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Dear Elantia-Online Citizens & MMORPG.COM We are proud to announce that a new section of the timeline & Story have been released over at this five page long update will exsplain the Elantia Galatic Era.
We here at Angel Moon Studios Inc hope you enjoy reading on into the story. I don't know about you but I can't wait to see the user base play this awsome game!
With this new update I ask that you take part in the storyline and please give us some possitive feedback on our storyline on what you think, what are we lacking what would you like to see.
P.s we will be opening beta again for yet anouther 300 members. This will add onto our already 300 in the games beta. You can find More details about elantia and when we re open beta for add-on's in the Beta section of the forums.
Lead Game Director
Angel Moon Studio's Corp © 2004-2007
Just checking back to see if we got any reply's we also have had five new sign-ups over at
Lead Game Director
Angel Moon Studio's Corp © 2004-2007
ElantiaOnline & Our Company "Angel Moon Studio's Inc" have made a drastic move of DNS & Sponcor for our company. For any details please email Our Community Manager
Lead Game Director
Angel Moon Studio's Corp © 2004-2007
Director Crow -- Well, so, what IS Elantia Online? Your website and wiki are lacking almost any details. Is this a full Sci-Fi MMO (a la SWG or TR)? A space combat/economic MMO (a la EVE)? A fantasy/sci-fi hybrid (I see "Spell Casters" as a profession)? There are no details at all about the actual GAME on the website or the wiki. If you're in beta, even an early beta, how about a screenshot or two?
I'm desperately looking for sci-fi MMOs to replace my lost but never forgotten SWG, but it would be helpful to see something of your game displayed on your website. For example, if the whole concept is PvP based, I'd pass. Are there quests? How about character customization? Something on the site would be helpful, or perhaps a place to view some info. Thanx much, and good luck in your endeavor.
-- Xix
"I know what you're thinking: 'Why, oh WHY, didn't I take the BLUE pill?'"
I second that, promoting a game that has virtually little information about it on your website is irresponsible. Relying on Wiki for description and backround on your game is lame.
I suggest you spend some time on your website so people at least understand what the game is.
Dear XIX, We are in Beta yees but pre Beta it is with basic scapes and basic GUI with a hit point bar & char. I posted this topic for other's to give us an idea of what they think on our Storyline/Timeline and layout of the game in all. We do have some shots of basic concepts Posted in the "Open Beta" Section. Our game is basic in Concept at the moment.
Our Books will be published here soon we have Six of them. I will post a link for them here or ask to maby be kind to post something.. So the books will lead you into the game as they will come first. We wanted to do this so people could read of adventures of your kind and how they have battled the planets troubles you read along & adventure along in your mind. THEN being this you can play the game and feel the game. A New approuch no one yet has realy taken in an MMORPG.
We DO have a new web GUI but our webdeisng team is busy working in our old interface. It is allot of work and we don't want to look thrown together as I am well put it.
Thanks again & keep those replys coming please. They are well thanked and sent off to the oher staff for review. Thanks XIX For keeping them contructive.
Lead Game Director
Angel Moon Studio's Corp © 2004-2007
one question to you,
why did you have to make another thread when you already had one 4 pages long, half of it with your double-triple-quadriple posting/spamming???
i know your game is new and your trying your best to get members, and i am eager awaiting your exciting game, but spamming is no way to get new members, develop your game and polish it and get it ready for us to register and download and we will reply "possitive"
P.S. improve your spelling please
We are in closed beta now with the many newmember's we have gotten, my spelling can be bad at times I base this off working in the back house writing up short hand all day, I made two threads for the ease that this thread is for Beta my other is for storyline. I wanted to keep them in a diffrent post. As Our Storyline Director is moderating it.
Lead Game Director
Angel Moon Studio's Corp © 2004-2007