared my cache,turned on allow unpublished etc.,in tools ,and reluctsantly turned off my firewall just to see if its Windows Live One Care,and still would not install Active X control. I tried mIRC,and kept getting permission denied responses.
I know its me, but its ok.Too late now. Good Interview though.
I followed the link from Warhammer Alliance to the live chat,but all I get is a large black box,and no list of people who are in chat etc. Is that normal,until the 7pm Live chat starts?
im getting java.net.ConnectException and i can't connect to the irc on mirc, xchat or the java thing
Why can't you connect on mIRC or xchat?
What error message(s) are you getting with them?
IRC Operator @ ForTheGamers
Visit my website ...
I don't remeber, I uninstalled both. They are releasing the logs for the dev chat on WHA, so it doesn't matter now
irc ftl
I finally got through the search and got the server set,and the channel correct. But then Windows XP would not allow the JAVA ,due to "not recognizing the publisher. So I cleared my cache,turned on allow unpublished etc.,in tools ,and reluctsantly turned off my firewall just to see if its Windows Live One Care,and still would not install Active X control. I tried mIRC,and kept getting permission denied responses.
I know its me, but its ok.Too late now. Good Interview though.