I had alot of fun playing TR, got up into the higher 30's and as the levels got higher the mobs got more interesting. The instances are well thought out and very interesting. There were bugs with alot of things, but this was beta and I am fine with that. It doesnt have the kind of player recognition that creates grouping guilding etc. You really couldnt tell the NPC's from the PC's. so the social level was hard to create. And, at the moment, there doesnt seem to be alot of character depth. The battling is great, love the good fights when the mob AI is working well. But after a couple months of beta, I left because the Customer Service was horrible. Sending in petitions and bug reports and getting auto emails back with no solution to your problem. Then the email would say each and everytime, if we dont hear from you in 72 hours, we will consider this problem resolved. and How do I resolve a real issue bug, it was ridiculous how the auto replies and even when I finally got a CSR reply, it was obvious from his remarks that he had never actually read my petition. Now when TR has a free trial, 6 mos or more down the line, I will give them another try.
And what is with Lord British and his trip to space during the first season of his game. Is this another COH hey lets make a game sell it and then under develop it while we make a new game to sell.
To be honest I haven't played the beta, but I can say that it is no AO. When it comes to Sci-fi MMO's, this game doesn't have the depth or customization, from armor to character creation. What other mmo has implants/symbiants, that you can add to your toon, to boost its potential? If you know one, let me know and I will check it out.
Its AA without the vehicles. Its boring, repetitive, unimaginative and a flop. Laughable the fans stick to their undying belief that its "still in beta!", what a joke! Its gone gold! RG has failed TR is a failer.
Class differences are pointless, graphics are severly outdated, gameplay is boring, and there is no reason to even log in, no real charactor development. Even F2P it would be not worth logging in IMO.
Maybe RG can get a job with Farlan and work on DnL? Haha! Nah, not even he deserves that, just to be out of game development forever. I'm sure RG and Brad McQuaid can work together and make a "4th gen" MMO. Lol!
IMO, anyone foolish enough to pay $50 for this train-wreck plus a monthy fee deserve to be ripped off.
In short, an unmitigated failer.
Like AA, it will go the way of Polio and the evening newspaper, which it deserves.
Ive played it for a few weekends and that was it. I had no more desire to log in any more. I wanted to like it was great to start off but it got real old real quick.
Miss. Aside from inherent design problems (it's WAY too easy to break instances) and a horrible UI, It's too boring to last: zero replay value. Even if they do manage to fix and balance everything that's currently broken, I doubt the game will succeed.
Maybe RG can get a job with Farlan and work on DnL? Haha! Nah, not even he deserves that, just to be out of game development forever. I'm sure RG and Brad McQuaid can work together and make a "4th gen" MMO. Lol!
Vanguard:saga of Tabula Rasa
The next generation of MMO! choose from several very similar classes and auto aim your way through a huge world devoid of life! meaningful travel! A left clickers paradise crafting system*! Diplomacy where you actually auto aim at the coloured dots rather than just watch them! NEW bermuda triangle play system where you the player sometimes fall through the earth to your death**!
Coming 2008!!
*will not be live in-game on release
**not a bug in any way shape or form,a game mechanic (honest)
I managed to try it out, it's not bad but not a game that would keep me any longer than 3-5 months then after that I'd probably move on. Also it's definately not a game I'd buy if it's really going for $70 USD (way too much in CDN), perhaps if it was $50 instead like most MMO game prices these days.
The character role customization kind of reminds me of PlanetSide, in PS you were able to mix and match roles (MAX, combat engineer, air calvary, ground assault, base hacker, etc.) but so far TR doesn't seem as flexable as PS.
I had alot of fun playing TR, got up into the higher 30's and as the levels got higher the mobs got more interesting. The instances are well thought out and very interesting. There were bugs with alot of things, but this was beta and I am fine with that. It doesnt have the kind of player recognition that creates grouping guilding etc. You really couldnt tell the NPC's from the PC's. so the social level was hard to create. And, at the moment, there doesnt seem to be alot of character depth. The battling is great, love the good fights when the mob AI is working well. But after a couple months of beta, I left because the Customer Service was horrible. Sending in petitions and bug reports and getting auto emails back with no solution to your problem. Then the email would say each and everytime, if we dont hear from you in 72 hours, we will consider this problem resolved. and How do I resolve a real issue bug, it was ridiculous how the auto replies and even when I finally got a CSR reply, it was obvious from his remarks that he had never actually read my petition. Now when TR has a free trial, 6 mos or more down the line, I will give them another try.
And what is with Lord British and his trip to space during the first season of his game. Is this another COH hey lets make a game sell it and then under develop it while we make a new game to sell.
If your sending in a Bug its beein read and processed by a QA-guy. There is rely nobody able to write you emials back and comfort you in this period of design. Man your report just helpt to catch one more of the glitches around. So dont think your report is useless.
I reported alot of stuff and get Autoanswerd, just to see my issiue beein resolved a patch later or 3 ..
They got lots of work to do before deadline of release, no time for email, customersupport or other bull++++
I work for a softwaredeveloping company (not games) but we have similar procedures. I want to make everyone happy , but ,.. i cant. i need to get my schedule done. doesnt mean that i dont READ the stuff thats in the pipe.
Flop. My issue is with the hybrid 3rd person shooter/rpg system. If I shoot something in the head I want it dead. I don't want to have to shoot it 50 times in the head.
Then your sitting on the wrong horse. TR is meant to be RPG in the first place and not shooter.
Try Hellgate:London Damn good and it is aimed at the FPS-Audience.
Hmm when i read throu all those posts i think " What the hell are all these Peeps doing ?"
I leveld to 36 twice now with no Problem and only few Mobs killed. I hear People asking where is a good spot to FARM mobs and do killing sprees to keep the EXP-Multiplier up...
Well... i never dealt with this stuff since i kept doing my missions and now and then teamed with some others to do the more difficult ones (Devils Den, Atta Colony) and had alot of fun , just killing the need be stuff.
the Missions awards are worth alot of killtime and if i have to choose between mindless hours of shooting the same mob over and over or run here and there with sightseeing and killing included plus tons of EXP on the end.
Well what would you pick? I guess the "grind-effective-habbit" comes along with other RPG. Peeps are used to it , and here.. doesnt work too good.
Do you know why there is so much people bitching about this game? Because the ones who truly like this game are PLAYING IT!!! Im sick of this! Of course the game is not perfect...Its not released yet! This game is diferent from rest of the MMO you were playing! You talk that you want something diferent from the other MMO, but then you star bitching about that it needs something like WOW or GUILD WARS! You dont want a new innovative MMO. You are stuck with the old ones and you people didnt realized yet! Give TR time to develop and you see a ggod MMO grow! I said in other Posts and Im saying again...EVE WOW was a nightmare when was released! can you imagine 5 servers down for one week? Well it happened! And now has 8 million suckers playing it!
100% agree
btw, you want to see REAL grind ? REAL EVIL 100% asia GriNd? Go check out Lineage2.
Every other MMO that is coming out is the same old thing. Minimal quests to provide little reward, then grind away at some spawn point for hours on end to reach that "Next Level". The fact that those games call themselves MMORPG's is a laugh... no one is role playing and most games don't have any features that encourage people to do so.
TR seems to brake the mold for me. Quests provide more XP reward than grinding. The storyline is interesting and comparable to single-player RPG's. Combat is just like any FPS which I like a lot more than Queue combat. Not to mention the environment as a whole is new and exciting compared to most other MMO's.
That said, it is a niche game. If you want to just be able to go out and kill a bunch of things and go up in level, then it is not really the game for you. You have to want to immerse yourself in the storyline. If you don't, then it may be a bit boring... but that is why the game is so good!
This is a MMO that will satisfy people who are bored with the current selection of MMO's out there and are looking for something different.
Exactly what I was looking for! Every other MMO that is coming out is the same old thing. Minimal quests to provide little reward, then grind away at some spawn point for hours on end to reach that "Next Level". The fact that those games call themselves MMORPG's is a laugh... no one is role playing and most games don't have any features that encourage people to do so. TR seems to brake the mold for me. Quests provide more XP reward than grinding. The storyline is interesting and comparable to single-player RPG's. Combat is just like any FPS which I like a lot more than Queue combat. Not to mention the environment as a whole is new and exciting compared to most other MMO's. That said, it is a niche game. If you want to just be able to go out and kill a bunch of things and go up in level, then it is not really the game for you. You have to want to immerse yourself in the storyline. If you don't, then it may be a bit boring... but that is why the game is so good! This is a MMO that will satisfy people who are bored with the current selection of MMO's out there and are looking for something different.
Do keep in mind that grinding missions is not really an improvement on grinding critters after you've done those missions a few times. You need all the available missions to level, and sometimes, you come up short. As to the story content... ugh. In PVE, i'm mostly story driven, but this story is just too derivative and trite. Oh well, go play it, you'll see.
Do keep in mind that grinding missions is not really an improvement on grinding critters after you've done those missions a few times. You need all the available missions to level, and sometimes, you come up short. As to the story content... ugh. In PVE, i'm mostly story driven, but this story is just too derivative and trite. Oh well, go play it, you'll see.
I just started playing the open beta, so I base my review off of my experience. Albeit I have only played up through level 15, but so far everything I have done has been balanced with my current level so there has never been a need to grind a spawn to get to that next level so I can continue on my journey.
And to me, that is something that I dread. Being unable to complete a task because I am a couple levels shy of having the abilities to accomplish something, which then forces me to stick in the same spot for hours on end doing the same mind numbing task. But being able to go from quest to quest, moving around the map, and fighting here and there makes for a much more interesting experience.
Add to it that this game seems perfect for a person who only has an hour or so to spend, but also has enough variation to spend half a day.
Many MMO's are major grindfests where most players would sit on one spawn for days on end just to level up and then move on to another spawn. This obviously seems to be enjoyable for some players, as some of these games are massive hits, but I personally don't find that much fun and I feel that TR avoids that mentality quite well.
Miss. Honestly, I have just given up all hope of a quality sci fi MMO. I'm not surprised in my disappointment since I have yet to like any game NCSOFT puts out. Combat is just a poorly copied version of current SWG with its mouse clicking fest. I can only hold down mouse buttons for so long before it loses its luster.
Originally posted by achesoma Miss. Honestly, I have just given up all hope of a quality sci fi MMO. I'm not surprised in my disappointment since I have yet to like any game NCSOFT puts out. Combat is just a poorly copied version of current SWG with its mouse clicking fest. I can only hold down mouse buttons for so long before it loses its luster.
I like City of Heroes/Villains, and Guild Wars is not too bad either but not for my taste. You do make one point, holding the button down really doesn't work in an MMO RPG-ish game, such as SWG (glad they added an auto-attack back in).
A character in an MMO takes a long time to level and involves lots of interactivity, holding that button down for the majority of mission/quests is definately going to wear you out, I felt that in SWG when the NGE came out and my mouse actually broke that the button stopped working.
I however don't see any similarities between SWG NGE and TR, only one is the point-and-click mechanics, the rest seems WoW-ish with the interfaces.
well for me its a miss , my pcs a mid range job thats just under a year old and runs most new games pretty well ( with a bit of tweaking at times) tabla rasa just does nt work very well on my pc .if it runs well on your pc and your not happy with your current mmorpg its worth taking a look at . i think it ll proberbly find a limited audiance that ll keep it ticking by for a couple of years or so then vanish .
Jest, I was being nice when I said the customer service was horrible, ie... sub standard below the level of other games in real beta, not a few weeks from open. Now as you said, you work in the industry, and you do seem to know alot about it. I work in customer service, handling quality control for b2b internet customer service centers. This position took 22 years of working in the customer service field to attain. I have spent the last 8 years online gaming with SOE ( eq1/eq2 matrix swg planetside) NC with COH COV TRbeta then of course WOW, DAOC and the LOTRO free trial. If you see my other posts, I am not a flamer nor fanboi. So, when I say that the customer service responces were below the acceptable level to remain a customer, you are receiving a fair, objective, impartial and very knowledgeable review. Now I have lasted 8 years with SOE, so my standards and expectations are pretty low, and TR CS couldnt even keep up with that. Over 6 weeks of emails and only one live responce, in which the CSR stated that " after reading your petition", and then he went on to prove that he had not read any of my petitions. To be worse than soe in csr is really saying alot.
I see from your many posts in the tr section, that even if you dont mean to be, your posts look like they are written by a TR ( I assume the first ) Fanboi. Kind of like Fox news when they talk about President Bush heheh.
I had alot of fun playing TR, got up into the higher 30's and as the levels got higher the mobs got more interesting. The instances are well thought out and very interesting. There were bugs with alot of things, but this was beta and I am fine with that. It doesnt have the kind of player recognition that creates grouping guilding etc. You really couldnt tell the NPC's from the PC's. so the social level was hard to create. And, at the moment, there doesnt seem to be alot of character depth. The battling is great, love the good fights when the mob AI is working well. But after a couple months of beta, I left because the Customer Service was horrible. Sending in petitions and bug reports and getting auto emails back with no solution to your problem. Then the email would say each and everytime, if we dont hear from you in 72 hours, we will consider this problem resolved. and How do I resolve a real issue bug, it was ridiculous how the auto replies and even when I finally got a CSR reply, it was obvious from his remarks that he had never actually read my petition. Now when TR has a free trial, 6 mos or more down the line, I will give them another try.
And what is with Lord British and his trip to space during the first season of his game. Is this another COH hey lets make a game sell it and then under develop it while we make a new game to sell.
To be honest I haven't played the beta, but I can say that it is no AO. When it comes to Sci-fi MMO's, this game doesn't have the depth or customization, from armor to character creation. What other mmo has implants/symbiants, that you can add to your toon, to boost its potential? If you know one, let me know and I will check it out.
Its AA without the vehicles. Its boring, repetitive, unimaginative and a flop. Laughable the fans stick to their undying belief that its "still in beta!", what a joke! Its gone gold! RG has failed TR is a failer.
Class differences are pointless, graphics are severly outdated, gameplay is boring, and there is no reason to even log in, no real charactor development. Even F2P it would be not worth logging in IMO.
Maybe RG can get a job with Farlan and work on DnL? Haha! Nah, not even he deserves that, just to be out of game development forever. I'm sure RG and Brad McQuaid can work together and make a "4th gen" MMO. Lol!
IMO, anyone foolish enough to pay $50 for this train-wreck plus a monthy fee deserve to be ripped off.
In short, an unmitigated failer.
Like AA, it will go the way of Polio and the evening newspaper, which it deserves.
Double post.
Ive played it for a few weekends and that was it. I had no more desire to log in any more. I wanted to like it was great to start off but it got real old real quick.
Tabula Rasa :
A round that is stuck in the tube. And, they are about to fire another round.
Miss. Aside from inherent design problems (it's WAY too easy to break instances) and a horrible UI, It's too boring to last: zero replay value. Even if they do manage to fix and balance everything that's currently broken, I doubt the game will succeed.
The next generation of MMO! choose from several very similar classes and auto aim your way through a huge world devoid of life! meaningful travel! A left clickers paradise crafting system*! Diplomacy where you actually auto aim at the coloured dots rather than just watch them! NEW bermuda triangle play system where you the player sometimes fall through the earth to your death**!
Coming 2008!!
*will not be live in-game on release
**not a bug in any way shape or form,a game mechanic (honest)
Say you're aiming at a barn, you pull the trigger and shoot yourself in the foot.
What do you call it?
And anyone that just started playing and loves it, play for a month and then tell me you disagree with me.
I managed to try it out, it's not bad but not a game that would keep me any longer than 3-5 months then after that I'd probably move on. Also it's definately not a game I'd buy if it's really going for $70 USD (way too much in CDN), perhaps if it was $50 instead like most MMO game prices these days.
The character role customization kind of reminds me of PlanetSide, in PS you were able to mix and match roles (MAX, combat engineer, air calvary, ground assault, base hacker, etc.) but so far TR doesn't seem as flexable as PS.
All you grind is Missions not Mobs and still the Leveling is kinda blazing fast. I actualy keep READing the Missions and Storys.
Good for those that CAN read and not just click away till the XP part comes up.
4 weeks to reach Maxlevel if you realy want it is kinda (too) fast.
With more content beein added over time i think the game will grow more atmospheric.
I guess it will find its Audience , and when all the CounterStrikekiddys are gone and gloat about how crappy it is , the rest will be even more happy.
Good Potential for Roleplay.
Try using TAB to LOCK on the target. Then try to shot your foot...
Tell me after a Month if your still shooting your feet...
If your sending in a Bug its beein read and processed by a QA-guy. There is rely nobody able to write you emials back and comfort you in this period of design. Man your report just helpt to catch one more of the glitches around. So dont think your report is useless.
I reported alot of stuff and get Autoanswerd, just to see my issiue beein resolved a patch later or 3 ..
They got lots of work to do before deadline of release, no time for email, customersupport or other bull++++
I work for a softwaredeveloping company (not games) but we have similar procedures. I want to make everyone happy , but ,.. i cant. i need to get my schedule done. doesnt mean that i dont READ the stuff thats in the pipe.
Try Hellgate:London Damn good and it is aimed at the FPS-Audience.
Hmm when i read throu all those posts i think " What the hell are all these Peeps doing ?"
I leveld to 36 twice now with no Problem and only few Mobs killed. I hear People asking where is a good spot to FARM mobs and do killing sprees to keep the EXP-Multiplier up...
Well... i never dealt with this stuff since i kept doing my missions and now and then teamed with some others to do the more difficult ones (Devils Den, Atta Colony) and had alot of fun , just killing the need be stuff.
the Missions awards are worth alot of killtime and if i have to choose between mindless hours of shooting the same mob over and over or run here and there with sightseeing and killing included plus tons of EXP on the end.
Well what would you pick? I guess the "grind-effective-habbit" comes along with other RPG. Peeps are used to it , and here.. doesnt work too good.
100% agree
btw, you want to see REAL grind ? REAL EVIL 100% asia GriNd? Go check out Lineage2.
15 million Subs right now. >WoW . I dont like it.
Exactly what I was looking for!
Every other MMO that is coming out is the same old thing. Minimal quests to provide little reward, then grind away at some spawn point for hours on end to reach that "Next Level". The fact that those games call themselves MMORPG's is a laugh... no one is role playing and most games don't have any features that encourage people to do so.
TR seems to brake the mold for me. Quests provide more XP reward than grinding. The storyline is interesting and comparable to single-player RPG's. Combat is just like any FPS which I like a lot more than Queue combat. Not to mention the environment as a whole is new and exciting compared to most other MMO's.
That said, it is a niche game. If you want to just be able to go out and kill a bunch of things and go up in level, then it is not really the game for you. You have to want to immerse yourself in the storyline. If you don't, then it may be a bit boring... but that is why the game is so good!
This is a MMO that will satisfy people who are bored with the current selection of MMO's out there and are looking for something different.
I just started playing the open beta, so I base my review off of my experience. Albeit I have only played up through level 15, but so far everything I have done has been balanced with my current level so there has never been a need to grind a spawn to get to that next level so I can continue on my journey.
And to me, that is something that I dread. Being unable to complete a task because I am a couple levels shy of having the abilities to accomplish something, which then forces me to stick in the same spot for hours on end doing the same mind numbing task. But being able to go from quest to quest, moving around the map, and fighting here and there makes for a much more interesting experience.
Add to it that this game seems perfect for a person who only has an hour or so to spend, but also has enough variation to spend half a day.
Many MMO's are major grindfests where most players would sit on one spawn for days on end just to level up and then move on to another spawn. This obviously seems to be enjoyable for some players, as some of these games are massive hits, but I personally don't find that much fun and I feel that TR avoids that mentality quite well.
Miss. Honestly, I have just given up all hope of a quality sci fi MMO. I'm not surprised in my disappointment since I have yet to like any game NCSOFT puts out. Combat is just a poorly copied version of current SWG with its mouse clicking fest. I can only hold down mouse buttons for so long before it loses its luster.
Miss...... and way off target...
I like City of Heroes/Villains, and Guild Wars is not too bad either but not for my taste. You do make one point, holding the button down really doesn't work in an MMO RPG-ish game, such as SWG (glad they added an auto-attack back in).
A character in an MMO takes a long time to level and involves lots of interactivity, holding that button down for the majority of mission/quests is definately going to wear you out, I felt that in SWG when the NGE came out and my mouse actually broke that the button stopped working.
I however don't see any similarities between SWG NGE and TR, only one is the point-and-click mechanics, the rest seems WoW-ish with the interfaces.
Graphics definately are subpar.
This game is Sci-Fi and you all keep comparing it to Lets be an elf with a sword games.
You have to compare this to other sci-fi games on the market. Oooh. There arn;t any. Apart from may be huxley that is coming out next year.
well for me its a miss , my pcs a mid range job thats just under a year old and runs most new games pretty well ( with a bit of tweaking at times) tabla rasa just does nt work very well on my pc .if it runs well on your pc and your not happy with your current mmorpg its worth taking a look at . i think it ll proberbly find a limited audiance that ll keep it ticking by for a couple of years or so then vanish .
Jest, I was being nice when I said the customer service was horrible, ie... sub standard below the level of other games in real beta, not a few weeks from open. Now as you said, you work in the industry, and you do seem to know alot about it. I work in customer service, handling quality control for b2b internet customer service centers. This position took 22 years of working in the customer service field to attain. I have spent the last 8 years online gaming with SOE ( eq1/eq2 matrix swg planetside) NC with COH COV TRbeta then of course WOW, DAOC and the LOTRO free trial. If you see my other posts, I am not a flamer nor fanboi. So, when I say that the customer service responces were below the acceptable level to remain a customer, you are receiving a fair, objective, impartial and very knowledgeable review. Now I have lasted 8 years with SOE, so my standards and expectations are pretty low, and TR CS couldnt even keep up with that. Over 6 weeks of emails and only one live responce, in which the CSR stated that " after reading your petition", and then he went on to prove that he had not read any of my petitions. To be worse than soe in csr is really saying alot.
I see from your many posts in the tr section, that even if you dont mean to be, your posts look like they are written by a TR ( I assume the first ) Fanboi. Kind of like Fox news when they talk about President Bush heheh.