I run Vista x64 and it runs like a champ. I would even say on my end the DDO client runs smoother and more stable than LOTRO client. I ran Vista x32 for awhile and it ran fine on there as well.
So far I've tried SWG, DDO, WoW, CoH and TR on 64bit Vista Ultimate. They all work fine. A bit of a cursor command (-compatiblecursors 1) to add in CoH shortcut but nothing serious.
I run Vista x64 and it runs like a champ. I would even say on my end the DDO client runs smoother and more stable than LOTRO client. I ran Vista x32 for awhile and it ran fine on there as well.
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Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.
I have no problem playing any MMORPG (EQ2, Vanguard, Lotro, DDo) with Windows Vista x64bit.
So far I've tried SWG, DDO, WoW, CoH and TR on 64bit Vista Ultimate. They all work fine. A bit of a cursor command (-compatiblecursors 1) to add in CoH shortcut but nothing serious.
yep, no problem
maybe memory might be limiting, since vista itself needs more than xp.
but DDO on highest settings on 2gb machine on either XP or VISTA and a modern graphics card with dual core - no problemo.