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I've been playing for 3-4 days, I've gotten 2 characters into the mid 30's and I've got to say... the problems with this game are mostly not Ubi's fault, but rather come from a really bad community. I do take issue with the way Ubi put Formations into the game, as Formations make it impossible for anyone to do anything while the leader is moving.
Anyway, getting into even a decent guild is plain frustrating. The one I recently joined with a Confessor seemed pretty bad, they had expensive trainers and relied heavily on high-levels from other guilds, one of which damn near killed me (whether intentionally or accidentally, I don't know, and I didn't stick around to find out). I later deleted the character because I didn't really like the way the Confessor class was working out.
I think the best way to play this game is to play around with it early on. Get a few different characters up to level 40ish to learn the way the game works and learn what you like, all the while posting on the recruitment forums. I say 40ish because it only takes about 10 hours to get from level 1 to 40 (assuming you're new, experienced players/twinks could probably do it in half the time) and past level 40 you get hit with a stiff XP penalty if you're not in a guild. If the guild doesn't want to recruit you and then cart you around so you can leech XP then go and solo up to wherever they want you to be and then come back and work with them. If you stay away from hotspots then soloing isn't that bad, I barely even saw other players (much less PKs) when I was getting my Minotaur Barb from 20 to 39. Once you get into a good guild, then... well, play the game.
Ok, screw everything I said above. The community is irredeemable trash. I heard that Castle Dragonscale was a good guild on the server I was on and... guess what... Every time I was PKed today (which was absurdly often) it was by someone from Castle Dragonscale.
Even if you like PvP, stay FAR away. If you start as a new player to this game and like PvP, this game will make you HATE PvP because you will die SO DAMN MUCH that you'll NEVER get to the point where you can defend yourself against PKs without pitching computer parts through the wall.
I can't believe that there are actually people who are this big of an asshole. It's the in-game equivalent of professional wrestlers beating up school kids for their lunch money. I'm sorry, Ubi, but your community sucks ass and, therefore, your game is unfun.
umm, obviously you didn't join Castle Dragonscale if they were pking you. If you would have joined them, they would have defended you , and you wouldn't have died once. And Dragonscale accepts everyone. So I don't really understand your point.
The point is the "best" guild actively participates in destroying the player base by PKing new players until they quit the game.
And seriously, if they were any good at all they would have invited me to their guild instead of killing me, because I had my "Looking for Guild" icon on.
Again, don't bother playing this game.
You need to find a guild before you leav newbie island. Its as simple as that. If you really want to go it alone, then you at least have to have a charcter with track. Then you can rrecall when someone appears on track.
LOL did he just type dragonscale was the "best" guild.... I dont even play on mourning but thats funny shit.
Sounds like nothing has changed in this game. It was fun for awhile but a casual player simply can't keep up.
"Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves." ~ Ronald Reagan
I always die when I xp just outside a freehold.
You know what I do? I find a new place to level, then turn around and pk the person who pked me.
... or bane his city and destory it
I double dog dare you to bane my town of Zion. Its on Vindication on the desert island. Crying on this thread doesnt show how good you are at PVP, it only makes the people who pked you laugh. Prove that you can play a RPG or move on to the lesser games.
Also, there are tons of guilds out there you can join. It only takes 30 seconds to look at the recruitment threads on the UBISOFT forums.
The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
I can't believe you just said "prove that you can play an RPG" Shadowbane is not an RPG, it's a gankfest. The maturity level in the game is so low scientists have not even created a scale of measurement small enough to measure it. Anyone can play shadowbane. Find people not ready to fight, gank them, then claim ur uber in PvP. I could train a monkey to do that. RPG = Role Playing Game. Role Playing. Not Gank Playing. I would say unto you, prove that you can Role Play and not Gank Play. Who cares about your city and provoking a new player to bane your city is pretty tactless. Again I say, this game hasn't changed.
"Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves." ~ Ronald Reagan
guess I wont play this game
LOL, people take it so hard when they die in Shadowbane its hilarious. Its called, keep trying to get better and then you can get back at the people who got you when you were a lowbie. I will say it is hard to get into a decent guild anymore because most guilds don't want to deal with new players who don't know anything but there are the recruitment threads and you CAN find guilds that take new players. And just because a guildmate kills you doesn't make them terrible. Sometimes people will do that to see how people react, or sometimes they are being assholes, lol.
BUT I believe thats what makes Shadowbane great, if someone pisses you off you can do something about it, they cannot hide like in most games.
Too many crybabies out there now playing are used to carebear games and get butt hurt after playing SB.
Shadowbane has enough problems as is so its not like people even care about whether or not new players are coming in. If they ever wipe the servers, all the old players will come back as always for a while at least.
Sorry, but Shadowbane did not die because of the PvP / ganking issues. It died because the original dev team did not listen to the community that demanded they fix bugs rather than release expansions. I was an original player way back on Fear server, and it was very seldom people complained about the PvP is SB, SB IS PVP. If you want PvP and social interactions, there is no better game yet on the market. I think AoC may change that, but I am still waiting for my beta invite to see if that is true.
Shadowbane has actual done now, what it should have done years ago. Inter-tree transport without changing guild. Seadogs rest and a account vault for items. Potions to equalize the dual account buff bot issues. Fixes for lots of pathing bugs.
After taking a 2 year break from SB and playing WoW, DAoC, and Beta testing Tabula Rasa, I have actually returned to SB, and am pleasantly surprised at how much fun I am still having with this game.
Yes, there are not a lot of new players, but it does not mean the game is not fun, I consider it kind of like Nascar now. There is a set field of players that all want to be number #1 and everyone strives for that.
I certainly do not think Shadowbane is ever going to suddenly become big again, I doubt even the current dev staff even expects that. Those of us that are playing are just having fun. No expectations, no rush to level, just kinda cruising around the track in an endless circle enjoying the ride and the thrill![:) :)](
I was one of the first to join SB as well. I can't believe your biggest complaint was getting ganked alot in it.
My biggest complaint was the PVP was the worst i've ever seen in a pvp centric game of any kind.
My group of dwarfs would all pile on top of each other, occupying the same space, (think einstein proved thats impossible) and just rip partys apart that came at us.
It was one of the lowest forms of pvp i've played. Loved the world, classes, city building seiging etc. But somthing as small as collision detection would have made this game great. Without it, its the worst out there and always will be. The few niche pvp players that like it and say the pvp is great suck at real pvp games.
I'm sorry you tried this game but you didn't even last till you got to see the worst aspects of it!! (not talking about being summoned and killed). The worst part of this game was the end game pvp when you could compete.
If they ever put this game for sale i'd hope somone would buy it and put in some basic physics so the strategy in pvp didn't feel so fake.
"Baning Smokers from public places is like baning people from water who like to pee."
"as small as collision detection"
LOL, give me a break, other than UO, what good PvP game HAS collision detection?
WoW? No
Collision detection is one of the HARDEST things you can implement in a game.
SB has the best PvP of any fantasy game hands down.
Edited to elaborate:
Its sad when the earliest 3D MMO in the world had collision detections and its so rare in almost all MMO's after.
I still think EQ PvP was the most fun ive had in pvp ever, even when there was lvl 10s in lvl 40 binded gear. 4 Fat ogres and a couple erudite wizzys could cause havok with players LOS and ability to move around the feild freely.
Just imagine if you could stack 10+ erudite wizzys in 1 spot and put a fat ogre standing over them all, Thats Shadowbane.
"Baning Smokers from public places is like baning people from water who like to pee."
Yes around lvl 20 or so, once you leave the newbie area, it is imperative that you join a guild of some sort. Not to mention, this isn't much of a solo game, most of the gameplay focuses on guild wars and sieges. If you expected a quest heavy mmo ala eq or wow, you're in for a dissapointment. This game is all about what you refer to as player killing, and the people who play this game, play it cause thats what they like. If that isnt your cup of tea, try a more "safe" and casual game, which includes most other mmos except maybe eve online.
Shadowbane is one of the best pvp games on the market.
Totally free and unrestricted.
Just because you are not good at it (get killed alot) doesn't make it a bad game. Maybe it just means it's not your kind of game. Going up against human AI is not everyone's cup of tea - most people would just rather whack at a staionary mob (like in Archlord or L2) and have it die after 4 or 6 hits.
WoW - there's a challenge for yah! whew.... that mob almost killed me!
There is nothing like the pvp of Shadowbane where you are actually contantly on the look out for other players... so many different classes, skills, ways to play your character....
Too bad the pve sucks, graphics are dated and lag can get pretty bad with the zerg guilds.
anyone know the name of the guild leader? I was in that guild (I believe) right when the game was released. At the time, we weren't an overly large guild and were peaceful. The time I was in that guild, not one castle siege. Anywho, I think the leaders were destynalia and Steven or something.
this game is best with emotion,time,passion, and relationships (friendships) a true pvp mmo with features never matched in any mmo to date. to say this game sux, after playing your char to 30, and whining about getting pked, shows what kind of gamer you are. just a sub par nub, go play your ps3.
Arvainis said, "Sounds like nothing has changed in this game. It was fun for awhile but a casual player simply can't keep up. "
Thats about the most uninformed dumbass thing I've read, heck half of some of these noobs say after getting ganked once or twice makes me laugh. Go back to WoW, please. Really. And if your supposedly a vet, then you know you can play casually and still compete.
Obviously the only PvP WoW players get is to troll other game forums and trash games they've never played.
I came back to SB after a few years. I have a job, go to college, and have a 4 yr old daughter, so I am very much so a casual player, but I at least know enough to join a guild, build my character, get what I need to make it viable in pvp, then give it a go.
It's a PvP enviornment. Expect to die. Alot. There is a steep learning curve, but a good guild makes this easier. Reading the forums is a must. Learning how to play your character and maximizing yor strengths, and more importantly, learning your enemies strengths and weaknesses is the only way you will become good at pvp in this game.
This is not WoW, or some asian MMO where you raid for Uber gear and then WTF Pwn everyone and everything in the first week. If you come here understanding that your going to have to learn the ropes, and that there are skills and strategies that must be understood, then you have a good shot at having a great experience in the best pvp game ever made.
postscipt @ Xcodes
about the community being full of irredeemable trash.
Yes, there are immature buttheads in this game, but I've played everything from UO, EQ1, AC1(Best game) AO, DAoC(still play), Planetside, Ryzom, and gave Vanguard a try (waste of 50 bucks), and I have yet to find a game devoid of dumbasses. Some of the best people to play MMOs came from my guild in SB.
Alot of good people still play this game. If you give it a chance instead of writing it off the first tme you get ganked, you might find out what a gem this oldie but goodie actually is.
But it seems you decided to trash a game you know nothing about. You cant spend a few days in a game some of us have been playing for years and make a snap judgment about the community because of your ineptness and lack of guts.
Hell, my wife played this game and after getting ganked the first time she ported off the noob island, she wrote the name of the guy down and after 4 months of learning the character and game she finally ran into the guy while looking for Traveller and owned him one on one.
--Seems like she has bigger balls than you.
"as small as collision detection"
LOL, give me a break, other than UO, what good PvP game HAS collision detection?
WoW? No
Collision detection is one of the HARDEST things you can implement in a game.
SB has the best PvP of any fantasy game hands down.
AC Darktide has collision detection. I think no one would disagree that it was a benchmark for PvP in the early days. It is probably more active than SB. There were 600+ log on a few days ago. Just my two cents.
Arvainis said, "Sounds like nothing has changed in this game. It was fun for awhile but a casual player simply can't keep up. "
Thats about the most uninformed dumbass thing I've read, heck half of some of these noobs say after getting ganked once or twice makes me laugh. Go back to WoW, please. Really. And if your supposedly a vet, then you know you can play casually and still compete.
Obviously the only PvP WoW players get is to troll other game forums and trash games they've never played.
I came back to SB after a few years. I have a job, go to college, and have a 4 yr old daughter, so I am very much so a casual player, but I at least know enough to join a guild, build my character, get what I need to make it viable in pvp, then give it a go.
It's a PvP enviornment. Expect to die. Alot. There is a steep learning curve, but a good guild makes this easier. Reading the forums is a must. Learning how to play your character and maximizing yor strengths, and more importantly, learning your enemies strengths and weaknesses is the only way you will become good at pvp in this game.
This is not WoW, or some asian MMO where you raid for Uber gear and then WTF Pwn everyone and everything in the first week. If you come here understanding that your going to have to learn the ropes, and that there are skills and strategies that must be understood, then you have a good shot at having a great experience in the best pvp game ever made.
postscipt @ Xcodes
about the community being full of irredeemable trash.
Yes, there are immature buttheads in this game, but I've played everything from UO, EQ1, AC1(Best game) AO, DAoC(still play), Planetside, Ryzom, and gave Vanguard a try (waste of 50 bucks), and I have yet to find a game devoid of dumbasses. Some of the best people to play MMOs came from my guild in SB.
Alot of good people still play this game. If you give it a chance instead of writing it off the first tme you get ganked, you might find out what a gem this oldie but goodie actually is.
But it seems you decided to trash a game you know nothing about. You cant spend a few days in a game some of us have been playing for years and make a snap judgment about the community because of your ineptness and lack of guts.
Hell, my wife played this game and after getting ganked the first time she ported off the noob island, she wrote the name of the guy down and after 4 months of learning the character and game she finally ran into the guy while looking for Traveller and owned him one on one.
--Seems like she has bigger balls than you."
That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!
So you rewrote all that to put a smiley face? Too much free time?
So you rewrote all that to put a smiley face? Too much free time?"
That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!