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Hey everyone! I was just wondering if it was too late to get started into Guildwars since the game is very well over 2 years old and already has 3 expansion packs, another on the way and the 2nd installment coming out. Any advice would be great. Thanks.
oh trust me its never too late in guild wars get it now if ur thinking of it.
i have all 3 and its a great game experience hit me up my names Sarkai Vorzek.
i just started a new guild and we could use new players and dont worry i have a lvl 20 and i beat factions so im experienced.
any whos message me and we can go from there
Yeah, it's definetly worth getting. Even 1 is fine, but all 3 would be good. Just ask anyone you think has played long, I have 3 level 20s (and I'm working on another one), but I don't consider myself an experienced player. It's pretty easy to understand, but asking people or checking other websites about Guild Wars would help a lot.
Also, there are like a couple of different servers per country, and you can only change like 3 times, so some people may be on different servers.
It's worth getting. Since it's skill based you wont fall behind that much, well, depends on how smart you are ^^
Got all 3 expansions, don't want to count how many lvl 20's i have because the race to lvl 20 is just a matter of days, hours if you know how to raise in lvl fast (Do quests in factions is one fast way). Not hard to get to max lvl since it's skill based.
currently retired from GW, played in top 10 guild as best. about 1980 fame (rank 7) i know thats not good.. still don't consider myself as an "experienced player" and i never done IWAY aka gaybuilds :P
1.)They're not really expansion packs, they're just individual chapters that can be played individually or together
2.)The real expansion pack is coming out called Eye of The North
3.)The individual chapters are Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall
4.)If you're on a budget, just buy one of the chapters and Eye of The North
5.)Or if you want the full experience(this is what i'm doing by the way) buy Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, and when it comes out Eye of The North
6.)Or if you have the patience wait for GW2 because the lvl cap is raised, there are playable races, and its coming out next year sometime around May.
Either way if you follow 2-6 you can't really go wrong!
haha thanks...been playing for a while and I love it!