Call me a carebear if you wish, but I'm much more likely to harrass the newbie harrassers than the newbies themselves. Noobs however I have little to no sympathy for.
Of course, I also don't give handouts, if someone is asking for cash, I do no more than tell them where they can get it most efficiently.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. Hemingway
In WoW I got really irritated by a group of 2 asking to be run thru Gadgetzan to finish quest. I agreed and the second i got there I aggroed about 30 of those trogs. Everything i could find took them back to them and logged out. They were really annoying.
I don't generally harass players and I have nothing against helping new players... But... I do bloody well hate beggars.
There was a command in WoW when I was playing, afaik it's patched away now, but if you typed " ice" (not / like when doing an emote) you got disconnected from server.
So, basicly, whenever someone begged me for gold I'd go: "Type nice without the space between and nice and I'll give you some."
Of course the poor sobs did... Gave me sucha laugh... Usually put them on ignore while they were disconnected. Sometimes though... It was fun watching them try to do the "emote" over and over again, saying "soz iz gotz dizzed". :P
One time now and then we'd summon a perticulary bothersome beggar or "noob" to the STV arena, ungroup him and kill him for a while. Or just to the bottom of the ocean, where we swam with waterbreathing and watch him drown.
Another mean thing, though not really to "noob"/"newbies" we did was mindcontrol people in STV to a river, then submerge them... When mindcontrol let go I'd sap... Then we'd mc again.. and so on until they drowned... After all... You can't spell Drowned without Owned......
This brings me back to the good old days of FFXI. I was somewhere around the early lvl 60's, when I was bored waiting for my static party to log on so we could go grind a bit I would often head to the Jungles. Run deep into the jungle aggroing every goblin I could and run back near the entrance to the town (forgot the name) to train a bunch of goblins to the newbies grinding.
I was a DRK , so even if I wasnt waiting for my static party I often killed time there with the LFP icon above my head. Aggro goblin, sprint, zone, come back in and watch the chaos. Good times.
I am usually very nice to everyone, but there was this one time in EQ...
My husband and I were holding Cazel (a named giant) in Oasis, waiting for a couple of more people, since we had an enchanter friend who needed the spoon he drops for her epic. Cazel has really high regen, so I wasn't really hurting him much, and I was level 65 (the cap at the time) and had a cleric standing next to me, so he wasn't hurting me much. My husband had rooted him, and I was hitting him because he was there and I was bored. Then this level 9 shaman came up and started "helping". He wasn't really hurting anything (least of all Cazel), but I suddenly had a fit of evil mischief and turned to my husband (IRL) and said, "Watch me kill this shaman." I took a step back and Cazel, like all rooted mobs in EQ, turned to hit the player closest to him. The shaman dropped like a rock.
And I laughed. A lot. And then we rezzed him and buffed him and gave him stuff for his trouble. He probably came out ahead on that death, so it wasn't THAT mean. It was just a little practical joke on my part.
He was very apologetic about stealing aggro from me. I never did tell him that I gave him the aggro on purpose. And if he's out there reading this now, it was all in fun. And I am sorry for killing you for sheer entertainment value.
... This is where I draw the line: __________________.
I try not to be vindictive, but back in UO I would drop backpacks with a single Fire Field scroll if there were noobs in the Moonglow graveyard trying to grab the loot off of the liches that I was killing. They would generally use it and end up dead from the horde of other newbies running into it and flagging them. Truly epic 50 skill swordsmen battles sprung from that.
I think the most inventive way I've seen was having a Rune that went to a small gap underneath a villa house. It had an untamed dragon. Great fun for everyone, especially when someone gated to it from the Brit bank.
Worst thing I've done to a newbie is ignore them. And that was years ago, I sometimes give them a small bit of gold or an item or two. Usually I just give them advice on how to start making what they want.
Normally I"m very kind to new players of any MMO I'm in. I mean, we were all n00bs once, right?
However, when they do not listen to my advice and become annoying, I am sorely tempted to lead them astray. Again, I usually contain these impulses, and set the phaser to "ignore".
However, one n00b was terribly annoying to me in SWG (pre NGE) and was annoying about precisely the one particular game thing that annoyed me the most.
You know where this is going: he wanted to be a Jedi in the worst possible way.
So I told him how to unlock. Seriously. I said go to Dathomir and go to the Village. Even gave him the waypoint.
But told him he had to do it on foot.
Never heard from him again.
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
One of my favorite pasttimes was "entertaining" people who said repeatedly in zone chat that they were bored.
"LF Task Force. God, I'm so bored. LFT. Bored, bored."
So I would get on one side of the plaza where the TF (Task Force) NPC was standing and the I'm-so-bored Spammers were standing and start aggroing all the street mobs. Once I got a huge bunch on me, I would Super Leap over the center of the plaza to the opposite side and the mobs would follow me -- but halfway across they would hit the group of I'm-so-bored Spammers standing around and a huge fight would break out.
Then, the I'm-so-bored Spammers would start screaming, "Oh, thanks, whoever just trained all those mobs!!! You got me killed you no-good son of a bitch!!! F.U. you rotten bastard!!!" (Et cetera.)
Then I would just chuckle to myself and type:
"But you're not bored any more, are you?"
Yes. I loved bringing a little entertainment to player's lives to help relieve the "boredom."
I dont have a problem with newbies, newbies are people that ask questions after they have tried to find the answer themselfs. They dont beg etc they are just new to the game.
Noobs however are the lazy gits who cant be asked to look for an answer to anything, if they have a problem they wont bother trying to solve it or listen to others advice theyll just contenue being helpless saps. They are the ones that beg, that buy gold, that bot, etc
Oh i havent done anything particualy nasty to them, i just ignore, then perceed to not group with them, and if i come across them in a pick up group for example i just say either kick him or ill leave instead. i always play healers or support roles, so its easy to get a group.
I once got a entire group of noobs once, got so pissed off with them i pulled half the dungeon on them then ran out the instance ;p was in wow, think it was black rock depths was a while ago I try to avoid pick up groups when i can in whatever mmo i am playing at the time.
edit: come to think of it there is one thing me and a guild m8 did in wow when it wasnt such a crap game, we were in dire maul west, getting sick of tired of wiping due to the guy playing the warrior, the other one playing a rogue, and a third who kept going afk, think he was a huntard.
So me and my guild m8 thought we would get our own back since they had completly wasted our time, so got to a boss waited for these guys to engage, then we both suddenly said we had a lag spike, then Alt-f4'ed on em.
Then came back a few mins later to find they were dead we were fine since we stood out of aggro range, then we perceeded to do the same thing again, then left and got a guild only run later.
stupid thread.. no really all you get here is every poster KNOWING their a uber player but yet their a noob to someone else as well. Now you can see how some people are in real life. What should have been asked is what was done to you. Me I just ignore it. One its just a game and why lower myself to their level. To get back or be mean, well thats easy anyone can do it .
cyber sex.. what a joke..heres where the real low lifes come to play.
Call me a carebear if you wish, but I'm much more likely to harrass the newbie harrassers than the newbies themselves. Noobs however I have little to no sympathy for.
Of course, I also don't give handouts, if someone is asking for cash, I do no more than tell them where they can get it most efficiently.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
In WoW I got really irritated by a group of 2 asking to be run thru Gadgetzan to finish quest. I agreed and the second i got there I aggroed about 30 of those trogs. Everything i could find took them back to them and logged out. They were really annoying.
I don't generally harass players and I have nothing against helping new players... But... I do bloody well hate beggars.
There was a command in WoW when I was playing, afaik it's patched away now, but if you typed "
ice" (not / like when doing an emote) you got disconnected from server.
So, basicly, whenever someone begged me for gold I'd go: "Type nice without the space between and nice and I'll give you some."
Of course the poor sobs did... Gave me sucha laugh... Usually put them on ignore while they were disconnected. Sometimes though... It was fun watching them try to do the "emote" over and over again, saying "soz iz gotz dizzed". :P
One time now and then we'd summon a perticulary bothersome beggar or "noob" to the STV arena, ungroup him and kill him for a while. Or just to the bottom of the ocean, where we swam with waterbreathing and watch him drown.
Another mean thing, though not really to "noob"/"newbies" we did was mindcontrol people in STV to a river, then submerge them... When mindcontrol let go I'd sap... Then we'd mc again.. and so on until they drowned... After all... You can't spell Drowned without Owned......
Ah.. those were the days........
This brings me back to the good old days of FFXI. I was somewhere around the early lvl 60's, when I was bored waiting for my static party to log on so we could go grind a bit I would often head to the Jungles. Run deep into the jungle aggroing every goblin I could and run back near the entrance to the town (forgot the name) to train a bunch of goblins to the newbies grinding.
I was a DRK , so even if I wasnt waiting for my static party I often killed time there with the LFP icon above my head. Aggro goblin, sprint, zone, come back in and watch the chaos. Good times.
I am usually very nice to everyone, but there was this one time in EQ...
My husband and I were holding Cazel (a named giant) in Oasis, waiting for a couple of more people, since we had an enchanter friend who needed the spoon he drops for her epic. Cazel has really high regen, so I wasn't really hurting him much, and I was level 65 (the cap at the time) and had a cleric standing next to me, so he wasn't hurting me much. My husband had rooted him, and I was hitting him because he was there and I was bored. Then this level 9 shaman came up and started "helping". He wasn't really hurting anything (least of all Cazel), but I suddenly had a fit of evil mischief and turned to my husband (IRL) and said, "Watch me kill this shaman." I took a step back and Cazel, like all rooted mobs in EQ, turned to hit the player closest to him. The shaman dropped like a rock.
And I laughed. A lot. And then we rezzed him and buffed him and gave him stuff for his trouble. He probably came out ahead on that death, so it wasn't THAT mean. It was just a little practical joke on my part.
He was very apologetic about stealing aggro from me. I never did tell him that I gave him the aggro on purpose. And if he's out there reading this now, it was all in fun. And I am sorry for killing you for sheer entertainment value.
This is where I draw the line: __________________.
I try not to be vindictive, but back in UO I would drop backpacks with a single Fire Field scroll if there were noobs in the Moonglow graveyard trying to grab the loot off of the liches that I was killing. They would generally use it and end up dead from the horde of other newbies running into it and flagging them. Truly epic 50 skill swordsmen battles sprung from that.
I think the most inventive way I've seen was having a Rune that went to a small gap underneath a villa house. It had an untamed dragon. Great fun for everyone, especially when someone gated to it from the Brit bank.
I had a mage and I would sometimes Gate people from Brit bank to other places to make a bit of money.
Random newbie: 'Gate me to {insert a spot}'
Me: 'It'll cost you some gold'
Newbie: 'I don't have money. You are greedy. Just gate me there'
Me: 'I need reagents to cast a gate, and reagents cost money'
Newbie: 'You suck!'
Me: 'Ok. I'll gate you...'
And then I would take that very special rune to this teeny weenie island and gate him there. 1 minute later, the GM was busy getting him unstuck
Playing: Final Fantasy Online: ARR, Destiny
Most memorable games for me: UO, GW1, LoTRO
Worst thing I've done to a newbie is ignore them. And that was years ago, I sometimes give them a small bit of gold or an item or two. Usually I just give them advice on how to start making what they want.
I try to be helpfull to any new player. If they become a pest though i then ignore them and go about my busnesss.
Normally I"m very kind to new players of any MMO I'm in. I mean, we were all n00bs once, right?
However, when they do not listen to my advice and become annoying, I am sorely tempted to lead them astray. Again, I usually contain these impulses, and set the phaser to "ignore".
However, one n00b was terribly annoying to me in SWG (pre NGE) and was annoying about precisely the one particular game thing that annoyed me the most.
You know where this is going: he wanted to be a Jedi in the worst possible way.
So I told him how to unlock. Seriously. I said go to Dathomir and go to the Village. Even gave him the waypoint.
But told him he had to do it on foot.
Never heard from him again.
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Once a denizen of Ahazi
I think I told someone in WoW once that the way to get to Stormwind from Ironforge was Loch Modan->Badlands->Searing Gorge etc etc.... was true....
I don't get my kicks by being mean to people. I must be strange that way.
City of Heroes.
One of my favorite pasttimes was "entertaining" people who said repeatedly in zone chat that they were bored.
"LF Task Force. God, I'm so bored. LFT. Bored, bored."
So I would get on one side of the plaza where the TF (Task Force) NPC was standing and the I'm-so-bored Spammers were standing and start aggroing all the street mobs. Once I got a huge bunch on me, I would Super Leap over the center of the plaza to the opposite side and the mobs would follow me -- but halfway across they would hit the group of I'm-so-bored Spammers standing around and a huge fight would break out.
Then, the I'm-so-bored Spammers would start screaming, "Oh, thanks, whoever just trained all those mobs!!! You got me killed you no-good son of a bitch!!! F.U. you rotten bastard!!!" (Et cetera.)
Then I would just chuckle to myself and type:
"But you're not bored any more, are you?"
Yes. I loved bringing a little entertainment to player's lives to help relieve the "boredom."
~ Ancient Membership ~
I dont have a problem with newbies, newbies are people that ask questions after they have tried to find the answer themselfs. They dont beg etc they are just new to the game.
Noobs however are the lazy gits who cant be asked to look for an answer to anything, if they have a problem they wont bother trying to solve it or listen to others advice theyll just contenue being helpless saps. They are the ones that beg, that buy gold, that bot, etc
Oh i havent done anything particualy nasty to them, i just ignore, then perceed to not group with them, and if i come across them in a pick up group for example i just say either kick him or ill leave instead. i always play healers or support roles, so its easy to get a group.
I once got a entire group of noobs once, got so pissed off with them i pulled half the dungeon on them then ran out the instance ;p was in wow, think it was black rock depths was a while ago I try to avoid pick up groups when i can in whatever mmo i am playing at the time.
edit: come to think of it there is one thing me and a guild m8 did in wow when it wasnt such a crap game, we were in dire maul west, getting sick of tired of wiping due to the guy playing the warrior, the other one playing a rogue, and a third who kept going afk, think he was a huntard.
So me and my guild m8 thought we would get our own back since they had completly wasted our time, so got to a boss waited for these guys to engage, then we both suddenly said we had a lag spike, then Alt-f4'ed on em.
Then came back a few mins later to find they were dead we were fine since we stood out of aggro range, then we perceeded to do the same thing again, then left and got a guild only run later.
I had cyber sex with them, then dumped them a day later.
stupid thread.. no really all you get here is every poster KNOWING their a uber player but yet their a noob to someone else as well. Now you can see how some people are in real life. What should have been asked is what was done to you. Me I just ignore it. One its just a game and why lower myself to their level. To get back or be mean, well thats easy anyone can do it .
cyber sex.. what a joke..heres where the real low lifes come to play.